Educational Excellence
School Advisory Council

3100 Mater Academy East Charter & 7037 Mater Academy East Charter PREP.

Verified EESAC Meeting Minutes for:    01/20/2016  04:30 PM

Please contact the school for a formatted hard copy of these minutes.

Recording Secretary:    Susana M. Perez

Location of meeting:    Room 1-1

Was a quorum established?    Yes

Was the meeting advertised?    Yes,  11/05/2015


Members Present:

Riera, Beatriz (Principal)
Aguirre, Yvette (Teacher)
Casal, Jenny (Teacher)
Garcia, Jennifer (Teacher)
Jimenez, Maria (Teacher)
Perez, Susana (Teacher)
Casal, Joey (Educational Support Employee)
De LaCal, David (Alternate Educational Support)
Akinde, Nike (Parent)
Alvarez, Jacqueline (Parent)
Cano, Daisy (Parent)
Hernandez, Erick (Parent)
Llanes, Javier (Parent)
Reyes, Tommy (Parent)
Alvarez, Amaris (Student)
Lores, Roberto (Business/Community Representative)
Roca, Antonio (Board of Directors (Charter))

Members Absent (Excused):

No one had an excused absence.

Members Absent (Unexcused):

No one had an unexcused absence.

Others Present:

No one else was present.

Topics Covered:

1. Call to order and establish quorum
2. Welcome to the 2nd EESAC meeting of the 2015-2016 school year
3. Update by Principal
a. Title III award
i. Funds after school tutoring program (including ELL and immigrant students)
ii. We were awarded $11,270.00
iii. After School tutoring will resume for 2nd through 5th grade
iv. 2nd grade will start on January 5th
v. 3rd-5th grade will start on January 4th
b. High performing charter school
• expected to be high performing charter school again this school year; however, we are awaiting final FSA results. Review of preliminary cut scores and school performance
c. School website updates
d. Current enrollment at 594
e. School Recognition Funds
• Recognition award funds for being an “A” school for the 2014-2015 school year will be in effect; awaiting release of data/school grade for the 2014-2015 year: EESAC came to a consensus that FSRP funds will be distributed amongst all staff members as an incentive when funds are available.
The EESAC hereby votes to use the award funds received under the School Recognition Award to pay bonuses to faculty and staff of the school. In order for an employee to be eligible to receive the bonus, the employee must (1) be employed at the school during the year for which the school received Recognition Award and (2) be employed by the school at the time the funds are dispersed by the school to the employees. If an employee resigns or is terminated prior to the school dispersing the funds, the employee forfeits the monetary bonus, The EESAC reserves the right to pro-rate the funds in the event that the employee is not employed for the entire school year for which the funds were received. Award amounts will be separated into 5 different categories: a) Teachers and full-time faculty; b) Part-time instructional employees (includes teacher assistants); c) Office and support staff; d) Cafeteria staff (if employed by school) Security staff; e) Administrators. The amounts to be paid as bonuses in each of these categories shall be based on the same proportions that have been used in the past when the school has received the Award.
f. Update by EESAC members
School Improvement Plan Mid-Year Reflection
g. Title I
EESAC came to a consensus that Title I funds will be used for teacher and assistant salaries, as well as to purchase supplies to promote parent involvement
h. Closure
i. Leadership Team will hold data Chats/RTI meetings from January 27-29, 2016 to discuss student progress
j. Scheduling of all FSA/SAT informational parent grade level meetings have been scheduled to begin February
k. Winter Show took place on 12/15 and 12/17
l. Closure