Educational Excellence
School Advisory Council

6611 Country Club Middle School

Verified EESAC Meeting Minutes for:    12/18/2019  08:00 AM

Please contact the school for a formatted hard copy of these minutes.

Recording Secretary:    Elda Estrada

Location of meeting:    Country Club Middle School

Was a quorum established?    Yes

Was the meeting advertised?    Yes,  08/23/2018


Members Present:

Lima, Cynthia (Principal)
Curry-Coffee, Nicole (Union Steward)
Cannon, Claudette (Teacher)
Karan-Miyar, Duysevi (Teacher)
Phillips-Ingraham, Tawana (Teacher)
Estrada, Elda (Alternate Parent)
Estrada, Daniel E (Alternate Student)
RIVAS, MARIA (Business/Community Representative)
RODRIGUEZ, EVELYN (Business/Community Representative)
SEDENO, EDDY (Business/Community Representative)

Members Absent (Excused):

Viillazon, Jacqueline (Alternate Principal)
Leon, Michelle (Teacher)
Stephen, Josmeen (Teacher)
Pino, Marisol (Alternate Educational Support)
Ali, Saudia (Parent)
Javed, Elba ( Educational Support Employee)
Gary, Yvonne (Parent)
Rivera, Karina (Parent)

Members Absent (Unexcused):

Martin, Myra (Alternate Teacher/ Paraprofessional)
Dozier, Rita (Parent)
Dozier-Daniels, Jordynn (Student)
Shearn, Mahya (Student)

Others Present:

Mohammed, Ahmed (Teacher)

Topics Covered:

Meeting called at 8:00 am


Ms. Duysevi Karan – Miyar ( EESAC Chairperson)
Ms. Josmeen Stephen, teacher has resigned from EESAC. An election will take place to replace Ms. Stephen at our next faculty meeting.

ESOL tutoring is being held for Language Arts and Science, before and after school.

Approval of minutes:

Corrections were identified and will be submitted

Student Updates:

Spirit week was a success, student Saidah Brown suggested that the students be given more time to prepare for Spirit Week since the students were only given the notice a couple of days in advance.

Parent and Family engagement updates:

Parent Academy Workshops turnout has not been as successful as expected. Parent Maria Rivas suggested that the time of the workshop alternate between morning and afternoons since some parents may not be able to attend due to work schedules.

It was suggested that an electronic message sign would be beneficial to have in front of our school to keep parents updated on events such as the Parent Academy, but Ms. Lima advised that this type of machine is very expensive. The schools that do have an electronic sign have it from PTA donations.

Title I Updates:
No Updates at this time.

Principal Updates:
Ms. Cynthia Lima

Winter Expo took place at American Senior High School on December 12, 2018. The EXPO consisted of two parts , the first part was the Exhibition where we presented our two Magnets and Culinary Arts and Fine Arts. The second part we showcased our performing arts in Dance and Band.

On December 13, 2018 we had our first Band Winter Concert with our band teacher Mr. Uban it was a very nice show, students did great.

Tomorrow our Winter Dance Showcase will take place with Ms. Aguila.

As of December 10, 2018 we have 84 Biomedical Magnet Applications, 71 Forensic Science Applications for a total of 155 applications, the deadline to submit applications is January 15, 2019.

A recruitment letter has been mailed to parents of incoming fifth graders. The letter was also sent out to the faculty so that they can be aware of the recruitment process. The letter concludes by inviting parents to our STEAM night.

Ms. Leon will be organizing or STEAM night which will take place January 16, 2019 in our cafetorium in collaboration with Miami Dade College. The event will take place from 5:30pm-8:00pm. Faculty and Staff will be attending and will also be showcasing our Magnet Programs and departments.

Ms. Leon our test chairperson has created a spreadsheet that includes all topic assessments for the year. All teachers have posted a copy of the spreadsheet in their classrooms. I-Ready AP2 Testing began December 3rd.

STEAM- Our early release days for the remainder of the school year will be dedicated to STEAM training.

There has been a proposed boundary recommendation that will affect 8th graders going to High School. The boundaries will affect American Senior High School and Barbara Goleman Senior High School. This will take affect for the 2019-2020 school year. A community meeting will take place at American Senior High School on Tuesday, January 15, 2019, to discuss the proposed changes.

We are still in the process of hiring a part time security monitor. If anyone knows of a good candidate, please let me know.

Every year a business member of our community participates in our yearly principal for the day On December 7 Dr. Drubi from Drubi Orthodontics was our participant.

Next meeting will be January 22, 2019 at 7:45 am

Meeting is adjourned at 8:50am.