Educational Excellence
School Advisory Council

0521 Broadmoor Elementary School

Verified EESAC Meeting Minutes for:    02/18/2016  04:30 PM

Please contact the school for a formatted hard copy of these minutes.

Recording Secretary:    Crystel Moore

Location of meeting:    Media Center

Was a quorum established?    No

Was the meeting advertised?    Yes,  08/24/2015


Members Present:

Welch, JoAnne (Union Steward)
Edwards-Jerry, Kativa (Teacher)
Grisales, Paola (Teacher)
Moore, Crystel (Teacher)
Prieto, Marina (Teacher)
Quintero, Amparo (Teacher)
Johnson, Shandela (Alternate Teacher/Paraprofessional)
Rosario, Wanda (Educational Support Employee)
Hernandez, Carla (Alternate Educational Support)
Castano, Dahiana (Parent)
Davis, Kesha (Parent)
Dietrich, Syreeta (Parent)
Dubon, Kathy (Parent)
Infante, Rhina (Parent)
Linares, Dexsi (Parent)
Soriano, Marta (Alternate Parent)
Garcia, Heidy (Student)
Narcisso, Shania (Alternate Student)
Garcia, Yvonnie (Business/Community Representative)
Martinez, Maribel (Business/Community Representative)

Members Absent (Excused):

Riaz, Omar (Principal)
Marina A. Prieto (Secretary)
Wanda Rosario (Educational Support Personnel)

Members Absent (Unexcused):

No one had an unexcused absence.

Others Present:

Rodriguez, Maria Y. (Assistant Principal)

Topics Covered:

• Meeting Opened: 4:30 pm
Recording Secretary: Crystel Moore
Rodriguez, Maria (Assistant Principal)
Welch, JoAnne (Union Steward)
Edwards-Jerry, Kativa (Teacher)
Grisales, Paola (Teacher)
Moore, Crystel (Teacher)
Quintero, Ampro (Teacher)
Johnson, Shandela (Alternate Teacher/Professional)

Members Absent (Excused):
Riaz, Omar (Principal)
Prieto, Marina (Teacher)
Rosario, Wanda (Educational Support Employee)

• Handouts: Meeting minutes and today’s agenda.
Review/Approve Minutes from Prior Meeting
• Mrs. Quintero asked everyone to review last EESAC meeting minutes. No corrections were needed. .
• Mrs. Quintero made the motion for the approval of the minutes and Mrs. Grisales approved.
SIP Review/Updates
• Mrs. Quintero: Are there any SIP Reviews/Updates?
• Based on our Mid-Year Reflection, we are continuously striving to work on our goals/strategies. Ms. Rodriguez provided Science updates: Our Mid-Year Science Assessment data denoted that our students are 31% proficient. In order to remediate the deficiencies, Mad Science (Morning Tutoring) and Saturday Academy is currently being offered as support.
RtI/Leadership Team Reviews/Updates
• Mrs. Quintero: Are there any RtI/Leadership Team Reviews/Updates?
• RtI’s Leadership Team met and reviewed referral packets. Currently we have 5 students being monitored and 16 students in process. To date there are 13 cases that have been opened.
Open Forum/Discussion
• Mrs. Quintero: Are there any Open Forum/Discussion?
• No replies were made for School Operations.
• Curriculum Issues
WIDA is a new test for ESOL students and starts with grades K - 5. It has now replaced the CELLA and is a highly intensified test.
Budget Reviews/Updates
• Mrs. Quintero: Are there any Budget Reviews/Updates?
• We purchased 2 new laptop carts for the school.
Title I
Mrs. Quintero: Are there any Title I business?
• Parent Academy training was held this Wednesday.
• Are there any Comments/Concerns?
• No one from the EESAC replied, so there are no comments/concerns.
• Ms. Quintero motioned for the meeting to be adjourned.
• Mrs. Edwards-Jerry seconded the motion.
Meeting adjourned at 4:40 p.m.