Educational Excellence
School Advisory Council

0521 Broadmoor Elementary School

Verified EESAC Meeting Minutes for:    12/09/2008  03:15 PM

Please contact the school for a formatted hard copy of these minutes.

Recording Secretary:    Barbara Hampton

Location of meeting:    Media Center

Was a quorum established?    Yes

Was the meeting advertised?    Yes,  07/16/2008


Members Present:

Klein, Linda G (Principal)
Hampton, Barbara (Union Steward)
Fernandez, Sonia (Teacher)
Quintero, Amparo (Teacher)
Rivera, JoAnn (Teacher)
Russ, Brunda (Teacher)
Scott-Smith, Tameka (Teacher)
Salley, Chantea (Alternate Teacher/Paraprofessional)
Rosario, Wanda (Educational Support Employee)
Rodriguez, Carmen (Alternate Educational Support)
Diaz, Jorge (Parent)
Hosey, Tawana (Parent)
Johnson, Moses (Parent)
Oneill, Miguelina (Parent)
Robinson, Petra (Parent)
Rosario, Franklin (Parent)
Biggers, Dorothy (Alternate Parent)
Turner, Margie (Student)
Manrique-Paneque, Cindy (Alternate Student)
Riveiro, Vivian (Business/Community Representative)
Scarr, Detta (Business/Community Representative)

Members Absent (Excused):

There were no excused absences.

Members Absent (Unexcused):

There were no unexcused absences.

Others Present:

No one else was present.

Topics Covered:

1. Approval of Minutes: The Minutes were approved as read.
2. School Operations: There were no School Operations discussed at this time.
3. School Improvement Plan: The School Improvement Plan was reviewed. We are beginning the mid-year review process. At this time there are no major changes; however, a few updates and additions will be added and brought to the EESAC Committee for review.
4. Curriculum Issues: Due to the fact that Broadmoor is a Correct II school, we have been provided additional support from the district. Ms. Mejia is our new Interventionist and will be working daily with our lowest 25% in reading.
5. Budget: The EESAC committee is still waiting for the final word from the district before we commit to any particular spending of EESAC Funds.
6. New Business: There was no New Business discussed.
7. Meeting adjourned at 3:55 pm.