Educational Excellence
School Advisory Council

6611 Country Club Middle School

Verified EESAC Meeting Minutes for:    01/21/2020  08:05 AM

Please contact the school for a formatted hard copy of these minutes.

Recording Secretary:    Elda Estrada

Location of meeting:    Country Club Middle School

Was a quorum established?    No

Was the meeting advertised?    Yes,  08/21/2019


Members Present:

Crespo, Rafael (Principal)
Leon, Michelle (Teacher)
Lopez-Guerra, Monica (Teacher)
Mohammad, Ahmed (Teacher)
Diosdado Corrales (Educational Support Employee)
Estrada, Elda (Alternate Parent)
RIVAS, MARIA (Business/Community Representative)
RODRIGUEZ, EVELYN (Business/Community Representative)

Members Absent (Excused):

Villazon, Jacqueline (Alternate Principal)
Rivas, Daniel (Alternate Student)
Phillips-Ingraham, Tawana
Perez, Isabel (Alternate Educational Support)

Members Absent (Unexcused):

SEDENO, EDDY (Business/Community Representative)
Cannon,Claudette (Alternate Teacher/Paraprofessional)
Saavedra, Jennifer (Teacher)

Others Present:

No one else was present.

Topics Covered:

Meeting called to order at 8:03am

Approval of Minutes: Minutes of December approved with corrections.

Principal Updates:
Mr. Rafael Crespo
-We had a STEAM Night, on January 15, 2020. Miami Dade College presentations were the main event. We also had teachers doing presentations from each department.
-Next year I would like to invite the neighboring High Schools and their staff and also the Elementary Schools to make it an even bigger event.
- The FSA Parent Academy is Thursday, January 23. We will also have a general PTSA Meeting from 5:30-6:30pm and then the FSA Parent Academy will begin.
- The School Improvement Plan data and findings
FSA Mathematics proficiency decreased by 1 percentage point from 33% to 32%.
-Additional resources have been purchased with Title I funds to assist students in getting ready for the FSA. Also, tutoring will begin soon after school. Students will be targeted depending on the data. A letter will be sent home.
- Civics will receive their data today to review specific benchmarks and weaknesses to assist in targeting the students.
- Most other subjects have received their data, Science will soon follow.

Dr. Miyar
- Honor Roll students would like to have their own dress down day instead of having it the same day as the PTSA dress down day.

Ms. Olga Pastor- When is the FSA writing? The first two weeks of April is the FSA Writing and the FSA will take place beginning May 1st.

Parent and Family Engagement Updates:
Maria Rivas :
-PTSA General Meeting will take place on January 23 and we will be sending a flyer home for parents.
- We would like PTSA dress down day every Friday or every other Friday if
Mr. Crespo allows it.
-Parents should receive more reminders for upcoming events.

Mr. Crespo
-In the process of looking for 2 additional part time security staff

Title I:
Mr. Crespo:
-Purchased the Math on-line program, workbooks for Math, Algebra and Geometry, and money will also be allocated for funding of the tutoring program.

Student Updates:
-Tracy McDuffie added that there is a program where students are able to write a page for a book and then the book gets printed. Students and parents can purchase as a fundraiser for the school.

Mr Crespo added that teacher computers will be replaced with brand new computers. The computers that are removed will be added to the Media Center.

-Daniel Rivas wants to resign as a student member. We need to have a replacement student member.

Evelyn Rodriguez-
-Miami Dade College is offering some Mini Courses.
- February 8th at the Miami Dade College North Campus we will be co hosting an event where students showcase their Science projects.
-Each building on campus will have its own theme with different competitions.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:43am
Next meeting will be February 18th at 7:45am.