Educational Excellence
School Advisory Council

7541 North Miami Beach Senior High School

Verified EESAC Meeting Minutes for:    04/29/2010  03:30 PM

Please contact the school for a formatted hard copy of these minutes.

Recording Secretary:    Marina Montesino

Location of meeting:    Media Center

Was a quorum established?    Yes

Was the meeting advertised?    Yes,  04/06/2010


Members Present:

Fontana, Raymond (Principal)
Stauffer, Patti ( ESSAC Chair Person/Parent)
Marina Montesino (Recording Secretary/Teacher)
Martin, Veronica (Teacher)
Krantz, Sharon (Counselor)
Noel, Medjine (Student)
Camacho, Sergio (Student)
Cyprien, Christina (Student)
Bontemps, Langeda (Student)
Belmont, Heather (Business/Community Representative)
Clerizier, Edma (Paraprofessional))

Members Absent (Excused):

Poitier, Corey (Teacher)
Aguire, Berkis (Parent)
Benoit, Ducaisse (Parent)
Cohen, Linda (Alternate Teacher/
Elliot, Donna (Union Steward)
Pratt, Julie (Teacher)
Rountree, Michael (Alternate Educational Support)
Lazarre, Geraldine (Parent)

Members Absent (Unexcused):

No one had an unexcused absence.

Others Present:

Randy Milliken (Assistant Principal)
Ridore, Billy (Assistant Principal)
Lisa York (Teacher)
Mary Muniz-Pellicier (Parent)

Topics Covered:

I. Welcomes and Introduction/Assignment of Timekeeper

II. Introductions:
A. All Members present introduced themselves
III. Approval of Meeting Minutes
A. P Stauffer motioned to approve minutes for March
B. V. Martin seconded
C. Motioned passed
IV. Old Business:
A. EESAC Financial Statement/Report
a. R. Fontana explained that the new system for budgeting was not working correctly and that it was difficult to determine the amount of monies in the ESSAC account. He will be working on it for next meeting
B. Title I Report:
a. R. Fontana discussed that North Miami Beach is at 81% but that the amount of funding being allocated for next year has not yet been determined. Since the budget crisis in MDCPS is still being evaluated the money disbursement is undetermined at this time. P. Stauffer wants clarification on the amount of money being taken by the district and will investigate further
C. 2009-2010 School Improvement Plan: SIP plan was reviewed by members and approved for the End of the Year review. R. Fontana explained the importance of having a SIP plan and how it drives the activities within the school
a. Motion to accept SIP End of the Year Plan
b. V. Martin Second
c. Motion Passes
D. Saunders Scholarship: Money allocated for Saunders’ Scholarship will be presented to winners on May 19th at the Awards Banquet
V. New Business
A. Review of Funding Request
a. Ms. York was requesting funding for the amount of $550 for registration fee for and AP English Literature workshop.
1. Motion to Approve
2. V. Martin Second
3. Motion Passed
B. Adult Clinic Hours
a. Ms. Dodo reported that the clinic will be opening up for 2 nights a week in the Evening hours. Mondays and Tuesdays from 5:00pm to 7:00pm. V, Martin recommended that Ms. Miller compile a video of what the facilities provide for patients and members
VI. Reports & Updates
A. Students
a. S. Camacho shared about the Junior Class Ring Ceremony
b. M. Noel & C. Ciprien shared the Grad Bash experience they said it was fantastic
c. L. Bontemps reported that the 10th grade class made every effort to make sure that they did well on the FCAT
B. PTA & Parents
a. G. Lazarre was not present but P. Stauffer mentioned the PTA elections for next month and other updates from Ms. Lazarre.
C. Faculty & Staff
a. V. Martin reported that The Women of Tomorrow awarded 5 scholarships to girls in the GEM program
b. V. Martin also reported that the GEM club members had an Etiquette workshop with the GEM members from Edison Senior High School
c. S. Krantz reported about the Transition feeder pattern meeting that we and a great turnout form parents and student from the feeder patterns
D. Administration
a. R. Fontana reported that the Principal’s meeting was held at Miami Dade College Science building and that it is an amazing facility. He also congratulated Ms. Belmont for a wonderful paertenship with Miami Dade County Public Schools and Miami Dade College.

VII. Schedule of next ESSAC Meeting:
A. Next meeting Date was set for May 20, 2010 at 3:00 p.m.
B. P. Stauffer Motioned
C. M. Montesino Seconded
D. Motion Passes
VIII. Adjournment