Educational Excellence
School Advisory Council

7071 Coral Gables Senior High School

Verified EESAC Meeting Minutes for:    12/14/2009  02:50 PM

Please contact the school for a formatted hard copy of these minutes.

Recording Secretary:    Paula Munnerlyn

Location of meeting:    Coral Gables Senior High Media Center

Was a quorum established?    Yes

Was the meeting advertised?    Yes,  11/13/2009


Members Present:

Otero, Josephine (Alternate Principal)
Furnari, Sherry (Teacher)
Hernandez, Lazaro (Teacher)
Hofmann, Stephanie (Teacher)
Munnerlyn, Paula (Teacher)
Lowman, Mike (Adult/Vocational Teacher)
Bryant, John (Educational Support Employee)
Castiello, Mariana (Parent)
Georgatos, Claire (Parent)
Hurtado, Alfonso (Parent)
Ordonez, Ebet (Parent)
Watson, Sharon (Parent)
Arevalo, Amanda (Student)
Ghanem, Ramses (Student)
Betancur, Judith (Adult/Vocational Student)
Reitsma, Joan (Business/Community Representative)
Zoller, Christopher (Business/Community Representative)
Lin Berenguer

Members Absent (Excused):

Costa, Adolfo (Principal)
Wright, Carol (Adult/Vocational Principal)
Blackmon, Daniel (Union Steward)
Van Wyk, Diana (Teacher)
Rodriguez, Carmen (Teacher)
Albalate, Eulalia (Alternate Teacher/Paraprofessional)
Yanes, Silvia (Alternate Educational Support)
Carillo, Rosalia (Parent)
Allen, Keile (Alternate Parent)
Letorestier, Frederique (Alternate Parent)
Riera, Manuel (Business/Community Representative)
San Roman, Irma (Alternate Parent)
Watson, John (Alternate Parent)
Diaz, Marice (Alternate Student)

Members Absent (Unexcused):

No one had an unexcused absence.

Others Present:

Otto Zequera

Topics Covered:

The Coral Gables senior High School EESAC meeting was called to order by Chairperson Stephanie Hofmann at 2:50 pm. A quorum was established. Introductions were made by all present. The minutes from the November 9, 2009 meeting were reviewed; there were two corrections: the spelling of PLAN and EXPLORE tests. The minutes were accepted pending the corrections. The agenda was issued.

I. SIP Update- Ms. Munnerlyn, Language Arts Department Chairperson, and Ms. Furnari, Math Department Chairperson, gave highlights of the District SIP meeting held two weeks ago and discussed ‘FCAT Crunch Time’ schedules/calendars for Language Arts/Reading, Math and Science. Beginning on Jan 4, 2010 there will be 30 minutes of Crunch Time activities (reviewing the benchmarks, etc.) infused into the daily instruction. Then teachers may teach their content material.

II. Student Data Chats – Mr. Hernandez, Chairperson of Testing/Evaluation/Assessments stated that students will be provided their data for review and explanation. Administrators and Mr. Hernandez will be moving through targeted departments to oversee the data discussions. The end result will be that all students will know their data and therefore better understand their strengths and weaknesses. Student representatives serving on the EESAC stated that understanding their data was beneficial, and agreed that it was worth doing. A concerned parent asked why Science was not presented at the EESAC meeting. Ms. Hofmann explained it was an oversight on her part for not inviting the Science Department Chairperson to the EESAC meeting. The discussion moved on to the PLAN and EXPLORE tests.

III. Small Learning Communities – Ms. Otero, Assistant Principal, presented an overview of the SLC site visitation team’s findings. The visiting committee had nothing but good response on the Academies and the efforts to show the Academy presence at Coral Gables Senior High School.

Open Forum- Clarifications on who takes the PSAT and when
Mrs. Watson-Parent Portal Training
Connect Ed messages

Adjournment-3:28 pm
Next meeting January 11, 2010