Educational Excellence
School Advisory Council

0521 Broadmoor Elementary School

Verified EESAC Meeting Minutes for:    10/10/2019  03:30 PM

Please contact the school for a formatted hard copy of these minutes.

Recording Secretary:    Deylin Nazario

Location of meeting:    Media Center

Was a quorum established?    Yes

Was the meeting advertised?    Yes,  07/17/2019


Members Present:

Riaz, Omar (Principal)
Welch, JoAnne (Union Steward)
Edwards-Jerry, Kativa (Teacher)
Nazario, Deylin (Teacher)
Quintero, Amparo (Teacher)
Correa, Ana Maria (Alternate Teacher/Paraprofessional)
Rosario, Wanda (Educational Support Employee)
Rodriguez, Roberto (Business/Community Representative)

Members Absent (Excused):

Moore, Crystel (Teacher)
Grisales, Paola (Teacher)
Rodriguez, Gracemelly (Alternate Educational Support)
Flores, Anielka (Parent)
Funez, Melissa (Parent)
Gomez, Anisleidis (Parent)
Johnson, Maria (Parent)
Soriano, Marta (Parent)
Thompson, Patricia (Parent)
Puello, Cristino (Alternate Parent)
Zambrana, Brianna (Student)
Bennett, Jordan (Alternate Student)
Gutierez, Roberto (Business/Community Representative)

Members Absent (Unexcused):

No one had an unexcused absence.

Others Present:

Galceran, Maritza (Assistant Principal)

Topics Covered:

ESAAC Meeting Minutes 10/10/2019
Last month’s meeting minutes-

Motion to approve last month’s meeting minutes (Dr.Riaz)
Motion carried (all)
Introductions/ Welcome:
New attendees: N-A
Handouts: meeting minutes, agenda, review Bylaws/Roster,School improvement Process (SIP)

2019-2020 School Improvement Process (SIP)
The School Improvement Process is currently in Phase 2 Quarter 1. We have gone through eight weeks of the implementation process and we have two weeks left to review and collect data to make a plan for the next phase- Dr.Riaz

Classroom visits will take place on October 17 and 18 to conduct an internal Impact Review. We will look for essential practices and will have district visitors join us as a learning opportunity for them.-Dr.Riaz

Parent Club
A parent club meeting will be held on October 17th at 9 AM in the media center. University of Miami will be providing resources on parenting- Ms. Rosario
Will parents be receiving a letter to inform them of the meeting?- Ms. Correa
Parents will receive an automated phone message in both English and Spanish- Dr.Riaz

2019-2020 Title 1 School-Level Parent and Family Engagement Plan (PFEP)
Everyone has a copy of the plan. Please take a few minutes to look over it. It was submitted to Ms. Lowe from the Title 1 office on October 8th.- Dr.Riaz
Did everyone get a chance to read the draft?-Dr.Riaz
We will be submitting it to the District Mid-December.- Dr. Riaz

ESAAC Roster
The roster is attached so you can see who our new members are.- Ms. Quintero
Ms. Correa took over Ms. Johnson's position, Ms. Nazario took Ms. Hernandez' secretary position, and now we have our Student Council as members: Brianna is President and Jordan, Vice President.- Dr.Riaz

iReady Growth Monitoring will take place October 28- November 1st. There is a one week window for students who are identified as Tier 2 and 3 to take the test. Tier 1 students do not need to take the test.-Dr.Riaz

Topic assessments are scanned immediately upon completion of the test by our instructional coaches, and the data is sent to Power Bi. At this moment, our overall correct scores for math in 3rd grade is 56%, 4th grade is 51% and 5th grade is 53%. The Reading Biweekly overall correct scores for 3rd grade is 58%, 4th grade is 60%, and 5th grade is 54%. Science is at 54%.- Dr.Riaz

Professional Development Opportunities
The following are the professional development opportunities that are being offered:
PLST: Make-up session will take place for members on the PLST who were unable to attend- Dr.Galceran
Performance Matters
Professional Development Offerings/ Division of Academics(10/25/19): All staff must take a PD session on October 25th- Dr.Riaz
The Education Fund's Idea Expo Teacher Conference (11/16/19)
2019-2020 EVERFI Digital Curriculum, Program Availability and Access, Contact Information, and Professional Development (PD)

RTI/ Leadership Team Reviews/Updates
We have already started the process of reviewing RTI and we start MTSS meetings next week. Many parts of the process changed and now the focus is to provide levels of support through tiers.- Dr.Galceran

I took into consideration the suggestions posed from the last ESAAC meeting and made a schedule for the playground. Teachers will alternate days so everyone has an opportunity to play there during the week.- Dr.Riaz

I met with Student Council today and they had ideas of fundraising for the 5th grade Disney trip. They also suggested after school activities like drama club and sports; I informed them that we need sponsors and funding for those activities. We will survey the staff to see who is interested and student council will get ideas from family and friends.- Dr.Riaz

Open Forum/ Discussion
School Operations
The playground is intended for smaller kids.- Ms. Welch
The playground we have is meant for grades 2 and up. We are not limiting anyone, but we are making teachers aware of the space available.- Dr.Riaz

Tier 2 and 3 intervention students are successfully scheduled.All interventions are all currently running.- Ms. Quintero
Yes! we are all very proud of Ms. Quintero's hard work.- Dr.Galceran

The final budget conference was last Friday, we will share the budget in the next staff meeting.-Dr.Riaz
We lost a basic teacher, but gained 2 new ones. An ESOL and Self-contained 4th and 5th combo.We gained them because an influx of ESOL level 1 and 2 students.
What position did we lose?- Ms. Welch
One basic for two language- Dr.Riaz

Title 1
No updates.

New Business
An NAEP proctor is coming in to test students which counts towards our Nations Report Card. MDCPS usually does very well.- Dr.Riaz

Our school was selected to speak on panel about how we closed the achievement gap. Dr. Riaz will be traveling with Mr. Carvalho to Washington on October 30th.- Dr.Galceran

We made Silver for STEM designation. This year we are aiming for gold!- Dr.Galceran
Do we know when they are scheduled to visit?- Ms.Correa
No, but they will be sending an email 1-2 days before.- Dr.Galceran

Motion to adjourn- Ms.Rosario
Motion Carried -All