Educational Excellence
School Advisory Council

7541 North Miami Beach Senior High School

Verified EESAC Meeting Minutes for:    02/18/2010  03:00 PM

Please contact the school for a formatted hard copy of these minutes.

Recording Secretary:    Marina Montesino

Location of meeting:    Media Center

Was a quorum established?    Yes

Was the meeting advertised?    Yes,  02/02/2010


Members Present:

Montesino, Marina (Teacher)
Milliken, Randy A (Alternate Principal)
Krantz, Sharon (Teacher)
Lazarre, Geraldine (Parent)
Noel, Medjine (Student)

Members Absent (Excused):

Poitier, Corey (Teacher)
Pratt, Julie (Teacher)
Cohen, Linda (Alternate Teacher/Paraprofessional)
Clerizier, Edma (Educational Support Employee)
Rountree, Michael (Alternate Educational Support)
Aguire, Berkis (Parent)
Benoit, Ducaisse (Parent)
Camacho, Sergio (Student)
Cyprien, Christina (Student)
Belmont, Heather (Business/Community Representative)
Bontemps, Langeda (Student)

Members Absent (Unexcused):

No one had an unexcused absence.

Others Present:

Dr. Charlene Olicker (Assistant Principal)
Ridore, Billy (Assistant Principal)

Topics Covered:

I. Welcomes and Introduction/Assignment of Timekeeper

II. Introductions:

A. All Members present introduced themselves

III. Approval of January Minutes: P Stauffer motioned to approve minutes for January. V. Martin seconded Motioned passed

IV. Old Business:

A. EESAC Financial Statement/Report
B. R. Fontana said that there are funds in the ESSAC Account
C. P. Stauffer brought up the encumbered monies for last years students that had not been awarded the computers from lap tops from ESSAC. V. Martin explained that computers were not given out but that calculator money for Mr. Nesmith had been granted
D. Title I Report: School is at 79% Mr. Ridore explained that he and his team continue to work effortlessly to ensure students are bringing in Lunch Forms
E. Review of 09-10 School Improvement Plan, discussion & recommendations: M. Montesino discussed the Mid –Year review which contained all the data information of the interim assessments. She will bring in a copy of the MID-Year Review for the next meeting

V. New Business

A. Dr. Olicker requested $1000.00 for incentives for 11th graders taking the Science FCAT exam. She will be conducting Science camp during the FCAT Reading & Math exam. The money will be to purchase postage for mailing informational letters to parents, purchase snacks and highlighters for students. P. Stauffer supported fund request. R. Fontana asked about the monetary amount for the postage, snacks, & highlighters Dr. Olicker explained that the snacks came out to approximately $0.90 each, the highlighters $1.30 each and the cost of postage. G. Lazzarre questioned reasoning for fund request explaining that the items for incentives & postage would not cost $500. P. Stauffer motioned to pass request. G. Lazzare motioned to reduce fund request to $500. P. Stauffer seconded the motion. Other members requested a further discussion regarding requested amount. G. Lazzarre questioned the amount requested questioning the postage need for parent mailers. Dr. Olicker explained that students usually do not relay information to their parents and the mailers would ensure that parents are aware that the students need to be in school during the FCAT exam days to participate in the Science camp. S, Krantz supported Dr. Olicker’s reasoning for the parent mailers. B. Ridore made the suggestion to re-examine the original fund request of $1000. V Martin motioned to grant the original $1000. P. Stauffer stated that G. Lazzare had to withdraw her original motion of $500. G. Lazzarre withdrew her motion. V. Martin motioned to grant the $1000. S. Krantz seconded the motion. P. Stauffer requested discussion. No Discussion. Motioned passed

B. P. Stauffer presented proposal for Baseball team request for baseball equipment in the amount $957.62. V. Martin supported proposal. P. Stauffer discussed the consequences of opening up ESSAC funding for athletic equipment and was concerned that they needed equipment. R. Fontana supported P. Stauffer. R. Milliken stated the need for some of the equipment because of safety. R. Fontana stated that he would purchase some of the items for the baseball team. Motioned denied

VI. Reports & Updates

A. Students

a. M. Noel reported seniors took their Panoramic Pictures this week. Also that Prom had been changed from Friday to Saturday thanks to Mr. Fontana Lastly she had been accepted to University of Florida

B. PTA & Parents

a. PTA offering scholarship for graduating Senior of $1000 for one year or $2000 for two years. Student’s parent must be active in the PTSA
b. Ten parents will be volunteering during FCAT day to help with snack & lunch distribution
c. Parents are concerned about safety issues in the school, so they will be holding a Safety Rally (2/27/2010) for parents to meet with administrators, community partners regarding drugs, weapons, & gangs
d. PTA will be offering 5 $500 scholarships for teachers that submit “Creative Learning Ideas” for their classrooms
e. Next PTSA meeting TBA

C. Faculty & Staff

a. V. Martin CREW Workshops (Community Real-estate Education for Women) offering workshop for GEM Club members
b. S. Krantz Informed that 15 Haitian students have registered from Haiti that were victims of the earthquake. ACT Prep class is being provided for Non FCAT passers 4 days a week for 1:15 for 87 students. Dual enrollment classes for Psychology and Engineering have been placed in the curriculum

A. Administration

a. R. Fontana informed the members of the Town Hall Meeting on February 24 at Krop SHS.
b. P. Stauffer asked Mr. Fontana to elaborate on the safety issue in school. Mr. Fontana explained that we are continuing with the procedures we have in place. Mr. Milliken added that one of the best systems we have in place is the comfort level of students coming to administrators and or teachers to inform of any problems at the school.
c. R. Fontana informed the members that the class of 1976 has decided to fundraise for the Robotics Club


a. G. Lazzare suggested we send out a news letter or Connect Ed message of the good things that are going on within North Miami Beach SHS
b. P. Stauffer brought up the Saunders scholarship and how much was the amount of scholarship money. R. Fontana said he would look into the scholarship amount.

A. Schedule of next ESSAC Meeting:

a. Decision was made to make next month’s meeting a late meeting corresponding with the PTSA meeting so the date of the next ESSAC Meeting is to be announced