Educational Excellence
School Advisory Council

7141 Dr. Michael M. Krop Senior High School

Verified EESAC Meeting Minutes for:    12/05/2007  02:55 PM

Please contact the school for a formatted hard copy of these minutes.

Recording Secretary:    Xandra Lilavois

Location of meeting:    Library Information Center

Was a quorum established?    Yes

Was the meeting advertised?    Yes,  08/08/2007


Members Present:

Welker, Matthew J (Principal)
Garnica, Francisco (Alternate Principal)
Beightol, Shawn (Union Steward)
Buncher, David (Teacher)
Higgins, Connie (Teacher)
Hirko, Paul (Teacher)
Lilavois, Xandra (Teacher)
Lesperance, Georges (Alternate Teacher/Paraprofessional)
Delgado, Milie (Parent)
Gayoso, Sharon (Parent)
Hodson, Karen (Parent)
Kettler, Robyn (Parent)
Akinin, David (Student)
Johnson, Michael (Business/Community Representative)
Martinez, Sandra (Business/Community Representative)
Urbáez Weinberg, Luz (Business/Community Representative)

Members Absent (Excused):

Rosenfield, Jean (Teacher)
Lopez, Grace (Educational Support Employee)
Meister, Talya (Parent)

Members Absent (Unexcused):

No one had an unexcused absence.

Others Present:

Pierre, Bernadette (Teacher)
Hemp, Robert (Teacher)
Arnold, Gersie (Teacher)
Gold, Rita (Teacher)
Keller, Melissa (Teacher)
Smith, Ruth (Teacher)
Simmons, Debra (Teacher)
Williams, Adrena (Assistant Principal)
Tzur, Debra (Parent)

Topics Covered:

The meeting was called to order at 2:55 P.M. by Connie Higgins

The minutes for the last meeting were approved and the minutes for the October meeting were approved with revisions.

Dr. Welker began a discussion about the district strategic plan: Perceptions of goals; recommendations/amendments and additions to goals. Krop has done well in meeting district goals.

Dr. Welker asked EESAC to identify three things the district has done well for the past three years and would like to continue for next three years. Dr. Welker made a number of suggestions: There has been a concerted effort and obvious shift in business transparency and greater involvement of parents. We have done better work in meeting and retaining new teachers, MINT, AP3, and new educational support; and a concerted effort has been made to engage family and community members (e.g. Parent Conference Days)

The discussion continued and additional ideas were presented by members: Recruit/develop/retain employees in critical areas that are facing M-DCPS in next three years. The current educational model is no longer relevant; salaries, benefits, and other issues related to retention; staff development/time to plan or dialogue effectively.

Mr. Beightol added the idea that there needs to be a shift in philosophy in management – from central to school site. The key areas where we need the most improvement include the teacher starting salaries okay but does not keep up with cost of living as they move up in the steps. Security and other support personnel need more attention paid to their salaries as well. These personnel must work over ten years to get $20,000 (Melissa Keller agrees). Housing and cost of living keep rising.

Dr. Welker shared some statistics about American students’ knowledge. ACT/SAT scores climbing every year but the FCAT exists everywhere in the state.

Ms. Williams explained that a survey is being completed today during the meeting regarding the district goals. The first question is what are the three areas on which we have done well as a district (question already covered by Dr. Welker, so committee moved on). On number of ideas were presented: Global economy = internship/dual enrollment – not fulfilling the needs of students.

Ms. Simmons stated that internship requirements are different in Broward county. Students must turn in specific documents and work on writing skills. The curriculum must be reformed to become more relevant to all stakeholders

Mr. Lesperance added that education is not business. The approach needs to be more social. The whole model not working.

Consensus was reached on terminology for new SIP sheet. Mr. Beightol would like to begin the process for next year’s SIP now or after the mid year review.

An update was provided on the mini-retreat that was conducted in reference to the annex: Communication will be key in the process. Specific groups of ninth graders will be housed at the annex. Department chairs will discuss the dtails with their respective departments. Mr. Lesperance said we should be secure in the idea that annex would be place students would want to attend.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:34 P.M.