Educational Excellence
School Advisory Council

6611 Country Club Middle School

Verified EESAC Meeting Minutes for:    02/25/2020  08:00 AM

Please contact the school for a formatted hard copy of these minutes.

Recording Secretary:    Elda Estrada

Location of meeting:    Country Club Middle School

Was a quorum established?    Yes

Was the meeting advertised?    Yes,  08/21/2019


Members Present:

Crespo, Rafael (Principal)
Leon, Michelle (Teacher)
Mohammad, Ahmed (Teacher)
Saavedra, Jennifer (Teacher)
Cannon, Claudette (Alternate Teacher/Paraprofessional)
Perez, Isabel (Alternate Educational Support)
Estrada, Elda (Alternate Parent)
RIVAS, MARIA (Business/Community Representative)
RODRIGUEZ, EVELYN (Business/Community Representative)

Members Absent (Excused):

Villazon, Jacqueline (Alternate Principal)
Lopez-Guerra, Monica (Teacher)
Phillips-Ingraham, Tawana (Teacher)
Corrales, Diosdado (Educational Support Employee)
Rivas, Daniel (Alternate Student)

Members Absent (Unexcused):

SEDENO, EDDY (Business/Community Representative)

Others Present:

Sherian Demetrius, PhD (OSI)
Richard Barea (Ibiley Business Representative)

Topics Covered:

Meeting called to order at 8:10am
Approval of Minutes
Minutes approved for January 21.2020
Minutes approved for February 3, 2020

Principal Updates:

-Mr. Crespo, Saturday Academy tutoring began this Saturday with a focus on the Algebra students.
-Weekday tutoring has started, targeting the higher level students who were regressing.
-Mr. Ahmed will be doing weekday tutoring for his Civics students
-I am in the process of hiring an interventionist, who is a retired teacher that had near 100% learning gains throughout his career.
-A big visit this Thursday, February 27, with about 5 Superintendents from different counties throughout the State. As well as Mr. Carvalho and cabinet members should be here. They will be doing instructional rounds to see what other schools in other counties are doing.
-A few students were selected for the Superintendents honor band. This is a first for our school and quite an honor.
-Today, the honor roll students are being treated to lunch at the restaurant across the street. They also had an exclusive day for dress down.
-Rally to Tally, our very own student won the competition and was elected governor. Many schools participated and we won. I am very proud of the students that participated.
-Black History Luncheon- We celebrated throughout the month. Thanks to Ms. Brunson and her team.

School Improvement Plan
-Phase 4 – Approved at our last meeting
-Recap- Showing all modifications to tutoring that we are implementing in order to remediate those students that have regressed.
-The waivers to the labor contract- we are not making any changes to what we had last year. On Feb. 4th, The faculty voted on the various supplements as well as block scheduling and 8 period day.
-For the labor contract waivers there was an 84% in approval, block scheduling had 94% approval,
-For the 8-period day which is referred to as the secondary school reform initiative we had 88% approval. This allows students to get more class selections. The supplements were passed by 100%
-Motion to Approve the SIP waivers
Ms. Olga Pastor motions, Ms. Maria Rivas seconds.
Motion Approved

Parent and Family Engagement Updates:
-PTSA- Maria Rivas- We had the Domino’s Card selling program. We should have collected more. Only about 14 students sold cards. Maybe we need more support from the parents, get the information out to the parents in a better way, make more phone calls, send more flyers out.
-The youth fair tickets, we want to work with the fair. Ms. Albert oversees planning the trip to the fair which will take place on March 19, 2020.
-Training, for Family Engagement has been great, we are sending a survey out to the students and it is available online.
-We need support from parents and teachers to make the PTSA more successful.

Student Updates:
-Jordyn Dozier- Daniels - a question over the dress down days. The dress down days were cancelled. Mr. Crespo addressed that they were cancelled because that Friday was Black History T-Shirt dress down day only and many students did not follow the guidelines. Dress down will be started again as soon as PTSA would like.
-Youth Fair Field Trip- Ms. Albert sent out letters for the students that were able to go. Was based on meeting the criteria stated on the student contract.

Title 1 Updates-
-Interventionist and Saturday Academy, Supplemental Tutoring will be funded by Title 1
-Ms. Maria Martin was hired to replace Ms. Merlin Dominguez as our new Community Involvement Specialist.
-We need a new student on EESAC, Daniel Rivas resigned as alternate student representative please spread the word.
-Eighth grade activities- Trip to Universal Studios Gradventure will take place May 8th, it is $156.00 per student. Dinner Dance will be on May 2nd $50.00 per student. 8th grade picnic in Amelia Earhart park on May 22nd $15.00 per student. Graduation will be June 4th, with two tickets per student. The cafetorium does not have enough space to accommodate more guests.
-School Calendars have been approved for next year and school will be starting August 24, 2020

-Guest- Mr. Richard Barea from Ibiley Uniforms. We are running a District Wide Campaign to promote safety and attendance and education in the county. We are giving a donation to all the schools that are co -promoting this. Every parent and every child will receive a free school logo. Every school will create the day they want to participate.
-Announcements- Ms. Estrada had a dinner for her FBLA students last week.

Ms. Evelyn Rodriguez- We had a great science fair in conjunction with MDCPS, we had almost 15,000 people with different competitions, the ceremony will be in the next couple of weeks.

Meeting adjourned at 9:09am

Next Meeting will be March 17, 2020