Educational Excellence
School Advisory Council

0521 Broadmoor Elementary School

Verified EESAC Meeting Minutes for:    01/09/2020  03:30 PM

Please contact the school for a formatted hard copy of these minutes.

Recording Secretary:    Deylin Nazario

Location of meeting:    Media Center

Was a quorum established?    Yes

Was the meeting advertised?    Yes,  07/17/2019


Members Present:

Riaz, Omar (Principal)
Welch, JoAnne (Union Steward)
Edwards-Jerry, Kativa (Teacher)
Moore, Crystel (Teacher)
Nazario, Deylin (Teacher)
Quintero, Amparo (Teacher)
Correa, Ana Maria (Alternate Teacher/Paraprofessional)
Rosario, Wanda (Educational Support Employee)
Zambrana, Brianna (Student)

Members Absent (Excused):

Grisales, Paola (Teacher)
Rodriguez, Gracemelly (Alternate Educational Support)
Flores, Anielka (Parent)
Funez, Melissa (Parent)
Gomez, Anisleidis (Parent)
Johnson, Maria (Parent)
Soriano, Marta (Parent)
Thompson, Patricia (Parent)
Puello, Cristino (Alternate Parent)
Bennett, Jordan (Alternate Student)
Gutierez, Roberto (Business/Community Representative)
Rodriguez, Roberto (Business/Community Representative)

Members Absent (Unexcused):

No one had an unexcused absence.

Others Present:

Galceran, Maritza (Assistant Principal)

Topics Covered:

ESAAC Meeting Minutes 01/09/2020
3:30 pm
Last month’s meeting minutes-

Motion to approve last month’s meeting minutes- Ms. Quintero
Motion carried- Ms. Moore
Introductions/ Welcome:
New attendees: N-A
Handouts: meeting minutes, agenda, review Bylaws/Roster, Redefining Bell Time Flyers, School improvement Process (SIP)

2019-2020 School Improvement Process (SIP)
Phase III of the SIP runs through January 25th. We will look at mid-year reflections and data from AP2 of iReady to determine the direction of the school and come up with a new action plan to begin phase IV, which will start February 3rd. Once we complete the action plan, we will bring it back for approval. - Dr. Riaz

2019 - 2020 Attendance Boundary Committee (ABC) Notification of Final Targeted Schools
We are in the Central Region, so we are not one of the targeted or advised schools. Attendance boundaries will remain the same for next year. - Dr. Riaz

Florida School Recognition Funds
Plan B won over other plans. The results were: Plan A- 0, Plan B- 29, Plan C 12. Is everyone in agreement? - Dr. Riaz
Unanimous agreement on Plan B.

The Parent Club
We just had a meeting yesterday and our next meeting will be held on February 12th.- Ms. Rosario

Redefining Bell Time for Student Success
The school district is looking at data that suggest that high school students are not receiving enough sleep. If you take a look at the flyers, it lists the upcoming town hall meetings to get feedback on the two proposals. -Dr. Riaz
Will people be able to vote on the proposed times? - Ms. Correa
Maybe not a vote, but they will be taking feedback. The board will make the final decision.- Dr. Riaz

Drainage Implementation Project
The county is improving drainage in areas found in NW 83 Street to NW 81 Terrace from 36 Avenue to 30 Avenue and NW 32 Court from NW 86 Street to NW 83 Terrace. There is a flyer we will be sending home once it is vetted by the county. The projected completion is by November 2020. -Dr. Riaz
The section in our school where the sink holes need filling will be worked on during after school hours. - Dr. Galceran

Title I Budget: We are purchasing a few more items for custodial staff such as soap. We are also saving a big chunk of the money for Saturday Academy which begins in February. Our Title I budget is accounted for the school's reading coach, math coach, and the CIS; MS. Rosario. - Dr. Riaz

iReady: Grades 3-5 teachers received accountability rosters which show how their students did on the Iready AP2 test in comparison to AP1. We have identified the students who will be receiving push- in support by the instructional coaches. We are continuing to administer Bi- weekly assessments and math topic assessments according to the schedule. We are using data from Power Bi to create monthly instructional focus calendars. - Dr. Riaz
Professional Development: Professional development opportunities are listed below. - Ms. Quintero
Spring 2019-2020 Required Professional Learning Sessions for School Site Professional Learning Support Teams (PLST's)- February 6
ETO Collaboratory- January 15

Rtl/ Leadership Team Reviews/ Updates
We are continuing to review students needs. We just had data chats and teachers were advised to come see me if they would like to refer students. - Dr. Galceran

Open Forum/ Discussion
School Operations: The cafeteria manager was spoken to and she is now coming up with a menu for teachers. We were having issues with a shortage of employees, but now we don't so the teacher menu will begin soon. - Dr. Riaz
When? - Ms. Edwards- Jerry
Well, there are two freezers that went down so we will have to go off menu, but they are in the process of repair, so when that is complete. - Dr. Riaz
Curriculum Issues: No issues reported.

Title I
Mr. Rodriguez, vice president of the PTA has been recruited to conduct a technology PD for parents at Northside- Ms. Rosario

New Business
The superintendents 5K run is on March 7 at the Museum Park. Encourage everyone to attend because the funds go back into our school and we will be able to reinforce different programs taking place. - Dr. Riaz
Even if you do not attend you can still register. - Ms. Rosario
I know Saturday Academy is soon approaching. How many Saturdays will it be and will they be consecutive? Ms. Edwards- Jerry
No they will not be consecutive. Saturday Academy will take place on 2/22, 2/29, 3/14, 4/4, and 4/18, and 4/25. from 8 am- 12 noon. - Dr. Riaz

Comments/ Concerns
When can fifth grade do fundraising because our big field trip is coming up to Disney. - Brianna Z.
Fifth grade will be selling Krispy Kreme donuts at the end of January once they have collected shirt money. - Dr. Riaz
Will they be providing certificates instead of the donuts? - Ms. Edwards- Jerry
I will follow up with you on that. Let me find out. - Dr. Riaz

Motion to adjourn.- Ms. Quintero
Second motion. - Ms. Nazario