Educational Excellence
School Advisory Council

7071 Coral Gables Senior High School

Verified EESAC Meeting Minutes for:    04/12/2004  02:50 PM

Please contact the school for a formatted hard copy of these minutes.

Recording Secretary:    Dee Orgaz

Location of meeting:    Coral Gables Senior High School

Was a quorum established?    Yes

Was the meeting advertised?    Yes,  03/25/2004


Members Present:

Martinez, Alex (Principal)

Alvarez, Evonne (Alternate Principal)
Blackmon, Daniel (Union Steward)
Albalate, Eulalia (Teacher)

Hofmann, Stephanie (Teacher)
Rodriguez, Carmen (Teacher)
Schneider, Hans (Teacher)
Wood, Timothy (Teacher)
Brisson, Nicki (Teacher)
Lowman, Mike (Adult/Vocational Teacher)
Gonzalez, Richard (Educational Support Employee)

Fernandez, Cynthia (Parent)

Olszack, Sue (Parent)
Orgaz, Dee (Parent)

Cater, Eve (Alternate Parent)
Taylor, Lee (Alternate Parent)

Reitsma, Joan (Business/Community Representative)
Zoller, Christopher (Business/Community Representative)

Members Absent (Excused):

Pullum, Fred (Adult/Vocational Principal)

Neal, Timothy (Alternate Teacher/Paraprofessional)
Yanes, Silvia (Alternate Educational Support)
Diaz, Bertha (Parent)
Manzanares, Mirna (Parent)
Slingbaum, Cookie (Parent)
Andrews, David (Alternate Parent)
Fernandez, Amy (Student)
Munoz,Alfred (Alternate Student)

Estrada, Maria (Adult/Vocational Student)

Members Absent (Unexcused):

No one had an unexcused absence.

Others Present:

Mary Estrada

Topics Covered:

The Coral Gables Senior High School EESAC meeting was called to order at 2:50pm, by Stephanie Hofmann, EESAC chairman. A quorum was established. The minutes of the March 8, 2004 EESAC meeting were presented. Ms. Brisson made a motion to approve the minutes as presented. The motion was seconded. By consensus, the minutes were approved as presented.

Ms. Hofmann stated that the faculty has voted to continue the block schedule for the next school year. She explained that the block schedule is a waiver to the UTD teachers’ contract which means that teachers waive a planning period in order to have the block schedule. Mr. Taylor made a motion to approve the block schedule for the next school year. The motion was seconded. By consensus, EESAC approved the block schedule for the next school year.

Ms. Rodriguez, chairman of the EESAC budget committee, presented the following report: $42,581.44 of EESAC funds have or will be spent prior to the end of this school year. EESAC has a remaining balance of: $14,655.56. Dr. Martinez purchased, with other school funds, the Plagiarism Prevention-School Plan software. Dr. Martinez has matched the $10,000.00 EESAC funds allocated to the FCAT Learning Express Program.

Ms. Alvarez stated that there are 500 passwords now available through the FCAT Learning Express Program. EESAC purchased 250 passwords and Dr. Martinez purchased 250 passwords. She stated that we need at least 250 additional passwords.
The students will be identified after the FCAT grades are received and the passwords will then be assigned to these students. Ms. Orgaz made a motion to allocate $10,000.00 in EESAC funds for the purchase of 250 additional passwords from the FCAT Learning Express Program. The motion was seconded. By consensus, EESAC approved the allocation of $10,000.00 in EESAC funds for the purchase of 250 additional passwords from the FCAT Learning Express Program.

Ms. Cater made a motion that any remaining EESAC funds be used by the principal to purchase textbooks. The motion was seconded. Ms. Reitsma made a motion to amend the motion by adding “for the AP Comparative Politics and the Honors World Religions classes” at the end of “textbooks”. The motion was seconded. By consensus, EESAC approved the amendment to the motion. By consensus, EESAC approved the following motion as amended: any remaining EESAC funds be used by the principal to purchase textbooks for the AP Comparative Politics and the Honors World Religions classes.

Mr. Gonzalez requested $600.00 of EESAC funds to purchase boom boxes for the use of the band, chorus, English department, Social Studies department, and dance classes. Ms. Reitsma made a motion to allocate $600.00 of EESAC funds to purchase boom boxes. The motion was seconded. By consensus, EESAC approved the allocation of $600.00 of EESAC funds to purchase boom boxes.

Ms. Hofmann stated that EESAC must appoint two teachers to the interview committee for the Technology Mentor position. Mr. Blackmon made a motion to appoint Ms. Brisson and Ms. Rodriguez to the interview committee for the Technology Mentor position. The motion was seconded. By consensus, EESAC approved the appointment of Ms. Brisson and Ms. Rodriguez to the interview committee for the Technology Mentor program.

Ms. Hofmann discussed the EESAC wish list that was requested by Access Center IV. This wish list encompasses a five year plan. All department chairs were asked to submit individual wish lists so that these requests could be considered by the EESAC. Mr. Blackmon made a motion to submit all department wish lists to Access Center IV. The motion was seconded. By consensus, EESAC approved the motion to submit all wish lists for the five year plan to Access Center IV.

Dr. Martinez stated that input regarding the SPEP mission and vision statements and objectives for the 04/05 school year will be solicited from the faculty on April 19th and 20th. Ms. Hofmann stated that EESAC will review these statements and vote to approve or amend these statements at the next EESAC meeting.

Ms. Hofmann distributed copies of the letter from Mercedes Toural, Chief Education and Deputy Superintendent of Schools, to Ms. Hofmann concerning FCAT tests being administered on Saturdays.

Ms. Alvarez announced that there will be an Open House on May 6th for incoming freshmen. It will begin at 6:00pm and will be held in the Auditorium. Ms. Cater announced that the PTSA will sponsor a tennis tournament on April 24th.

Ms. Hofmann announced that the next EESAC meeting will be held on Monday, May 10, 2004, at 2:45pm, in the Media Center. Ms. Hofmann adjourned the meeting at 3:55pm.