Educational Excellence
School Advisory Council

0521 Broadmoor Elementary School

Verified EESAC Meeting Minutes for:    10/02/2014  04:30 PM

Please contact the school for a formatted hard copy of these minutes.

Recording Secretary:    Marina A. Prieto

Location of meeting:    Media Center

Was a quorum established?    Yes

Was the meeting advertised?    Yes,  08/18/2014


Members Present:

Riaz, Omar (Principal)
Moore, Crystel (Teacher)
Prieto, Marina (Teacher)
Quintero, Amparo (Teacher)
Rivera, JoAnn (Teacher)
Salley, Chantea (Teacher)
Hume, Linda (Alternate Teacher/Paraprofessional)
Rosario, Wanda (Educational Support Employee)
Hernandez, Carla (Alternate Educational Support)
Castano, Dahiana (Parent)

Members Absent (Excused):

Welch, JoAnne (Union Steward)

Members Absent (Unexcused):

No one had an unexcused absence.

Others Present:

No one else was present.

Topics Covered:

EESAC Meeting Minutes

Call or order
Time: 4:30 p.m.

Ms. Amparo Quintero, EESAC Chairperson, opened the meeting by telling us about some of the handouts that are available to peruse during the meeting: CASAS report (final budget), prior EESAC meeting minutes, and the draft of the School Improvement Plan (SIP).
Bylaws and Roster
The roster has been updated to reflect current administration and members of the 2014-2015 EESAC. We are awaiting the designation of the PTA representative which is pending due to election results. The roster was also updated to reflect the new start date. We are also awaiting a student representative to be voted in to EESAC as well.
Bylaws: The bylaws were revised to reflect that the meetings will take place once a month. The terms for EESAC members were added to this document. For example, a teacher may serve on EESAC no longer than three (3) years. These bylaws were added so that all teachers can actively participate in this committee.
Other: EESAC members are expected to attend all meetings and be on time. In the event that a voting member of EESAC cannot be present, he/she must send an alternate. Ms. Linda B. Hume is the alternate representative for teachers.
Question (Moore): What if more than one (1) teacher is absent or cannot attend?
Answer (Dr. Riaz): At least eight (8) people must be present to have a quorum.
Review/Approve Minutes
EESAC reviewed and approved prior meeting minutes unanimously.
School Improvement Plan (SIP)
The new goals and strategies in the SIP are as a result of the School wide Instructional Review that took place at the school in September. The team gave suggestions in the areas of Reading, Math, and Science. However, unlike in the past, the State of Florida template stipulates one general goal for each content area. Some of the specific strategies that are to be adhered to are as follows: to align our instruction through common planning time, implement the Gradual Release Model (GRM) with fidelity, and focus our learning objectives by having lessons that contain only one standard. Curriculum Support Specialists created these strategies with the Reading Coach, Math Coach, and Assistant Principal. It was a team effort.
There is one goal for the Parental Involvement Plan (PIP). Ms. Rosario will meeting with parents after the results of the parent survey become available.
Student Early Warning System: Our goal is to decrease the number of absent and tardy students. Ms. Constance Alexander is working diligently on this effort.
STEM: It is our goal to increase the number of STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics) experiences at our school. Ms. Chantea Salley, Mathematics Coach is working on a project with students called Dream in Green, Essential Labs are being conducted throughout the year, and Broadmoor will hold a Science Fair later in the year.
Next week, the State of Florida will review the SIP. The SIP will then be reviewed by the District. By Friday, we expect to upload the template. This will be a living document that can be adjusted and tweaked as needed.
The Action Plan will be sent out to stakeholders in the areas of Reading, Mathematics, and Science.
Motion to approve the draft was unanimously voted upon.
Title I: A separate (PIP) has been completed. It is posted on the school website: A hard copy can also be found in the office of Ms. Wanda Rosario, Community Involvement Specialist.
Ms. Rosario has been working on meetings with parents.
Additionally, we were able to purchase an additional teacher through Title I.
RtI/Leadership Team Reviews/Updates
Thank you to Ms. Maria Y. Rodriguez, Assistant Principal and Dr. Joann Rivera, ESE Chairperson for their efforts in the RtI (Response to Intervention) process. We were able to generate additional teaching positions as a result of their hard work.
Motion to approve the template was unanimously approved.
Open Forum/Discussions
School Operations
Question (Dr. Rivera): Why don’t all students have internet access on their District issued laptops?
Answer (Dr. Riaz): WIFI hotspots was promised, but the District is working on the issue.
Question (Dr. Rivera): Will there be a second deployment?
Answer (Dr. Riaz): The District will resume their efforts in the near future.
Question (Moore): What if there is more than one sibling, can they get more than one laptop?
Answer (Dr. Riaz): Yes. One per student.
Dr. Riaz commented that since the Opening of Schools, he is pleased to report that the procedures set in place regarding parents and visitors in the building are being followed.
Comment (Moore): Thank you for the side gate procedure. The congestion in the hallway has been eliminated.
Comment (Rosario): It is a good measure to increase security for students and parents. Parents are entering the building in the proper way.
Please review the CASAS handout which contains information about the final budget. We were able to purchase 20 teachers because of increased enrollment.

Title I
We were able to purchase an additional teacher through Title I.
Dr. Riaz commented that Ms. Rosario had a good idea. She will distribute a pamphlet that explains why we are a Title I school and other questions about the terminology used at our school. The document will be available in English and Spanish.
Question (Moore): Are we going to offer classes for parents as we have done in the past?

Answer (Rosario): Yes. As soon as we collect the surveys that were sent out about areas of interest, we will create classes for parents based on these interests. There are TPA workshops that will be offered by many schools and parents will have a choice of locations. Schedule TBA.
New Business
Question (Moore): Can we offer any afterschool enrichment activities such as dance, martial arts, etc.?
Answer (Dr. Riaz): Yes. However, if it is an outside vendor, they need to be approved by the District. If teachers are volunteering, we need to have a permission form signed by parents. We are not a community school that has an existing infrastructure for approved personnel, budgets, and procedures or a mechanism to collect funding.
Question (Salley): Can we have some evening events?
Answer (Dr. Riaz): Yes. I would like for parents and students to experience evening events and presentations.
Question (Prieto): Perhaps, if we have more of these events, monies could be raised to redecorate the stage with props or a back drop.
Comment (Dr. Riaz): Those items sometimes can be funded through the PTA, donations or fundraisers.

Adjourned: 5:20 p.m.