Educational Excellence
School Advisory Council

0521 Broadmoor Elementary School

Verified EESAC Meeting Minutes for:    04/18/2019  03:30 PM

Please contact the school for a formatted hard copy of these minutes.

Recording Secretary:    Maritza Hernandez

Location of meeting:    Media Center

Was a quorum established?    No

Was the meeting advertised?    Yes,  08/28/2018


Members Present:

Welch, JoAnne (Union Steward)
Edwards-Jerry, Kativa (Teacher)
Hernandez, Maritza (Teacher)
Moore, Crystel (Teacher)
Quintero, Amparo (Teacher)
Johnson, Shandela (Alternate Teacher/Paraprofessional)
Rosario, Wanda (Educational Support Employee)

Members Absent (Excused):

Riaz, Omar (Principal)
Grisales, Paola (Teacher)
Rodriguez, Gracemelly (Alternate Educational Support)
Castro, Monic (Parent)
Govantes, Ana (Parent)
Puello, Chris (Parent)
Rodriguez, Roberto (Parent)
Thompson, Patricia (Parent)
Vazquez, Anna Julia (Parent)
Paz, Ileana (Alternate Parent)
Clinch, Skylar (Student)
Rodriguez, Alisson (Alternate Student)
Alusma, Mitchoun (Business/Community Representative)
Flores, Jose (Business/Community Representative)

Members Absent (Unexcused):

No one had an unexcused absence.

Others Present:

Dr. Maritza Galceran

Topics Covered:

EESAC Meeting Minutes 4/18/2019
Last month’s meeting minutes-No changes.
Motion to approve last month’s meeting minutes (Quintero)
Motion carried (all)
Introductions/ Welcome:
New attendees: N-A
Handouts: meeting minutes, agenda, Review Bylaws/Roster.

SIP Review/Updates
We are still reinforcing best practices during common planning. We are nearing the end of Phase III/Quarter 3 of the School Improvement Process. We will start the next one soon. (Quintero)

We have to do Phase IV and start next year off with a professional development day.

Continuous Improvement Reflection Worksheet
We met with all grade levels to fill out this reflection. Each grade level had an opportunity to meet and reflect on the School Improvement Process this year. (Quintero)

iReady is the assessment we use to monitor student progress. We are still monitoring Tier usage and passing rate. The third iReady diagnostic window starts May 13, 2019. Galceran

Math Topic Assessments
We have taught all content material provided by the pacing guide so now we are doing a spiral review. We are still assessing the students using Math Topic Assessments. (Galceran)

FSA Weekly Assessments
The teachers are still testing the students using the FSA Unit Biweekly tests. (Quintero)

Monthly Instructional Focus
Forth and fifth grade teachers are using FSA packets to get them ready for the FSA assessments that are coming soon. (Quintero)

Professional Development Opportunities
The following are the available professional development opportunities:
University of Miami Holocaust Teacher Institute Summer 2019: June 11-14, 2019
Southeastern University Online Learning: Save up to 20%
ESOL Endorsement Course Sessions: June 17-21, 2019 and June 24-25, 2019
Father is in Action Advocacy Week (May 16, 2019)

RTI/Leadership Teams Reviews/Updates
RTI is Response to Intervention. It is starting to close up. We will carry forward to the next school year the cases that we will not be able to close. We would like to start referring more gifted students. We currently have nine in the program. We need thirty students to have a permanent gifted teacher. (Galceran)

Curriculum issues
We are working towards getting the students ready for the next grade. (Quintero)

Open Forum/ Discussions
School operations
No Updates

Budget and Personnel Reviews/Updates
No Updates

Title I
On May 16, 2019 we will have a workshop for the parents. We have lots of fathers on board. (Rosario)

New Business
No Comments
I have a concern. I would like to know if we are going to have a more interactive Pep Rally for the students. The one we had before writing was a joke. No offense Ms. Quintero but the writing hooks PowerPoint presentation you did was nice but should not replace a pep rally. We also did appreciate the ice cream sandwiches the PTA donated but the kids need a time to release their energy. On Facebook I saw Golden Glades Elementarys’ Pep Rally and it was amazing. I think it needs to come from administration that we need to start coordinating events for the kids. (Jerry)

We would like to plan a field day. We need to do something fun for the kids. (Moore)

Yes, we are always doing thing for intermediate and forget about primary. I can speak for Pre-K and we feel left out. There are certain things hat we can do to be included in the Broadmoor activities. I feel like we support the PTA and nothing comes back to us. (Welch)
I am here for everyone. If you need something I am here. We support as much as we can but we need to know how to help. (Rosario)

I am actually very excited about the comment I made about the “I Caught You Reading” reward system. We just need everyone on board with it. (Jerry)

I have a suggestion. The Bee News is wonderful but when I am at other schools, I hear the administration giving the children words of encouragement. I think we need to start doing that. (Welch)

Motion to adjourn (Quintero)
Motion carried (C. Moore)
Adjourned 4:37pm.