Educational Excellence
School Advisory Council

7541 North Miami Beach Senior High School

Verified EESAC Meeting Minutes for:    10/23/2014  03:30 PM

Please contact the school for a formatted hard copy of these minutes.

Recording Secretary:    Adrian Rodriguez

Location of meeting:    North Miami Beach Media Center

Was a quorum established?    Yes

Was the meeting advertised?    Yes,  10/09/2014


Members Present:

Luzardo, Rei (Teacher/Chair)
Rodriguez, Adrian J. (Teacher/Secretary)
Martin, Veronica (Teacher/Treasurer)
Brown-Rose, Shirley (Teacher)
Volcy, Selena (Administrative Alternate)
Parris, Ray (Teacher)
Harris, Liane (Parent)
Baxter, Keiera (Student)
Alexis, Dorothy (Student)
Elliott, Dona (Teacher/UTD Representative)

Members Absent (Excused):

Milliken, Randy (Principal)
Chedeline Apollon (Student)
McDaniel, Kenyasha (Community Representative)

Members Absent (Unexcused):

No one had an unexcused absence.

Others Present:

No one else was present.

Topics Covered:

Meeting began at 3:35 p.m.

Approval of minutes:
A. Minutes for the 09/29/14 meeting were approved (1st - D. Alexis & 2nd - K. Baxter) with minor corrections.

Welcome and round table introductions by Mr. R. Luzardo

New business:
A. R. Luzardo was elected president and A. Rodriguez was elected secretary (1st - V. Martin & 2nd - S. Volcy)
B. V. Martin was elected vice chair (proposed by R. Luzardo, 1st - L. Harris, & 2nd - D. Elliot)
C. R. Luzardo reviewed North Miami Beach's EESAC bylaws and raised concerns about a need to revise the bylaws to reflect the realities of the current board and the school it represents.
• Composition of board must be updated to reflect current sittuation
• Committee explored the options on how to increase non-faculty represenation
• Options that were considered were:
1. Increase student enrolment
2. Decrease parental representation
3. Decrease overall representation from 18 total to a smaller number
• A recommendation was outlined with the totals:
1. Eight class student representatives reflecting presidents and vice presidents from each grade level, with two alternates
2. One student from students government
3. Decrease the total parental representation to two parents with one alternate
4. Faculty representation remains the same
• The topic was tabled for this meeting and will be revisited at a future EESAC meeting
D. A disciplinary and safety subcommittee was officially recognized by the EESAC:
• Membership is comprised of the following individuals that serve on both subcommittees:
1. S. Volcy
2. J. Bertani
3. D. Elliott
E. S. Volcy reviewed developments on the SIP progress:
• The SIP was submitted and approved
• S. Volcy will send out a virtual copy via e-mail
Old business:

A. Funding request from the principal in the amount of $2,999.00 was earmarked for the purchase of student related food items and incentives (1st - D. Alexis & 2nd - K. Baxter)
B. The remaining funds left in EESAC are: $4,987

Reports & Updates:
• Student updates:
o Senior Package will be sold starting on November 17 - December 3)
o Homecoming dance was a huge success
• PTSA updates:
o All former members (2013-2014) have turned in their resignation letters
o Plans are currently underway to elect a new board to the PTSA
• Faculty and Staff updates:
o A. Rodriguez reviewed that NMB's Literacy Team met and has already implemented several programs to promote literacy
o R. Parris highlighted an upcoming fieldtrip and that the girls’ soccer season begins next week.
o R. Luzardo reported that the school newspaper is currently awaiting the principal's approval. He also announced that the NMB Facebook page is up and running and requires more parental following. Lastly, R. Luzardo updated the EESAC on an Advanced Placement workshop that was conducted by MDC with much success.
• Administrative updates:
o The Homecoming dance was last weekend and went well
o Identification machine is now operational and IDs will be distributed next week.
• Community updates:
o N/A
Funding request(s):
* Starting budget: $7,986
* Approved grants for this meeting: $2,999.00
* Total budget post approved grants: $4,987

Future meeting: Thursday, November 17, 2014 at 3:30 in the NMB library

Meeting adjourned at 4:50 p.m.