Educational Excellence
School Advisory Council

6009 Mater Academy East Middle

Verified EESAC Meeting Minutes for:    09/10/2020  04:00 PM

Please contact the school for a formatted hard copy of these minutes.

Recording Secretary:    Juan Gonzalez

Location of meeting:    Mater Academy East Middle/High

Was a quorum established?    Yes

Was the meeting advertised?    Yes,  09/01/2020


Members Present:

Aguirre, Jenny (Principal)
Aedo, Devin (Teacher)
Coronel, Alfredo (Teacher)
Lobuzova, Yekaterina (Teacher)
Orellana, Cynthia (Teacher)
Valdes, Ruth (Teacher)
Cisneros, Mario (Alternate Teacher/Paraprofessional)
De la Cal, David (Educational Support Employee)
Casal, Joseph (Alternate Educational Support)
Banegas, Rita (Parent)
Detrinidad, Michelle (Parent)
Lopez, Ana (Parent)
Mencia, Nolvia (Parent)
Ramos, Maria (Parent)
Garcia, Blanca (Alternate Parent)
Montanez, Jeremy (Student)
Detrinidad, Melanie (Alternate Student)
Estevez, Danny (Business/Community Representative)
Estevez, Jose (Business/Community Representative)
Somarriba, Yader (Business/Community Representative)
Marty, Judith (Board of Directors (Charter))

Members Absent (Excused):

No one had an excused absence.

Members Absent (Unexcused):

No one had an unexcused absence.

Others Present:

No one else was present.

Topics Covered:

1. Call to order and establish quorum
2. Approved: Committee approved resignation of Ruth Valdes, Alfredo Coronel, Devin Aedo, Jose Estevez, Stephanie Raga, Fanny Chacon, and Danny Estevez
3. Approved: Newly elected members: Maria Sanchez Soriano, Lourdes Puente, Daniel Casanas, Juan Gonzalez, Cynthia Munoz, Jonathan John
4. Welcome to first EESAC meeting of the 20-21 school year.
5. Updates by Principal
a. RLI 20-21 Instruction Updates
i. Mater Academy East Middle/High is following the MDCPS Student Progression Plan in regards to instructional minutes and curriculum
1. Including SEL Curriculum and Health and Wellness
ii. Parent and School Communication continues to be at the forefront of the schools vision and mission (Via Zoom)
1. Parent orientation meetings
2. Teams Training
3. Monthly School Nurse/School Counselor/ Program Specialist Meetings (Mater Academy East HSO)
4. Lunch Application Meetings
5. Open House- TBA
b. Current Enrollment for the 20-21 school year: Middle 164 / High 123
c. MAE continues to partner with the following organizations for the 2020-2021 school year:
i. Publix
ii. City of Miami Parks and Rec.
iii. Verizon Innovative Learning
iv. Leading and Learning
6. Title I Funds for the 20-21 School Year:
a. Mater East Middle was awarded $83,594.00 / Mater East High was $50,910.00
b. Committee reviewed the Title I budget for the 20-21school year.
c. Approved: Title I Budget was approved by all committee members
7. Updates by EESAC members
a. Roster was reviewed and approved by EESAC members.
b. Approved: Members reviewed and approved By Laws
c. Approved: Members reviewed and approved Assurance Checklist
d. SIP Phase I and II was reviewed
i. Approved: SIP Phase I and II for the 20-21 school year.
ii. Approved: SIP signature page was signed by all required members.
e. Approved: Members came to a consensus that EESAC funds will be used to purchase instructional materials
8. Public Comments
a. No public Comments were made at this time
9. Closure