Educational Excellence
School Advisory Council

7541 North Miami Beach Senior High School

Verified EESAC Meeting Minutes for:    10/15/2009  03:30 PM

Please contact the school for a formatted hard copy of these minutes.

Recording Secretary:    Marina Montesino

Location of meeting:    Media Center

Was a quorum established?    Yes

Was the meeting advertised?    Yes,  10/12/2009


Members Present:

Patti Stauffer, EESAC Chairperson
Milliken, Randy A (Alternate Principal)
Belkis Aguiire (Parent)
Tisdahl, Douglas (Union Steward)
Marina Montesino (Teacher)
Clerizier, Edma (Educational Support/Paraprofessional Employee)
Cyprien, Christina (Student)
Camacho, Sergio (Student)
Bontemps, Langeda (Student)
Noel, Medjine (Student)
Heather Belmont (Business/Community Representative)

Members Absent (Excused):

Poitier, Corey (Teacher)
Pratt, Julie (Teacher)
Krantz, Sharon (Counselor)
Kienzle, Carmen (Parent)
Kienzle, Stephanie (Parent)
Lazarre, Geraldine (Parent/PTA President)

Members Absent (Unexcused):

No one had an unexcused absence.

Others Present:

No one else was present.

Topics Covered:

I. Welcomes and Introduction
• P. Stauffer introduced Heather Belmont Business/Community representative from Miami Dade College and Belkis Aguirre new Parent Representative

II. Old Business:
a. Financial Report
i. R. Fontana $19,444.00
1. $1200 for outstanding laptop request for students from last year students where never advised of purchase
2. $1,200.00 outstanding for Mr. Nesmith’s request for calculators
b. Title I Report
i. R. Fontana school is pushing the 75% we are currently at 70%. Title I was cut this year because of District budget, 13 Supplements were purchased from title one for teachers. One fulltime parent involvement personnel was hired -Melanie Chancy (NMB Alumni)
c. SIP School Improvement Plan
i. R. Fontana explained that because of school grade level SIP plan needed to address Differentiated Accountability _____ SIP plan needed to address reading, math, and writing. R. Fontana also mentioned the SIRS visit would be October 16th. R, Fontana also added that the SIP plan is a living document and constantly changing.
d. Dual Enrollment
i. P. Stauffer asked about Dual Enrollment
ii. R. Fontana explained dual enrollment. It will provide highly academic rigor for students and give them the opportunity to access college/university level classes with in their high school curriculum. Dual enrollment has been offered by FIU & MD College. NMB will being working with FIU

III. New Business
a. SAS School for Advanced Studies mailers have been sent out to students for enrollment to SAS. P. Stauffer had questions.
b. Mid-Semester curriculum changes
i. R. Fontana explained that sue to NMB’S status as Differentiated Accountability school region is involved in determining curriculum strategies to assist NMB in receiving a better FCAT grade for the 2010 school year. One of the changes requested is that all 10th graders be placed in a Writing course to help with the FCAT writes. NMB administration determined that students who received a 2.5 thru 4.0 would be placed in these courses.
c. Review of Funding Requests:
i. P. Stauffer reviewed procedures for requesting funding from EESA and would send out an email to all faculty & staff at NMB to confirm. Most importantly request needs to be in within 48 hours and petitioner must be present at EESAC meeting.
ii. H. Belmont asked how money should be sent.
iii. P. Stauffer responded that ESSAC monies are spent for improvement of school and or school related expenses
iv. D. Tisdahl motioned $1200.00 for Mr. Nesmith to purchase calculators that was requested last year
v. V. Martin Second all members were in favor
vi. Motioned passed
d. NMB Alumni booster web site to be set aside until next meeting
e. Meeting with Mayor of NMB
i. V. Martin had a meeting with the Mayor to possibly fund an outdoor garden fitness trail with handicap access for the school. The Mayor decided to visit NMB and committed to visit the Health Fair. November 6th could be the 1st possible visit from the mayor Mrs. Martin is waiting for confirmation from the mayors’ office.
ii. V. Martin motioned to request funding for Mayor’s visit in the amount of $400.00
iii. D. Tisdahl second
iv. Motioned passed
f. Students:
i. Concerned that Prom is on Friday. Nothing can be done for this year but advise the Class of 2011 to be aware for next year and voice concerns to Ms. Guerrier.
g. Parents:
i. ABC Boundaries. P. Stauffer explained that last year ESSAC was told that boundaries do not fall under ESSAC control, but the ABC committee sent a memo out that states that NMB is not a targeted school for the 2009-2010 School year but yet is requesting a signature from ESSAC Chairperson.
h. Faculty & Staff:
i. H. Belmont explained about the new Science Complex at Miami Dade College and that the BEAM students will be attending for a field trip and Ms. Belmont further extended the invitation to all students at NMB.
IV. Schedule of next ESSAC Meeting:
a. P. Stauffer recommended November 19th being the 3rd Thursday of the month. But that day is an Early Release day for the school So November 12th was chosen as the next ESSAC meeting at 3:30 in the Media Center.
V. P. Stauffer motioned to adjourned
VI. D. Tisdahl second
VII. Motioned passed