Educational Excellence
School Advisory Council

7071 Coral Gables Senior High School

Verified EESAC Meeting Minutes for:    09/11/2006  02:50 PM

Please contact the school for a formatted hard copy of these minutes.

Recording Secretary:    Dee Orgaz

Location of meeting:    Coral Gables Senior High Media Center

Was a quorum established?    Yes

Was the meeting advertised?    Yes,  09/23/2006


Members Present:

Gans, Jo Anne D (Principal)
Otero, Josephine (Alternate Principal)
Blackmon, Daniel (Union Steward)
Albalate, Eulalia (Teacher)
Brisson, Nicki (Teacher)
Hofmann, Stephanie (Teacher)
Hyatt, Iris (Teacher)
Munnerlyn, Paula (Teacher)
Rodriguez, Carmen (Teacher)
Zequeira, Otto (Alternate Teacher/Paraprofessional)
Lowman, Mike (Adult/Vocational Teacher)
Gonzalez, Richard (Educational Support Employee)
Acosta, Elisabeth (Parent)
Brennan, Eileen (Parent)
Levenstein, Sonia (Parent)
Orgaz, Dee (Parent)
Salazar, Liz (Parent)
Watson, Sharon (Parent)
Hernandez, Robert (Alternate Parent)
Lopez, Albert (Student)
Navarro, Andrew (Alternate Student)
Zoller, Christopher (Business/Community Representative)
Garcia, Jackie (Alternate Parent)

Members Absent (Excused):

Pullum, Fred (Adult/Vocational Principal)
Yanes, Silvia (Alternate Educational Support)
Ordonez, Ebet (Alternate Parent)
Betancur, Judith (Adult/Vocational Student)
Reitsma, Joan (Business/Community Representative)
Wong, Tere (Business/Community Representative)
Lara, Brittany (Student)

Members Absent (Unexcused):

No one had an unexcused absence.

Others Present:

Pat Peters
Edward Oswald
Ana Fors
Victoria Sanz
Elizabeth Taveras
Mabel Melton

Topics Covered:

The Coral Gables Senior High School EESAC meeting was called to order by chairman, Stephanie Hofmann, at 2:50pm. A quorum was established. Introductions were made. Ms. Watson made a motion to accept the EESAC minutes of August 24, 2006 as presented. The motion was seconded. By consensus, EESAC accepted the EESAC minutes of August 24, 2006 as presented. Ms. Gans distributed copies of “Family Day—A Day To Eat Dinner With Your Children” which has been designated as September 25th.

Ms. Gans distributed copies of the M-DPS Parent Portal and copies of the School Improvement Plan to all present. She stated that the process for the parent portal (parent viewer) must be followed step by step and there is a 24 hour turn around period before access is available. Parents do need to know their students social security number(s) when trying to access this program. Mr. Blackmon stated that the student absence codes have changed and there is no distinction in the type of student absence.

Ms. Gans stated that the SIP will be presented to Region IV on Sept. 15th. Ms. Brisson discussed the document and stated that this is a draft copy. She stated that the majority of the goals and objectives in SIP are dictated by the FLDOE (Florida Dept. of Education). Ms. Hofmann asked that EESAC members with recommendations about the SIP contact Ms. Brisson no later than Thursday morning, Sept. 14th. Ms. Brisson made a motion to accept the SIP as presented, pending any recommendations from EESAC members. The motion was seconded. By consensus, EESAC accepted the SIP as presented, pending any recommendations from EESAC.

Ms. Rodriguez, chairman of the EESAC budget committee stated that the committee will meet on Monday, Sept. 18th, at 6:30am, in room 708. Any EESAC members are welcome to attend this meeting.

Open Forum

Ms. Melton stated that the ESE department is in need of more funding and would like the EESAC to allocate funds for this department.

Ms. Orgaz stated concerns about the following safety issues: parents parked in the traffic lanes of the LeJeune parking lots during dismissal; vehicles parked near the west exit doors of the new building which could cause a problem during fire drills; employees of the Shops at Merrick Place parking in the south end of the LeJeune parking lot.
Mr. Peters expressed concern about AP testing scores and the money that the school receives from these tests. He also expressed a concern that AP teachers may not have adequate training to teach these classes. Ms. Gans stated that the AP scores in first year AP teacher classes are usually lower than those of experienced AP teachers. She also stated that there are various opportunities for AP teacher training and those teachers are scheduled for these training sessions whenever possible. Andrew Navarro, student, stated that students who must take both IB and AP tests opt to concentrate on the IB tests. Some of these students went to the test session, signed their name on the form, and did not take the test.
Ms. Levenstein asked about the gifted consultative model. Ms. Gans stated that a notice to parents is forthcoming. Ms. Levenstein also asked about student compliance with uniforms. Ms. Gans stated that there are approximately 25-30 students who have received a waiver for the uniforms. She also stated that the uniform company warehouse had been broken into and the entire inventory had been stolen.
Mr. Zequiera made a motion to return the tabled motion of the last EESAC meeting to the table. The motion was seconded. Mr. Zequiera stated the motion: that the EESAC propose an eight period waiver to include a target of twenty-five students per class and reduce the number of teacher assessments from two per week to three every two weeks. The motion was not seconded and therefore, lost.
Ms. Hofmann stated that the next EESAC meeting will be held on Monday, October 9, 2006, at 2:45pm, in the Media Center. Ms. Hofmann adjourned the meeting at 3:45pm.