Educational Excellence
School Advisory Council

0521 Broadmoor Elementary School

Verified EESAC Meeting Minutes for:    09/28/2017  03:30 PM

Please contact the school for a formatted hard copy of these minutes.

Recording Secretary:    Maritza Hernandez

Location of meeting:    Media Center

Was a quorum established?    No

Was the meeting advertised?    Yes,  09/18/2017


Members Present:

Riaz, Omar (Principal)
Welch, JoAnne (Union Steward)
Edwards-Jerry, Kativa (Teacher)
Hernandez, Maritza (Teacher)
Moore, Crystel (Teacher)
Quintero, Amparo (Teacher)
Johnson, Shandela (Alternate Teacher/Paraprofessional)

Members Absent (Excused):

Rosario, Wanda (Educational Support Employee)
Hernandez, Carla (Alternate Educational Support)
Coronel, Michael (Parent)
James, Tiffany (Parent)
Paz, Emma (Parent)
Soriano, Marta (Parent)
Talavera, Guiselle (Parent)
Umana, Ivania (Parent)
James, Arrell (Alternate Parent)
Umana, Brianna (Student)
James, Lee-Ann (Alternate Student)
Garcia, Yvonnie (Business/Community Representative)
Martinez, Maribel (Business/Community Representative)
Grisales, Paola (Teacher)

Members Absent (Unexcused):

No one had an unexcused absence.

Others Present:

No one else was present.

Topics Covered:

EESAC Meeting Minutes 9/28/2017
Last month’s meeting minutes-
Motion to approve last month’s meeting minutes (Jerry)
Motion carried (all)
Introductions/ Welcome:
New attendees: None
Handouts: meeting minutes, agenda, review Bylaws/Roster, budget

Review Bylaws
Everybody has a copy of the EESAC Bylaws for this year. The only thing that has changed was the meeting date verbiage from “Tuesdays” to “once a month”. (Quintero)
Please take a minute to review the updated Bylaws for this year. (Riaz)

If teachers were voted in they serve on the EESAC committee for three years. Parents are voted in every year. (Riaz)
Today after open house I will get together with Ms. Rosario to update the parents’ names who are still participating in EESAC. (Quintero)

Election Results
I have updated the Names of Council Members form to reflect my current re-election date of May 24,2017 which was our last faculty meeting. (Quintero)
Tonight, we will elect new parents to be on the EESAC Committee this year. We are currently looking at Business Community Representatives interested in serving on the EESAC Committee. By the next EESAC meeting parents and Business Community Representatives will have been selected. (Riaz)

2017-2018 Assurances
The EESAC Assurance items will be completed during the school year. The UTD representative, Chairperson and school Principal sign it. (Quintero)

SIP Review/Action Plan Reviews/ Data Updates
Goals, Action Steps and Evidence-The School Improvement Plan parts 1 &3 are almost complete. The Parent Involvement Plan has been changed to Parent and Family Engagement Plan. The formal writing of the Action Plan will be completed by next EESAC Meeting. Dr. G, Ms. Quintero and myself will complete it by the end of this week. We are focusing to improve in two subject areas; writing and math. In writing we would like to focus on the writing process and in math we would like to focus on writing corrective feedback in math books and journals. When the School Improvement Plan has been completed we will share it with our faculty and in our upcoming EESAC Meeting on October 12th, 2017. (Riaz)

As of this past Monday we have completed 99% of testing in reading and 62% of testing in math. I am sure our numbers are higher now. (Riaz)
We would have had 100% tested in reading but today we received a new fourth grader. (Quintero)
Would you be able to see if they were tested in their prior school? (Jerry)
I can see it tomorrow since iReady won’t let me see if she has already been tested. It is the students first day in our school. (Quintero)
Currently only 27% of the students fall into the Tier 3 status which means they are two years below their current grade level. In math only 18% fall into that Tier 3 status. Last school year we had 28% of our students in that Tier 3 status in reading and 22% in math. We are doing a little better this year. (Riaz)

Math Topic Assessments/FSA Assessments
We use G2D (Gateway to Data) to upload our math topic assessment data. The Uploads to Power B.I. through G2D have been unavailable for us to use this year. We will use our own schoolwide method (Google Document Form) to track Reading and Math assessments until further information is available about this issue. (Riaz)

Monthly Instructional Focus
All Differentiated Instruction will be based on iReady profiles. This will make it a little bit cleaner and simpler to do. This will match the Action Plan Cycle in writing and math. (Riaz)

Professional Development
I sent out a Professional Development Needs Survey in the beginning of the year. We did not get enough feedback to offer a professional development course on October 2nd, 2017. The good news is that 100% of the staff has signed up for professional development courses offered by the district. Based on the results from the Professional Development Needs Survey we will decide what professional development course we might offer for the next No-Opt Teacher Planning Day on October 27, 2017. (Riaz)

This summer 2017 we looked at the Professional Development Blueprint. For our academic programs, our strategy is more collaborative planning with use of higher order thinking strategies. In the school culture section, we would like to use SLACK to share best practices. For professional development, we have an issue where our staff goes to receive professional development and we planned for the to share the resources during faculty meetings but we would prefer to share that knowledge using OneDrive and Slack. In school leadership, we wanted teachers to assume leadership roles during common planning and that has been successfully happening. (Riaz)

RTI/Leadership Team
This is the time to start the RTI. Our focus right now is to identify gifted students. We currently have 15 gifted students. We need 30 gifted students to have a full time gifted teacher. (Riaz)

Open Forum/Discussion-
School Operations-
Royal Caribbean is currently painting the school. The landscapers will be come back to pick up the trees that were damaged during Hurricane Irma. They are unable to install a cover over the dismissal area because of permitting issues. They are considering getting a playground for the students. (Riaz)

Curriculum Issues-
How is the EFL program going? (Welch)
This is the first year the EFL program has been implemented from kindergarten to fifth grade with fidelity. We are the only school in our feeder pattern that offers this program. This attracts higher caliber students to our school. (Riaz).
At first parents were hesitant about the program but now they love it. (Rosario)
Dr. G will continue to pass out the social studies books to third, fourth and fifth grade teachers. (Riaz)

Budget Reviews/Updates
We are considering getting a teacher for kindergarten and fourth grade. We have 21 teachers allotted and have 1.01 left over. We need 1.0 to purchase a teacher but would only be able run the school with .01 of an allocation. I will look into that. (Riaz)

Title I
We had a Title I meeting today. (Rosario)

New Business
No new business at this time. (Riaz)

Comments/ Concerns:
No comments/ concerns.

Motion to adjourn (Quintero)
Motion carried (C. Moore)
Adjourned 4:35pm.