Educational Excellence
School Advisory Council

0521 Broadmoor Elementary School

Verified EESAC Meeting Minutes for:    09/06/2018  03:30 PM

Please contact the school for a formatted hard copy of these minutes.

Recording Secretary:    Maritza Hernandez

Location of meeting:    Media Center

Was a quorum established?    Yes

Was the meeting advertised?    Yes,  08/28/2018


Members Present:

Riaz, Omar (Principal)
Welch, JoAnne (Union Steward)
Edwards-Jerry, Kativa (Teacher)
Grisales, Paola (Teacher)
Hernandez, Maritza (Teacher)
Moore, Crystel (Teacher)
Quintero, Amparo (Teacher)
Johnson, Shandela (Alternate Teacher)
Rosario, Wanda (Educational Support Employee)
Rodriguez, Roberto (Parent)
Thompson, Patricia (Parent)
Vazquez, Anna Julia (Parent)
Clinch, Skylar (Student)
Rodriguez, Alisson (Alternate Student)

Members Absent (Excused):

Rodriguez, Gracemelly (Alternate Educational Support)
Castro, Monic (Parent)
Govantes, Ana (Parent)
Puello, Chris (Parent)
Paz, Ileana (Alternate Parent)
Alusma, Mitchoun (Business/Community Representative)
Flores, Jose (Business/Community Representative)

Members Absent (Unexcused):

No one had an unexcused absence.

Others Present:

Galceran, Maritza (Assistant Principal)

Topics Covered:

EESAC Meeting Minutes 9/6/2018
Last meeting minutes-
Motion to approve last month’s meeting minutes (Quintero)
Motion carried (all)
Introductions/ Welcome:
New attendees: none
Handouts: meeting minutes, agenda, review Bylaws/Roster, budget

Please excuse the incorrect date on the EESAC Meeting Agenda of March 23, 2017. We are meeting today September 6, 2018. -Quintero

Verify EESAC Roster
The Educational Excellence School Advisory Council (EESAC) is the sole body responsible for final decision making at the school relating to the implementation of the components of the School Improvement Process. The EESAC's function is to bring together all stakeholders and involve them in an authentic role in decisions which affect instruction and the delivery of programs. If teachers were voted in they serve on the EESAC committee for three years. Parents are voted in every year. (Riaz)

Today before open house I will get together with Ms. Rosario to update the parents’ names who are still participating in EESAC. (Quintero)

We have a set of terms for each position of the EESAC Board. Anyone in our community; student, parent, business owner can attend. Only board members can vote. At the end of last year all our teachers whose terms were up were voted back in. Our parents serve for one year. We do have open positions for parents. We have spots for six parents and one alternate parent. Today we will have a Title I parent meeting and here we will ask interested parents to see Ms. Rosario to join. Tonight, we will elect new parents to be on the EESAC Committee this year. We are currently looking at Business Community Representatives interested in serving on the EESAC Committee. By the next EESAC meeting parents and Business Community Representatives will have been selected. We also have new business representative Jose Flores would like to join our board and Daniel Monert will like to continue in being one of our business representatives. We also have two openings for students. We like to have students who can voice their opinions in our board. That way we can take that input into consideration when implementing new strategies in our school. -Riaz

What grade do the students have to be in to join EESAC? -Welch

They need to be old enough to voice their opinion. -Riaz

I told my daughter if she wanted to be a part of the EESAC Board and her immediate response was “Will we get a playground if I join?” -Rodriguez

Yes, that is coming soon. That is exactly the input we need on our board. -Riaz

Is that something you are willing to do? Will you be willing to voice any concerns you have? -Riaz

Yes, I think my granddaughter would be more than willing to do that. -Thompson

Yes, my daughter would really be interested in that. -Rodriguez

Are there any questions about the roster? -Quintero

No. (unanimous)

2018-2019 Assurances
These are the series of steps we take to ensure we are following the guidelines of the EESAC Board. Once we solidify the parents roster we will email parents the meeting notifications. At least four EESAC meetings will be held for the 2018-2019 school year. All EESAC meetings were advertised with Citizen Information Center at least 5 business days prior to the scheduled meeting dates. We already posted all our meetings for this year. The EESAC will ensure that quorum was established (nine-member minimum vote) at all meetings where a vote was conducted.
All EESAC meeting minutes will be posted to the OSI website ( and contain language to support the monitoring of the SIP/Action Plan. All meeting minutes will be approved by the EESAC. All meeting minutes will be verified by the principal, except for the last meeting for the 2018-2019 school year which will remain in the “Pending Verification” column until the 2019-2020 school year.-Riaz

The EESAC Assurance items will be completed during the school year. The UTD representative, Chairperson and school Principal sign it. (Quintero)

Parent Family Engagement Plan
This is the plan we use to engage parents to be involved in various levels of our school community; for example, EESAC. Last year we had a cooking class in which Mr. Gonzalez the art teacher was involved in teaching parents how to cook nutritious meals for their children. We would like to continue finding different ways to involve our parents. -Rosario

SIP/Action Plan Reviews/Data Updates
-Phase I
The School Improvement Process framework was created during the summer. Instead of it being a plan now it is a process. During our Opening of Schools meeting we informed the teachers of our SIP. -Riaz

-Phase II
Now our goal is to focus on an area for seven weeks. We review implementation and restart the process. We will focus on six essential practices but will begin with School Culture. We would like to reward staff members and students when they are going above and beyond. We would continue using Bee Bucks for the students to use at the Bee Bucks Store. For the staff we are thinking about having them complete a survey to determine how they would like to be rewarded. We would also like to focus on the Academic part of our school by improving our Reading Intervention. We would like for our students to track their data and teachers will continue to track their students’ progress. -Galceran

We will continue to implement common planning on a weekly basis. This is where we meet with grade levels and discuss strategies for that week. We make sure we are following the pacing guide and that the standards are aligned to our lessons. -Quintero

Yesterday we finished adding a few things to our SIP. Once it is final we will bring it to EESAC. -Galceran

What about pre-k? -Welch

Is there anything that they monitor data wise? -Quintero

Yes, they can use Waterford reports to monitor usage. -Riaz

That’s how we can incorporate pre-k. -Quintero

School Improvement Process

Now based on what we agree on in EESAC we can actually use that feedback to edit the School improvement process. Before we would discuss the SIP but we were unable to implement the feedback into the plan. Now our ideas are moving the school along. -Riaz

Signature page
The SIP was approved by the EESAC Board. -Quintero

Tomorrow I will submit the SIP to the Region and they should approve it. Once that is done I will bring the document back to EESAC to get the stakeholders involved in the School Improvement Process. -Riaz

iReady AP1
We have completed 100% of testing in reading and we are currently wrapping up testing in math. -Quintero

Math Topic Assessments/FSA Assessments
For reading we will administer bi-weekly assessments based on the three standards we have taught those two weeks. -Quintero

The Math topic assessments will continue to be administered after the topic has been taught. -Johnson

We will use our own schoolwide method (Google Document Form) to track Reading and Math assessments until further information is available about this issue. -Riaz

Monthly Instructional Focus
All Differentiated Instruction will be based on iReady profiles and topic assessments data. -Riaz

Professional Development
I sent out a Professional Development Needs Survey in the beginning of the year. We are currently looking into providing professional development that caters to our staff.-Riaz

The following are professional development opportunities that are being offered throughout the year; These have been shared on Slack our school communication tool.-Quintero
-Fall 2018 Autism Face-to-Face Endorsement Courses
-Fall 2018 Clinical Supervision Course
-2018-2019 Professional Development Offerings for Elementary Mathematics Teachers
-2018-2019 NBC Learn Digital Resource Information and PD Opportunities
-2018-2019 Discovery Education Digital Resource Information and PD Opportunities

RTI/Leadership Team
We are currently following the process. Response to Intervention (RTI) is a multi-tier approach to the early identification and support of students with learning and behavior needs. The RTI process begins with high-quality instruction and universal screening of all children in the general education classroom. The Student Support Team has been focusing on finishing up cases from last year and opening new cases. -Galceran

Open Forum/Discussion-
School Operations-
STEM Designation was almost achieved. We missed Bronze Designation by a point.- Galceran

How is that decided? Rodriguez

It is based on a rubric. We are allowed to see the rubric but we don’t have access to the final one. This is the one that shows us how we scored. Now, we will be prepared for next year.-Galceran

We will have our first Family STEM night 9-18-18. We will focus on all aspects on STEM this time. -Galceran

Curriculum Issues-
We are having an issue with students trying to use iReady and they can’t log in.- Moore

Yes, during the summer I was unable to put my daughter on iReady lessons. -Rodriguez

It might be a server issue. I know iReady has a cutoff date to roster new children and children that haven’t been promoted to the next grade. -Riaz

It should be fixed.-Welch

You can use MyOn until the issues are fixed. -Riaz

The email was also down today.-Moore

Yes the best way is to use Microsoft Outlook to prevent login issues with the email.-Riaz

Is the bond is still happening?- Welch

If you listen to the school board meetings they are currently looking at the needs of our school and one of our biggest needs is a playground. They already did a scope and sequence for the playground. We were told we had to pick between a pre-k playground or a non-pre-k playground. Based on our school needs we opted for the non-pre-k playground since most of our students would benefit from that. Now I was told we would be getting both a pre-k and a non-pre-k playground. The pre-k playground would be located in front of the pre-k area and the non-prek playground would be located in front of the bilingual services pod.-Riaz

Budget Reviews/Updates
At the final budget conference, we were under enrolled. We are currently four students over that last count. If we are under enrolled, we would have to surplus a teacher. Enrollment goes day by day and we would like it for there to be more students enrolled in our school.-Riaz

How much money do we have left in our budget?- Jerry

We started with $7,000 in our budget. We spent $5,000 in intervention materials and are left with $2,000 for plant operation materials; soap, toilet paper, cleaning supplies. We will get a lump sum on October. Hopefully we will be able to stop holding our breath when it comes to the budget. -Riaz

We would also like to purchase Accelerated Reader with EESAC funds in order to instill a love for reading. -Quintero

Title I
I will be attending a meeting September 27, 2018 in which we will be trained on the new changes. Hopefully they are changes for good. -Rosario

Today we will solicit parents for EESAC and the PTA. -Riaz

Hopefully staff enrollment is better this year. It is ten dollars per family to join. I would like more staff members to join the PTA. -Rosario

New Business
No new business at this time. (Riaz)

Comments/ Concerns:
I understand the plan when it comes to requesting copies. Last Wednesday I took home my data binder to work on all my documentation. I needed to make two copies of a data tracker and Carmen was gone, Ms. Arroyo was unable to help me. I asked Ms. Woods for the favor and she said she does not make copies for teachers. If she made me the copies she would get in trouble. I finally had to interrupt Suzie from her important meeting with the other school officials to make me the copies. I think we should have another person in place to make sure we get are able to get our copies done in case the usual people are unable to do it. -Jerry

In that case the best practice is what you did. Knock on Suzie’s door and ask her for the copy. That was the best solution. It takes a few seconds to do.-Riaz

The process is to have the copies submitted 48 hours in advance to me in my mailbox. That way I can check them off and have them ran. -Galceran

Can we make copies for her next time this happens? Grisales

We use this process because we need to use standard aligned curriculum. We should continue to use this process. -Riaz

Motion to adjourn (Quintero)
Motion carried (all)
Adjourned 4:37pm.