Educational Excellence
School Advisory Council

0521 Broadmoor Elementary School

Verified EESAC Meeting Minutes for:    10/19/2023  03:30 PM

Please contact the school for a formatted hard copy of these minutes.

Recording Secretary:    Michelle Orol

Location of meeting:    Media Center

Was a quorum established?    Yes

Was the meeting advertised?    Yes,  09/06/2023


Members Present:

Lazo, Michael (Principal)
Welch, JoAnne (Union Steward)
Delgado, Vanessa (Teacher)
Edwards-Jerry, Kativa (Teacher)
Moore, Jill (Teacher)
Orol, Michelle (Teacher)
Delgado, Vanessa (Alternate Teacher/Paraprofessional)
Garcia, Lilli (Educational Support Employee)
Mesadieu, Tammy (Parent)
Puello, Danny (Student)

Members Absent (Excused):

Nazario, Deylin (Teacher)
Funez, Melissa (Parent)
Gomez, Anisleidis (Parent)
Johnson, Maria (Parent)
Thompson, Patricia (Parent)
Soriano, Marta (Parent)
Puello, Cristino (Alternate Parent)
Brown, Kourtney (Alternate Student)
Mohr, Andrea (Business/Community Representative)
Rodriguez, Roberto (Business/Community Representative)
Flores, Anielka (Alternate Educational Support)

Members Absent (Unexcused):

No one had an unexcused absence.

Others Present:

No one else was present.

Topics Covered:

Meeting called to order at 3:37 P.M. by Ms. Delgado.
Sign in sheet is kept in file. - Ms. Delgado

Review/Approval of prior meeting minutes
Please review prior meeting minutes. - Ms. Delgado.
All in favor of approving last meeting minutes. - Ms. Delgado
All approved at 3:40 P.M.

School Improvement Plan (SIP)
First two phases approved. Next phase November 1st. Two additional action steps being put in place coming from I.R. Main step, Science, D.I., Math, attendance, and ELA. - Mr. Lazo
All in favor, approved at 3:41 P.M.

RTI/Leadership Team Reviews/Updates
Instructional Review: I.R. about a week ago, very positive. Always find things to fine tune. Minimal things that coaches are working with teachers. – Mr. Lazo
Math: Check for understanding, Model Real-Life, and Corrective Feedback
Science: Journals, notetaking, Labs, corrective feedback, Elevate book.
ELA: D.I., trackers, materials for D.I., Writing process, Writing is in K-5 and is mandated. RWC components, read to respond, corrective feedback. Many areas teachers have those look fors. Evidence in all areas in Ms. Jerry’s class. Mr. Negron said it’s a model classroom for D.I. and Writing after visiting 7 other schools. PD for 4th and 5th Science. PD for primary will be happening also. A lot of good things happening. Every grade level has 1-2-3 classrooms that are doing a real exceptional job. Possible writing coach maybe. – Mr. Lazo

D.I. with fidelity it works, consistency. Our goal is student achievement, teacher drive and resources. – Dr. Galceran

Open Forum/Discussion
School Operations nothing new to report. - Mr. Lazo
Curriculum Issues: Anyone needing books have been notified to email Dr. G. So far so good.
All in favor, approved at 3:54 P.M.

Budget Reviews/Updates
We have all we need, ESSR money is there. – Mr. Lazo

Title I
PFEP and Compact for Title I collected and uploaded. Collecting information for accreditation. We are getting it done. We are in a good place. – Dr. Galceran
CSS for Title I is back. Title I is good. – Dr. Galceran

New Business
5000 Role Model tie ceremony is November 14th. We need 25 students or more. – Ms. Welch
Survey taken in his class and Ms. Johnson. Information is down to two clubs, Debate Club and Drama Club. Would love to see a Debate Club. Will survey two other classes tomorrow. – Danny Puello
We will need sponsors. Will have to see where funding will come from. Auditions, participation. – Dr. Galceran
Book Club, what books could be used. Possibility of books. - Mr. Lazo
All in favor, approved at 4:32 P.M.

Groups for iReady?- Ms. Jerry
Groups for iReady have been created for after school, L25, Bubble students. – Mr. Lazo
All in favor.