Educational Excellence
School Advisory Council

7541 North Miami Beach Senior High School

Verified EESAC Meeting Minutes for:    05/20/2010  03:00 PM

Please contact the school for a formatted hard copy of these minutes.

Recording Secretary:    Marina Montesino

Location of meeting:    Media Center

Was a quorum established?    Yes

Was the meeting advertised?    Yes,  05/03/2010


Members Present:

Fontana, Raymond (Principal)
Stauffer, Patti ( ESSAC Chair Person/Parent)
Marina Montesino (Recording Secretary/Teacher)
Martin, Veronica (Teacher)
Krantz, Sharon (Counselor)
Ciprien, Crisitina (Student)
Noel, Medjine (Student)
Belmont, Heather (Business/Community Representative)
Clerizier, Edma (Paraprofessional)
Pratt, Julie (Teacher)
Rountree, Michael (Alternate Educational Support)

Members Absent (Excused):

Poitier, Corey (Teacher)
Aguire, Berkis (Parent)
Benoit, Ducaisse (Parent)
Cohen, Linda (Alternate Teacher/)
Elliot, Donna (Union Steward)
Lazarre, Geraldine (Parent)
Camacho, Sergio (Student)
Bontemps, Langeda (Student)

Members Absent (Unexcused):

No one had an unexcused absence.

Others Present:

Randy Milliken (Assistant Principal)
Arrel Pluviouse (student)
Brandon Jadotte

Topics Covered:

I. Welcomes and Introduction/Assignment of Timekeeper

II. Introductions:
A. All Members present introduced themselves
III. Approval of Meeting Minutes
A. P Stauffer motioned to approve minutes for April
B. S. Krantz seconded
C. Motioned passed
IV. Old Business:
A. EESAC Financial Statement/Report
a. R. Fontana reported that after much research on the new budget system that EESAC had $13,900.00. The $900.00 was money from last year that was encumbered in this year’s money.
B. Title I Report:
a. R. Fontana reported that there was nothing new to report
C. 2009-2010 School Improvement Plan:
a. M. Montesino reported that Mr. Milliken, Mr. Nesmith, Mr. Casals, Mrs. Guthrie, and she attended SIP training on May 19th. There will be a new SIP template for next year. New items that will be addresses in the SIP include addressing the needs of Level 3,4 & 5 students in reading, math and science. Suspensions will be another new item addressed in the SIP plan. The first part of the SIP plan is due on June 18th which includes the “demographics” portion of the SIP plan. During the summer as the data is generated from the FCAT results the academic goals will be address for the 2010-2011 school year
D. Saunders Scholarship: Scholarship was awarded to Jessica Estel. R. Fontana reported that Mrs. Saunders and her son were at the awards ceremony to present to Jessica
V. New Business
A. Review of Funding Request
a. The Drama club was requesting a total of $3200.00 for a performance at the beginning of the school year for 9/11, light switches for the auditorium, and the cost to Lakeland Florida for the Florida Thespian Conference. Discussion from ESSAC members questioning the amounts for each area. P. Stauffer reminded the members that $500 towards Drama club for product rights to produce a play at the beginning of the year “The War at Home”. Mr. Fontana said that he would purchase the light switch in the amount of $1100.00 for the auditorium.
b. Ms. Martin motioned to allocate $2100.00 for the Drama Club Troupe 3206 towards their funding request
c. Major Rountree second
d. Motioned Passed
e. Ms. York was requesting funding for the amount of $550 for registration fee for and AP English Literature workshop, but she was awarded a scholarship for the AP course and did not need the monies towards the registration fee for the workshop Ms York was asking for a repurposing of funds for her AP class to but materials instead. Discussion: S. Krantz expressed concern about disseminating information to the staff about the availability of funds from ESSAC committee. S. Krantz added that we may need to look at a introducing a system of getting that information out to the entire staff. P. Stauffer expressed that at the beginning of the year she sends out an email to let all staff members at North Miami Beach know that there are finds available in ESSAC.M. Montesino wanted to know if in the pass ESSAC has given monies for “classroom” materials. V. Martin suggested that maybe we could use the money to give Ms. York a SMART BOARD P. Stauffer reminded that maybe she does not need one and that we should assume what a teacher may need in the classroom without asking. Further Discussion resulted in repurposing the monies for non consumable materials for the classroom
f. P. Stauffer motioned to allocate/repurpose the original $550.00 that Ms. York was granted for “non-consumable items and/or literature books that relate to the language or Literature AP class.
g. E. Clerizier second
h. Motioned Passed
i. Funding request for AP teachers ( Mr. Sardinas, Mr. Ramsauer, Mr. Pallais, Miss. Clarke, Miss Le,) going to AP workshops during the summer. Most of the AP teachers requested fund to participate in the AP workshop this summer. All members agreed that the funds should be allocated. It was decided to allocate a lump sum for AP teachers to use for these workshops.
j. P. Stauffer motioned to allocate $4,500.00 (approximately $550. Per teacher) to participate in the AP workshops during this summer. The total amount would enable eight teachers to participate.
k. H. Belmont second
l. Motion Passed
m. Fund request by Major Rountree in the amount of $1000.00 to purchase Uniform items for the cadets for competition. Discussion V. Martin asked which cadets would benefit from the uniforms. Maj. Rountree explained that the uniforms are for those cadets in competition. P. Stauffer commended the JROTC program stating that it is one of the best programs in the county by far.
n. R. Fontana motioned to allocate $1000.00 to Maj .Rountree for Uniform items for competition
o. V. Martin second
p. Motioned Passed
q. R. Fontana requested allocation of funds for the Robotics team in the amount of $5000.00. Discussion: V. Martin expressed her concern about “giving” monies to clubs that did not return the investment to the school. She would like to see future clubs give back to the school if monies are awarded from the ESSAC Committee in service to the school, improvement of the school, fundraising for the club or even volunteer time for the school. R. Fontana expressed that in the past the Robotics Club had sponsorship from Cordis and did not have to fundraise. M. Montesino added that even when the Robotics team had sponsorship from Cordis the Robotics club members still had to fundraise because the sponsorship amount still did not cover all the expenses for the competition. R. Fontana suggested after the discussion to grant the allocation to the Robotics team based on matching fundraising. Whatever amount the Robotics team fundraises ESSAC Committee will match the amount up to $3000.00. everyone agreed.
r. R. Fontana motioned to allocate funds that match fundraising activities throughout the year to the Robotics Team up to an amount of $3000.00
s. V. Martin Second
t. Motion Passed
u. R. Fontana requested $1,500.00 to paint the pillars outside the front of the school.
v. P. Stauffer motioned to allocate the fund request in the amount of $1,500.00 to paint the pillars for the front of the school
w. H. Belmont second
x. Motion passed
VI. Reports & Updates
A. Students
a. Arrel Pluviouse from Ms. Sandilands came into thank the ESSAC committee for funding his trip to California for the DCT competition. He related that he had a fabulous time and was very thankful for the opportunity to have participated thanks to ESSAC
b. Students reported on the Awards ceremony and that Prom & graduation were coming up in May
B. PTA & Parents
a. M. Stauffer reminded the committee that the Teacher Appreciation luncheon would be in the Media Center on May 12st
C. Faculty & Staff
a. M. Montesino reported that Miami Dade College School of Culinary Arts came to speak to the students in Ms. Ingram’s classes
b. V. Martin reported that she had attended the Aventura Marketing Council Meeting this month
D. Administration
a. R. Fontana reported that Mr. Carvahlo would be attending North Miami beach Senior High School’s graduation

VII. Schedule of next ESSAC Meeting:
A. Next meeting would be determined next year
B. P. Stauffer Motioned
C. V. Martin Seconded
D. Motion Passes
VIII. Adjournment