Educational Excellence
School Advisory Council

6611 Country Club Middle School

Verified EESAC Meeting Minutes for:    09/07/2007  08:30 AM

Please contact the school for a formatted hard copy of these minutes.

Recording Secretary:    Niesha Mack-Freeman

Location of meeting:    CCMS Media Center

Was a quorum established?    Yes

Was the meeting advertised?    Yes,  08/29/2007


Members Present:

Bueno, Jose (Principal)
Conroy, Denise (Union Steward)
Belkin, Linda (Teacher)
Covone, Gina (Teacher)
Hildenbrand, Susan (Teacher)
House, Karen (Teacher)
Mack-Freeman, Niesha (Teacher)
Riley, Sherry (Alternate Teacher/Paraprofessional)
Cartwright, Judy (Parent)
Hobson, Annmarie (Parent)

Members Absent (Excused):

Mesa, Ivonne (Educational Support Employee)
Pino, Marisol (Alternate Educational Support)
Fernandez, Hilda (Parent)
Gonzalez, Haylen (Parent)
Lawrence, Nadine (Parent)
Reinhart-Incera, Cynthia (Parent)
Giron, Gloria (Alternate Parent)
Humer, Michael (Student)
Nino, Maria (Alternate Student)
Olivera, Carlos (Alternate Student)
Freeman, Adrian (Business/Community Representative)
Rodriguez, Orlando (Business/Community Representative)

Members Absent (Unexcused):

No one had an unexcused absence.

Others Present:

No one else was present.

Topics Covered:

The meeting was opened at 8:30 am. The minutes were read an accepted. Motioned by Gina Covone and seconded by Sherry Riley.

The SIP Plan draft is due to the region today. Ms. Harris reviewed what would be submitted.

Free and reduced lunch is 63%. It was thought that it would be higher.

The Spring survey revealed that the two items we scored the lowest on were:
Work location uses time and talents well and Financial situation was unknown. Both of these areas received a 3.9 on a 5.0 scale.

The vision and mission stayed the same and the demographics changed a little.

Areas of concern: There is a high rate of beginnign teachers. We currently have 17/59 with TBA's still pending.

Highways to Success Program is a new initiative for over aged elementary students placed in a middle school setting. They will be a part of the CCMS family. There are currently 9 students enrolled.

School Foundation- Opis Survey. Lowest Score 3.9

The Needs Assessment was read and the strategies are the same but the goal was raised.

There are goals for each sub group that did not meet standards. Math was 40% but it is now 62%.

Science will have the students complete a project. They do not take the test until the 8th grade.

Parental Involvement-Try to the same goal however; change the word "form" to the word "build".

Discipline and Safety remains the same.

Counselors have doubled.

The goal for PE had to be changed. 50% of all students would meet standards in running the 1 mile test.

Return on Investment is not on our website yet.

EESAC is in compliance.

Meeting adjourned at 8:51 am.
Motioned- Karen House
Seconded-Denise Conroy