Educational Excellence
School Advisory Council

7071 Coral Gables Senior High School

Verified EESAC Meeting Minutes for:    04/16/2007  02:50 PM

Please contact the school for a formatted hard copy of these minutes.

Recording Secretary:    Dee Orgaz

Location of meeting:    Coral Gables Senior High Media Center

Was a quorum established?    Yes

Was the meeting advertised?    Yes,  03/20/2007


Members Present:

Gans, Jo Anne D (Principal)
Otero, Josephine (Alternate Principal)
Blackmon, Daniel (Union Steward)
Brisson, Nicki (Teacher)
Hofmann, Stephanie (Teacher)
Hyatt, Iris (Teacher)
Munnerlyn, Paula (Teacher)
Rodriguez, Carmen (Teacher)
Zequeira, Otto (Alternate Teacher/Paraprofessional)
Gonzalez, Richard (Educational Support Employee)
Orgaz, Dee (Parent)
Watson, Sharon (Parent)
Hernandez, Robert (Alternate Parent)
Lara, Brittany (Student)
Lopez, Albert (Student)
Reitsma, Joan (Business/Community Representative)
Zoller, Christopher (Business/Community Representative)

Members Absent (Excused):

Pullum, Fred (Adult/Vocational Principal)
Albalate, Eulalia (Teacher)
Lowman, Mike (Adult/Vocational Teacher)
Yanes, Silvia (Alternate Educational Support)
Acosta, Elisabeth (Parent)
Brennan, Eileen (Parent)
Levenstein, Sonia (Parent)
Salazar, Liz (Parent)
Garcia, Jackie (Alternate Parent)
Melton, Mabel (Alternate Parent)
Ordonez, Ebet (Alternate Parent)
Navarro, Andrew (Alternate Student)
Betancur, Judith (Adult/Vocational Student)
Wong, Tere (Business/Community Representative)

Members Absent (Unexcused):

No one had an unexcused absence.

Others Present:

Humberto Miret
Lucy Benchetrit
Ricardo Blanco

Topics Covered:

The Coral Gables Senior High School EESAC meeting was called to order by Ms. Stephanie Hofmann, chairman at 2:50pm. A quorum was established. Introductions were made. Ms. Watson made a motion to accept the minutes of the March 12, 2007 EESAC meeting as presented. The motion was seconded. By consensus, EESAC accepted the minutes of the March 12, 2007 EESAC meeting as presented.

Ms. Orgaz, chairman of the EESAC Bylaws Committee presented the following report:
The CGHS EESAC Bylaws Committee met on Monday, March 19, 2007, at 2:45pm
in the Media Center. The following Committee members were present: Ms.
Otero, Ms. Hyatt, Mr. Zequiera, Ms. Hofmann, and Ms. Orgaz. The Committee
recommends the following additions to the CGHS EESAC Bylaws:
A. Council Members—insert “The principal shall be able to appoint a designee
to attend EESAC meetings that the principal is not able to attend.” After
“and the high school and the adult school principals.”
I. Committees—delete “Standing and Ad Hoc committees may be formed at
any time by appointment by the chairperson or by consensus of members
present at any meeting.”
I. Committees—insert “1. Standing Committees
a. Budget
b. Attendance/Discipline
c. Bylaws
2. Ad Hoc Committees—May be formed at any time by
appointment by the Chairperson or by consensus
of members present at any meeting.”
Ms. Gans made a motion to accept the additions to the CGHS EESAC Bylaws as presented by the Bylaws Committee. The motion was seconded. By consensus, EESAC accepted the additions to the CGHS EESAC Bylaws as presented by the Bylaws Committee. Ms. Reitsma stated that the E in Each, A. Council Members, 1. Composition, line 8 be changed from a capital “E” to a lower case “e”.

Ms. Hofmann stated that the District representative scheduled to speak about EESAC practices and procedures was not present. She will reschedule the presentation to the May EESAC meeting.

Mr. Zequiera asked for comments about the Parent/Teacher Conference Day. Various EESAC members commented that this may be a good idea, but that the monies spent could have been better spent. Some teachers stated that they had no parents scheduled and that they were able to accomplish other work. Ms. Gans stated that there are three Parent/Teacher Conference Days scheduled next year. Mr. Blackmon stated that UTD agreed to the Parent/Teacher Conference Day as long as teachers were compensated for the hours that they had to be at the school.

Open Forum

Ms. Benchetrit announced that a number of students attended the State Conference of the Future Business Leaders of America. She stated that six students will be attending the National Competition.

Mr. Zequiera stated that the Highlights school newspaper was awarded a number of medals and that a number of students were awarded medals at the state competition.

Ms. Hofmann announced that the next EESAC meeting will be held on Monday, May 14th, at 2:45pm, in the Media Center. Ms. Hofmann adjourned the meeting at 3:25pm.