Educational Excellence
School Advisory Council

0521 Broadmoor Elementary School

Verified EESAC Meeting Minutes for:    10/11/2011  03:30 PM

Please contact the school for a formatted hard copy of these minutes.

Recording Secretary:    Marina A. Prieto

Location of meeting:    Media Center

Was a quorum established?    Yes

Was the meeting advertised?    Yes,  09/02/2011


Members Present:

Klein, Linda G (Principal)
Welch, JoAnne (Union Steward)
Prieto, Marina (Teacher)
Quintero, Amparo (Teacher)
Rivera, JoAnn (Teacher)
Salley, Chantea (Teacher)
Wooten, Chaneqa (Teacher)
Scott -Smith, Tameka (Alternate Teacher/Paraprofessional)
Rosario, Wanda (Educational Support Employee)
Velazquez, Mayelin (Alternate Educational Support)
Davis, Deloris (Parent)
Garcia, Zayda (Parent)
Hosey, Tawana (Parent)
Medina, Eva (Parent)
Rosario, Franklin (Parent)
Valladares, Margarita (Parent)
Hamilton, Yesenia (Alternate Parent)
Lockhart, Mya (Student)
Rosario, Anayis (Alternate Student)
Riveiro, Vivian (Business/Community Representative)
Scarr, Detta (Business/Community Representative)

Members Absent (Excused):

No one had an excused absence.

Members Absent (Unexcused):

No one had an unexcused absence.

Others Present:

No one else was present.

Topics Covered:

1. Approval of Meeting Minutes: Last month’s meeting minutes were reviewed and approved.
2. Review of the 2011-2012 School Improvement Plan (SIP):

The SIP has been sent to the State of Florida. The strategies set forth in this document are to be implemented in class accordingly.
3. School Operations: no School Operation items.
4. Curriculum Issues:

The District Fall Interim Assessments will be administered next week (10-17-11). Hopefully, students will show gains.

F.A.I.R testing: Due the recent influx of new students to Broadmoor Elementary School, F.A.I.R. testing will be conducted for these students tomorrow.

5. Budget: Go Math! Kits (except for third grade which is on back order) have been distributed. There is approximately $1900 available in EESAC funds. This money is to be spent school wide. In other words, no one grade level should spend the entire amount.

Question; Can these funds be used to purchase a gasoline powered hedge trimmer and a commercial vacuum?

Answer: EESAC funds may be used (as in the past) to purchase these types of items provided that the committee has voted and the majority would have to agree on the expenditure.

Outcome: EESAC voted to consider the purchase, but want pricing information prior to making a final decision.

6. Title I: Broadmoor Elementary School is in compliance with Title I (mandatory parent orientation meeting, all documents have been submitted, Parent Involvement Plan has been completed and uploaded.

7. New Business: no New Business items.

8. Adjourn: Meeting was adjourned at 4:30 p.m.