Educational Excellence
School Advisory Council

3100 Mater Academy East Charter & 7037 Mater Academy East Charter PREP.

Verified EESAC Meeting Minutes for:    12/14/2021  03:00 PM

Please contact the school for a formatted hard copy of these minutes.

Recording Secretary:    michelle Rivas

Location of meeting:    3100 Mater Academy East 450 SW 4th Street

Was a quorum established?    Yes

Was the meeting advertised?    Yes,  12/07/2021


Members Present:

Riera, Beatriz (Principal)
Aguilar, Jessica (Teacher)
Charney-Perez, Jaci (Teacher)
Gomez, Anette (Teacher)
Rivas, Michelle (Teacher)
Vasallo, Ayelin (Teacher)
Estrada, Magdalena (Alternate Teacher/Paraprofessional)
Casal, Joey (Educational Support Employee)
Chavez, Natasha (Alternate Educational Support)
Fishman, Laora (Parent)
Florez, Ivan (Parent)
Inirio, Susan (Parent)
Klein, Julianne (Parent)
Mateo, Yudelca (Parent)
Valdez, Maria (Parent)
Alcerro, Darleny (Alternate Parent)
Castro, Emily (Student)
Inrio, Blake (Alternate Student)
John, Jonathan (Business/Community Representative)
Marty, Judith (Board of Directors (Charter))

Members Absent (Excused):

No one had an excused absence.

Members Absent (Unexcused):

No one had an unexcused absence.

Others Present:

No one else was present.

Topics Covered:

. Meeting was called to order and quorum was established.
2. Approved: Minutes from September 24, 2021 EESAC Meeting
3. Welcome to second EESAC meeting of the 21-22 school year.
4. Updates by Principal
a. Proposed School Expansion for the 23-24 school year
b. Advertising Campaign
i. Promotional flyers
ii. Pre-K programs
iii. Meet & Greet/ Campus Tours
c. Academics
i. Heavy monitoring of student DATA through the use of diagnostic testing
ii. Academic enrichment tutoring program
*New schedules as of January 2022
d. STEM Updates
i. Partners:
*Common Threads Cooking Programs- Set to begin January 2022
*UF –Set to begin January 2022
*Currently working on additional community local partners
e. Parental Involvement
i. Attendance: importance of parent meetings
ii. Winter/Spring Parent Meetings
iii. FSA/SAT informational Meetings
5. Updates by EESAC members
a. School Improvement Plan
i. SIP Review: The current SIP was reviewed by all EESAC members
ii. Members came to a consensus: PFEP was uploaded to SIP since it was already approved by Title I administration
iii. Approved: No changes will be made to the 21-22 SIP at this times
b. Parent Compact
i. Discuss Final updates to Parent Compact
ii. Discussion: EESAC came to consensus: Teachers will have completed their Parent Compact Communication Logs by February 15, 2022.
iii. Approved: EESAC came to consensus and approved final draft of Parent Compact.
7. Public Comment: No Public Comments were made at this time.
8. FSA Rewards Update
a. Approved: Recognition award funds for being an “A” school for the 2021-2022 (if applicable). EESAC Committee came to a consensus; FSRP funds will be distributed amongst all current employees actively working at an Academica managed school at the time of disbursement.

9. Closure