Educational Excellence
School Advisory Council

0521 Broadmoor Elementary School

Verified EESAC Meeting Minutes for:    04/15/2021  03:30 PM

Please contact the school for a formatted hard copy of these minutes.

Recording Secretary:    Deylin Nazario

Location of meeting:    Zoom

Was a quorum established?    No

Was the meeting advertised?    Yes,  09/17/2020


Members Present:

Lazo, Michael (Principal)
Welch, JoAnne (Union Steward)
Edwards-Jerry, Kativa (Teacher)
Grisales, Paola (Teacher)
Moore, Jill (Teacher)
Nazario, Deylin (Teacher)
Quintero, Amparo (Teacher)
Correa, Ana Maria (Alternate Teacher/Paraprofessional)
Rosario, Wanda (Educational Support Employee)

Members Absent (Excused):

Humbert, Sheneka (Alternate Educational Support)
Flores, Anielka (Parent)
Funez, Melissa (Parent)
Gomez, Anisleidis (Parent)
Johnson, Maria (Parent)
Soriano, Marta (Parent)
Thompson, Patricia (Parent)
Puello, Cristino (Alternate Parent)
Enriquez, Gabriella (Student)
Hernandez, Matthew (Alternate Student)
Mohr, Andrea (Business/Community Representative)
Rodriguez, Roberto (Business/Community Representative)

Members Absent (Unexcused):

No one had an unexcused absence.

Others Present:

Dr. Galceran, Maritza (Assistant Principal)

Topics Covered:

EESAC Meeting
Thursday, April 15, 2021
3:30pm via Zoom

Good afternoon to all. Official sign-in sheet is kept on file. - Ms. Quintero

Review/Approve minutes from prior meeting
Please take a moment to review last month's minutes. - Ms. Quintero
All in approval of last meeting's minutes? - Ms. Quintero
All Approved - All

School Improvement Process (SIP)
Phase III and IV: We continue to put things in place according to the SIP so we can move into the last phase. - Mr. Lazo

Diagnostic Window- AP3 (May 3- June 1)
Administration will decide specifically on the testing dates within the testing window for reading and math, and will let the teachers know.- Mr. Lazo
Emergency Order from FLDOE: An emergency order has been put into effect by the education commissioner in Tallahassee and signed by our governor. The main points of the document on an elementary level includes retention decisions, FSA accountability, and VAM scores. According to the document, students will not be penalized if they score a 2 or below on the FSA. Principals are able to make decisions for specific students on retentions using feedback from teachers, parents and school leaders. Second retention letters will go out Friday and there will be some students that will be retained because they lack foundational skills needed to move to the next grade level. I am not promoting information about the FSA not counting against students so that we can get as much accurate data for academic decisions. We will keep our current school grade, but for teacher evaluation scores, they will use a 3 year aggregate VAM scores. Any questions pertaining to this document? - Mr. Lazo

RtI/Leadership Reviews/Updates
We have been submitting cases and many staffings are taking place that have been scheduled. At this time, if any new cases are submitted, they will be addressed the next school year because of the time of year we are in. -Dr. Galceran

Open Forum/Discussions
School Operations: We continue to follow school-site procedures pertaining to cleanliness. Corona virus is not at the school, it is brought into the school from the outside. We are doing what needs to be done to keep cleaning protocols in place. I look forward to cleaning this building thoroughly during the summer since summer school is not to be hosted at Broadmoor. -Mr. Lazo

Budget Reviews/Updates: Preliminary budget conference is next month in May at the region, mid-point conference is in July and final budget review conference is in October. - Mr. Lazo

Title 1: N/A

New Business: We have officially been entered into getting the 5000 Role Models program at Broadmoor. Ms. Welch will be leading that program in our school -Mr. Lazo

Comments/Concerns: N/A

All in favor to adjourn this meeting? - Ms. Quintero
I second that motion. - All
Meeting adjourned- Ms. Quintero