Educational Excellence
School Advisory Council

7071 Coral Gables Senior High School

Verified EESAC Meeting Minutes for:    03/12/2007  02:50 PM

Please contact the school for a formatted hard copy of these minutes.

Recording Secretary:    Dee Orgaz

Location of meeting:    Coral Gables Senior High Media Center

Was a quorum established?    Yes

Was the meeting advertised?    Yes,  02/20/2007


Members Present:

Gans, Jo Anne D (Principal)
Otero, Josephine (Alternate Principal)
Blackmon, Daniel (Union Steward)
Albalate, Eulalia (Teacher)
Brisson, Nicki (Teacher)
Hofmann, Stephanie (Teacher)
Hyatt, Iris (Teacher)
Munnerlyn, Paula (Teacher)
Rodriguez, Carmen (Teacher)
Zequeira, Otto (Alternate Teacher/Paraprofessional)
Lowman, Mike (Adult/Vocational Teacher)
Levenstein, Sonia (Parent)
Orgaz, Dee (Parent)
Watson, Sharon (Parent)
Lopez, Albert (Student)
Navarro, Andrew (Alternate Student)
Lara, Brittany (Student)

Members Absent (Excused):

Pullum, Fred (Adult/Vocational Principal)
Gonzalez, Richard (Educational Support Employee)
Yanes, Silvia (Alternate Educational Support)
Salazar, Liz (Parent)
Acosta, Elisabeth (Parent)
Brennan, Eileen (Parent)
Garcia, Jackie (Alternate Parent)
Hernandez, Robert (Alternate Parent)
melton, mabel (Alternate Parent)
Ordonez, Ebet (Alternate Parent)
Betancur, Judith (Adult/Vocational Student)
Reitsma, Joan (Business/Community Representative)
Wong, Tere (Business/Community Representative)
Zoller, Christopher (Business/Community Representative)

Members Absent (Unexcused):

No one had an unexcused absence.

Others Present:

Ricardo Blanco
Carmen Jones-Carey

Topics Covered:

The Coral Gables Senior High School EESAC meeting was called to order by Ms. Stephanie Hofmann, chairman at 2:50pm. A quorum was established. Introductions were made. Ms. Watson made a motion to accept the minutes of the February 12, 2007 EESAC meeting as presented. The motion was seconded. By consensus, EESAC accepted the minutes of the February 12, 2007 EESAC meeting as presented.

Ms. Hofmann presented the following waivers to the labor contract: 1—The principal be able to appoint a designee to attend EESAC meetings that the principal is not able to attend; 2—teachers waive the right to have a daily planning period. Ms. Orgaz made a motion to approve the waiver to the labor contract that allows the principal to appoint a designee to attend EESAC meetings that the principal is not able to attend. The motion was seconded. By consensus, EESAC approved the waiver to the labor contract that allows the principal to appoint a designee to attend EESAC meetings that the principal is not able to attend. Ms. Orgaz made a motion to approve the waiver to the labor contract that teachers waive the right to have a daily planning period. The motion was seconded. By consensus, EESAC approved the waiver to the labor contract that teachers waive the right to have a daily planning period.

Ms. Otero discussed the High School Parent Teacher Conferences which will be held on Wednesday, March 21st from 11:30am to 2:40pm and from 4:30pm to 8:00pm. All high school students will be dismissed at 11:00am on this day. Parents can come to school during the scheduled times, or they can schedule an appointment with a teacher. Appointments can be scheduled through the school switchboard operator. She stated that these teacher conference days will be scheduled once during each grading period next year.

Ms. Jones-Carey discussed the parent survey which is available online. It is available to all parents and she encouraged all parents to complete the survey. She will distribute copies of this survey to those parents present today. The surveys can be returned to her office by the student.

Ms. Gans announced that the District is trying to develop a District wide attendance policy. The proposed policy will be presented to the School Board at its next meeting on March 14th. The second reading will be presented to the School Board at its April meeting, and the final reading will be held in May. All parents will be notified prior to the 2007-2008 school year when the new policy will be implemented. Each school will have an attendance review committee. The attendance policies will be more definitive and stricter. Tardies will be unacceptable and there will be consequences for each tardy.

Ms. Rodriguez, EESAC Budget Committee chairperson, distributed copies of the EESAC budget update. The following is the update of the EESAC budget:
EESAC Budget $35,000.00
Dept Xerox Machine maintenance $6,500.00—on going
COWE/Educational Testing Service $7,900.00—completed
Technology Training/Prof. Develop. $7,500.00—on going
Awards Assembly Facility Rental $2,500.00-Completed
Activities Buses $10,000.00—on going
Total $34,400.00
Difference $ 600.00
Ms. Orgaz suggested that monies other than EESAC monies be used for the program. The IBPO has approved $1,211.48 of IBPO funds to continue the contract for another six months.

Open Forum

Ms. Gans announced that a health clinic will be open on April 14th, in room 702. The clinic will be open to students and teachers. She also announced that the awards assembly will be held on April 17th at 6:30pm.

Mr. Navarro stated that he will distribute the April activities calendar to EESAC members at the next EESAC meeting.

Ms. Hofmann stated that there have been concerns about EESAC procedures. She has asked Ms. Sylvia Mijuskovic from the District to address EESAC about EESAC procedures and to address any further concerns. She will attend the EESAC meeting of April 16th.

Ms. Hofmann requested that the EESAC meeting of April 9th be changed to April 16th. Mr. Navarro made a motion to change the April 9th EESAC meeting to April 16th. The motion was seconded. By consensus, EESAC approved the change of meeting dates for April.

Ms. Orgaz made a motion that the EESAC chairpersons appoint a Bylaws Committee. The motion was seconded. By consensus, the EESAC chairperson appointed a Bylaws Committee. The members of this committee are: Ms. Orgaz, Chairperson, Ms. Brisson, Ms. Hyatt, Ms. Otero, Mr. Navarro, and Mr. Zequiera. The committee will meet on Monday, March 19th, at 2:45pm, in the Media Center.

Ms. Hofmann announced that the next EESAC meeting will be held on Monday, April 16th, at 2:45pm, in the Media Center. Ms. Hofmann adjourned the meeting at 3:40pm.