Educational Excellence
School Advisory Council

6611 Country Club Middle School

Verified EESAC Meeting Minutes for:    12/17/2019  08:05 AM

Please contact the school for a formatted hard copy of these minutes.

Recording Secretary:    Mr. Ahmed in lieu of Elda Estrada

Location of meeting:    Country Club Middle School

Was a quorum established?    No

Was the meeting advertised?    Yes,  08/21/2019


Members Present:

Crespo, Rafael (Principal)
Leon, Michelle (Teacher)
Lopez-Guerra, Monica (Teacher)
Mohammad, Ahmed (Teacher)
Phillips-Ingraham, Tawana (Teacher)
Corrales, Diosdado (Educational Support Employee)
RIVAS, MARIA (Business/Community Representative)

Members Absent (Excused):

Villazon, Jacqueline (Alternate Principal)
Cannon, Claudette (Alternate Teacher/Paraprofessional)
Perez, Isabel (Alternate Educational Support)
Estrada, Elda (Alternate Parent)
RODRIGUEZ, EVELYN (Business/Community Representative)

Members Absent (Unexcused):

Saavedra, Jennifer (Teacher)
Rivas, Daniel (Alternate Student)
SEDENO, EDDY (Business/Community Representative)

Others Present:

Genesis Pastor (student)
Rev. Dr. Edward Mitchell Jr. (Parent)

Topics Covered:

Meeting called to order 8:05am

Approval of Minutes: Minutes approved with corrections.

Olga Pastor- moves to approve the minutes
Rita Dozier- seconds minutes with corrections

Student Updates:
Daniel Rivas does not want to participate as an EESAC member.
Jordyn Dozier wants to expand colors for jackets and allow jackets with logos that are larger.
Mr. Crespo: logos can be no larger than a dollar bill
Rita Dozier: restated the jacket requirements, logos can not be multi-colored.

Principal Updates:
-Teachers will be getting new desktops, the teacher desktops will be put in a new student lab.
-I-Ready diagnostic almost done. Teachers will create plans based on data.
-Delays in testing due to district Professional Development taking place at our school location.
-We still have not received the funding approved by EESAC. Funding will be used for cane cash for students incentives, dress down, etc as discussed in prior meetings.
-Band concert tonight 6pm.
-PTSA movie night- December 19th. Connect Ed. has been sent out.
Movie is "The Grinch", popcorn and drinks will be served.

School Improvement Plan:
-focus on I-Ready and Differentiated Instructions.
-Goal is a "B"
-There is a typo in the SIP for the points needed
- Dr. Karan-Miyar- Climate survey is done and was done through ELA classes
- Mr. Crespo- Results not available yet. Panorama survey will have the results.

Title I Updates:
- Vacancy due to Miyar going to ESE. Stephen took over but now Ms. Miguelina Rodriguez and Ms. Lopez- Guerra are teaching those reading classes.
- Looking for interventionist for Math. Will be funded through Title I.
- Dr. Karan-Miyar- Media Center is not taken care of. After care program is not taking care of it.
- Ms. Leon- Headphones have been ordered and after care will need to be relocated.

Parent Updates:
- Rita Dozier: Dancers went to American High School and they were amazing.
- Olga Pastor: The dancers have been praised and the dances are clean. These are children not adults.
- Ms. Leon: Dancers are well behaved.
- Rita Dozier: Dance show here was good, this boosts the girls self esteem. We can see the diversity in the show.
- Maria Ramos: There needs to be security from 7:30am-8:00am at the front gate. Vicky is not facing the front. She need to face the door towards the street.
- Ms. Tracy Mc. Duffie- Vicky faces that way because of the sun.
- Reverend Mitchell- Security should not be posted outside. He called and will address the superintendent regarding this.
- Mr. Crespo- Our security Mr. Evangelino is there from 7:30am-8:00am. Ms. Vicky does get breaks.
Ms. Miyar and Ms. Leon- added that it depends on the school, where the security should be.
Tracy McDuffie- American Senior High Band will be performing this Saturday-
Ms. Rivas- Needs volunteers for movie night.

New Business:
Mr. Crespo- CCMS in not being changed in the attendance boundary.

Uniform company wants to come in about making logos mandatory for school uniforms.
Tracy McDuffie- Concerned about making the logos mandatory due to some parents financial situation.
Mr. Crespo added that vouchers would be provided by the company.
Ms. Olga Pastor: suggested that uniforms should be collected so they can be given to those students in need.
Ms. Maria Rivas, donated her son's shirts when he out grows them.
Dr.Karan-Miyar: We had two articulation trips to one American Senior High School and to Barbara Goleman Senior High School. Parent tours every week. FBLA, Holiday Spirit week is going on.
Magnet Fair on December 7
Mr Crespo: Parents and Potential students can come in to tour the school and visit the teachers. Wanted to do it in the morning to attract students, cheerleaders/dancers participated.
Dr.Karan-Miyar- Algebra night in IPrep room with Ms. Picado and Ms. Hopkins
Ms. Ingraham was excused from last EESAC meeting, this needs to be changed in the minutes as excused.
-Rally to Tally to fight for education funding on January 13th. Students, teachers, parents, advocates can go.
- Ms. Tracy McDuffie: January 12, is three kings parade. January 18 is MLK parade.
Jordyn: Students with superior honor roll could wear jeans on Friday.
suggested that there should be a separate day so those students can stand out, maybe a Thursday.
Ms. Maria Rivas: Dress down every Friday only for December. Dates will need to be selected.
Ms. Rita Dozier- we can collect money from honor roll students if there is a separate day.
Ms. Tracy McDuffie: Pop tickets for Youth Fair codes need to be given to the PTSA. Will look for additional fundraisers that do not have up front costs. Also, looking for a school-wide trip in county.
Dr. Karan- Miyar: Parent workshops being conducted by Ms. Perez. November 21 on Student Portal. Workshop 12/17 for Reading.
Next EESAC Meeting on January 21 at 7:45am in room 32.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:00 am.