Educational Excellence
School Advisory Council

0521 Broadmoor Elementary School

Verified EESAC Meeting Minutes for:    10/13/2016  03:35 PM

Please contact the school for a formatted hard copy of these minutes.

Recording Secretary:    Marina A. Prieto

Location of meeting:    Media Center

Was a quorum established?    Yes

Was the meeting advertised?    Yes,  08/24/2016


Members Present:

Riaz, Omar (Principal)
Welch, JoAnne (Union Steward)
Edwards-Jerry, Kativa (Teacher)
Grisales, Paola (Teacher)
Moore, Crystel (Teacher)
Prieto, Marina (Teacher)
Quintero, Amparo (Teacher)
Johnson, Shandela (Alternate Teacher/Paraprofessional)
Rosario, Wanda (Educational Support Employee)

Members Absent (Excused):

No one had an excused absence.

Members Absent (Unexcused):

No one had an unexcused absence.

Others Present:

Tiffany James
Avrell James

Topics Covered:

EESAC Meeting Minutes – 10/13/16
3:35 p.m.
Last month’s meeting minutes: No changes.
Motion to approve last month’s meeting minutes (Quintero)
Motion carried (all)
New attendees: Mr. Avrell James (parent)
Handouts: meeting minutes, agenda, CASAS Detail by School report.
Review Bylaws/Roster
Changes were made to the bylaws and roster. We are ready to remove topic #2 from the agenda. The roster will need to be reviewed. At the next meeting, those parents who were elected to be part of EESAC as a result of a vote that took place at the Title I meeting for September 2016, will be part of the roster. There are six (6) parents with voting rights at EESAC and one (1) alternate who also has voting rights only if one of the six voting members is not present.
Giselle Talavera, Tiffany James, Avrell James (alternate), Michael Coronel, Ivania Umana, Emma Paz, and Marta Soriano.
The following students will be added to the roster:
Lee-Ann James (alternate student)
Additional change to the roster: remove Marina A. Prieto, Recording Secretary. There will be an election held at next Wednesday’s faculty to fill this position. Ms. Prieto has taken a position with the District at Title I.

SIP Review/Updates
We are pending a final vote to approve this document. The vote will take place at the next faculty meeting. The School-wide Instructional Review (SIR) guides the action plan written into the SIP which has already been submitted to the State of Florida. Our school is migrating from Tier 3 to Tier 2 status, a draft is still submitted. This is part of Differential Accountability.
RtI (Response to Intervention)
Ms. Joyce Budowsky is our new school psychologist. Our school is working to address her guidelines for case management. Tomorrow will be our first meeting with her. Please ensure that RtI packets are accurate prior to submittal.
Question (A. James): What does the psychologist test?
Answer (Dr. Riaz): She identifies students who are eiligible for services such as SPED (Special Education) and Gifted. The Gifted program has an accelerated curriculum and generally students need to score greater than 130 in order to qualify for the program. She uses testing such as Woodcut Johnson and RIAS.
School Operations
Mr. Castells, SPED Resource Teacher, is filling in for Ms. Sara Wood during her maternity leave. He will also fill in for Ms. Grisales in the next few months.

Curriculum Issues
A School-wide Instructional Review (SIR) was conducted at our school today. It appears that Broadmoor will change from a Tier 3 to Tier 2 school.
Question (Jerry): Can we purchase additional apprentice level books for intervention?
Answer (Dr. Riaz): Send me the information and we will look into this request.
Answer (Quintero): There are ebooks available on the McGraw Hill portal. You can use the Smart Board to display the book.
Budget Updates:
Please refer to the CASAS Detail by School report.
Dr. Riaz explained that twenty (20) teachers were generated. He explained the line items and column headings that feed the totals. Dr. Riaz also explained the following:
70500000 730000 513700 52000000 Support
Discretionary Funding used to pay for an assistant principal position, one school secretary, one registrar, and custodians. These are discretionary funds.
67820000 521100 514500 52004263
This funding shows the allocation for two (2) SPED teachers.
66000000 513100 514400 ESOL Self Cont K-3
One entire ESOL class
663000000 513100 514400 52001007 Bilingual Curr Con
This is the allocation for a Spanish Teacher (Ms. Blanco)
6600000 513100 514400 52001006 English Second Lan
This is the allocation for an ESOL teacher (Ms. Ortiz)
601000000 510100 551000 Supplies $7,864
Start amount for school year. There will be more monies later in October.
95830000 510100 551000 Supplies $2,088
EESAC budget. There will be a vote later in the year on how to utilize these funds school wide.
6790000 521300 551000 Gifted Mesa $212
Funds specifically used for the Gifted program
Question (Welch) Does aftercare generate any funding for our school?
Answer (Dr. Riaz): A check is received by the aftercare program. It is not a substantial amount. They are posted to the Internal Funds account.
There are many rules in place for discretionary funds. School pictures is an example of how we can subsidize 50% of the cost through this account.
Title I –
Ms. Rosario, Community Involvement Specialist, attended a meeting today. She learned about the new system that allows for documents to be uploaded.
Comment (Rosario): The Parent Academy is initiating efforts to start a food bank for families in need in our community. Unlike other programs in the past, this program includes fresh produce. The boxes will be distributed on the second Tuesday of every month at 3:30 p.m. Please see Ms. Rosario for further details and information. If you know of a family that is in need, please contact me as well. You only need to provide the number of family members, address, etc. Fifty-seven (57) boxes have been already distributed.
New Business –
The Pre-Kindergarten classes have been selected to participate in the Quality Counts program. This will generate approximately $2,500 in funding per class per year. Ms. Welch and Ms. Baluja participated in a webinar. The program also provides Pre K teachers with professional development opportunities as well.
Broadmoor Pre K students are one of eight schools selected to participate in the Home Connect program. Pre K students will be given electronic devices so that students can access programs from the Department of Special Early Childhood.
Laptops were upgraded as of last week. Distribution will take place next Thursday. There will be a letter to parent sent home tomorrow. This is for students in grades 3-5. If there are surplus devices, they will be available for classroom use.

Question (A. James): When do students return the laptops?
Answer (Dr. Riaz): At the end of the school year.
Comment (A. James): This is great. I would have loved this when I was in school.
Question (A. James): What about internet access?
Answer (Dr. Riaz): There is a program provided by Comcast that costs $10/month.
Issue (Edwards-Jerry): There are no vegan options for lunch and the food combinations continue to be odd. In the past, there was a different menu option for teachers such as salad with tuna, chicken wings, etc. Other schools have food trucks that visit their school sites.
Answer (Dr. Riaz): The Food and Nutrition Department has worked closely with the Superintendent of Schools, Mr. Alberto Carvalho to ensure that foods are healthy and that they do not contain ingredients such as trans-fat. There is a test kitchen and cafeterias at the school site are not allowed to deviate from the preplanned menu. These meals are delivered throughout the week to our school. The menu is available on the Miami-Dade County Public School app. We can address your concerns with the cafeteria manager and request that salads be available.
Comment (A. James): Does the meal planner eat the food?
Answer (Dr. Riaz): Absolutely.
Comment (Rosario): We need to continue to promote the PTA. There are fourteen (14) teachers and ninety-four parents. We ask for your support.

Motion to Adjourn (Quintero)
Motion carried (all)
Adjourned 4:36 p.m.