Educational Excellence
School Advisory Council

7541 North Miami Beach Senior High School

Verified EESAC Meeting Minutes for:    10/19/2016  03:30 PM

Please contact the school for a formatted hard copy of these minutes.

Recording Secretary:    Adam Pasternack

Location of meeting:    NMB, Room 710

Was a quorum established?    Yes

Was the meeting advertised?    Yes,  09/29/2016


Members Present:

Milliken, Randy (Principal)
Ridore, Billy C (Alternate Principal)
Davis, James (Union Steward)
Boeva, Vania (Teacher)
Luzardo, Rei (Teacher)
Martin, Veronica (Teacher)
Pasternack, Adam (Teacher)
Vetiac, Micheline (Teacher)
Harris, Lianne (Alternate Parent)
Small, Claudette (Alternate Parent)
Cazes, Angelyz (Student)
Chouieki, Ali (Student)
Francois, Shamise (Student)
Khan, Zohaib (Student)
Pierre-Louis, Trisha (Student)
Rendel, Laetitah (Student)
Rivers, Erick (Student)
Vega, Ashley (Student)
Wohl, Matthew (Business/Community Representative)

Members Absent (Excused):

Clerizier, Edma (Educational Support Employee)
Serrano, Peter (Alternate Educational Support)

Members Absent (Unexcused):

Gant, Alicia (Alternate Teacher/Paraprofessional)
Levins, Jean (Parent)
Simon, Monique (Parent)
Calvaire, Ritchel (Alternate Student)

Others Present:

Marteisha Davis (Testing Chair)
Carlos Tepedino (MDC)

Topics Covered:

Mr Luzardo addresses members regarding attendance, asking for name and emails

Mr Luzardo asks members to read over their own minutes rather than expecting him to print for them everytime.

Mr. Pasternack will be temporarily taking minutes

Mr Luzardo does introduction and asks for those on the Committee to do intro’s – we all go around the room introducing ourselves and each other.

Mr. Luzardo asks for the room to look over the minutes as the first items on the agenda pertain to the minutes from last year.

Mr. Luzardo goes over the attendance sheet again as the meeting has begun. Reiterates the need for a clear email to be present on the attendance sheet.

Pasternack moves to accept the minutes, Dr. Davis seconds. Minutes are approved.

Mr. Luzardo goes over the three officers who are in charge as the Chairman, Secretary and Vice Chairman.

Dr. Davis inquires how many years Mr. Luzardo has served, Mr. Luzardo states he has been for 3 years, Dr. Davis asks how long he can legally be the Chairman, some back and forth ensues. Mr. Luzardo reviews bylaws, and goes over the election procedures and the bylaws state the term of the chair is 3 years, but at the end a vote ensues. Mr. Miliken asks for clarity on whether we need a vote when only 1 person was nominated for each category. Dr. Davis, Luzardo and some others state we do not.

Mr. Pasternack nominates Mr. Luzardo, Dr. Davis seconds.

Eric nominates Ms. Martin as Vice Chair, Angie seconds.

Dr. Davis nominates Mr. Pasternack as secretary, Angie seconds.

Mr. Ridore speaks on the school improvement plan. Mr. Ridore hands out copies that he made for the people to go over during the meeting in case they have any questions. The school mission statement has not changed, early warning systems have shifted, he touches over the pages in general but states he does not wish to read all the pages, page by page and people have copies to go over it at will. Discusses where the school is, where it was, and where the S.I.P. plans to help it go. He goes over the Action Plan, where help is needed and shall be given. Not limiting action to these areas, but definitely putting some focus on them. Goes over Action Steps, and all the pages therein.
Mr. Luzardo asks for discussion on the S.I.P.
Ms. Martin motions for the SIP to be accepted, Mr. Pasternack seconds, no objections.

Mr. Luzardo goes over where all the documents, rules procedures and such things are online,

Mr. Luzardo states that we can agree by consensus, Mr. Pasternack points out we enjoy the voting process of first and second.

Mr. Luzardo states the status of the budget is 8090 dollars. Mr. Milliken goes over briefly what we have, why, what to do with it, etc.
Mr. Miliken states the money might shift, final budget is not in.
Angelys asks exactly how the budget works, Milliken explains that any stakeholder of the school can petition the ESAAC committee for money and can get approved.
Mr. Luzardo ask’s Ms. Martin to go over exactly how to petition the board, Ms. Martin explains how to write up a askance, and then they go over generally accepted items and general disallowed items.
Mr. Milliken goes over previously funded objects and that the committee is a separate entity from himself and everyone, student and he has an equal vote and say in the matter.

Mr. Luzardo mentions we need to discuss the membership roster on OSI, and the importance of the sign in sheet. Luzardo goes over the importance of letting him know when you wil be absent beforehand so you can be excused, Ashley asks how to let him know, Luzardo goes over his contact information. Luzardo mentions any member who misses 2 meetings in a row without being excused beforehand shall be removed from their position, by the bylaws.

Dr. Davis states, “That the 2 days absence without being excused by the Chairman, does not apply to the UTD Stewart or to the Principal.”

Mr. Luzardo seaways into funding requests, but before going into them, brings up the percent of the budget Mr. Milliken can ask for so that he can provide goods and services for the students and staff and school. Mr. Milliken goes on to explain what the different incentives and other such things that can be spent on. The amount of the money asked for is, 2,999 dollars.
Mr. Pasternack moves to accept the money to Mr. Milliken, Erick seconds, no objections

Ms. Davis is introduced as having a funding request, Ms. Davis introduces herself. She requests 735 dollars to fund the 9th grade capstone students so that they can take the PSAT, 15 dollars per test, 49 total students.
Mr. Milliken and several other people voice their support for granting the request.
Mr. Pasternack moves to accept the request, Erick seconds, Ms. Martin points out she has a question, asks if any students might want to show up late, Ms. Davis says no this is the final number, the motion then gets accepted.
Mr. Milliken and Luzardo go over what happens when a motion gets accepted, and tell Ms. Davis what happens next. She needs a copy of the minutes, and paperwork.

Student Reports
Angelys goes over home coming week, Ali goes over think pink week.
Latticia goes over that the juniors had juniortopia, what it was, what happened, and other such things.
Erick goes over Latin American History Month, Pasternack mentions Speech and Debate, Juniors mention they won Kickball.

PTSA Reports
Ms Martin speaking, goes over that PTSA meeting will be meeting tomorrow, and they are still accepting members.

Community Discussions
MDC representative, Mr Wohl, goes over this is his first meeting here and points out he is glad to be here and asks that anything we need they are glad to provide, and hopes for a good year. Mr Milliken asks for him to go over Ctech, and he does, many achievements speakers and accolades occurred therein. The point is to celebrate technical learning and design with the point of getting students to get certificates.
Ms. Harris asks about the offerings of MDC for their Teacher Planning Days’, . First PD is over, but it was so successful they are going to have a second.

Staff Reports
Mr. Luzardo reports for staff in regards to the school newsletter and the different editions. Mr. Luzardo points out it’s a digital newsletter and that there is a QR code that links to the article. MDC representative asks for that QR code, Luzardo provides.

Administration Reports
Mr. Milliken goes over the multiple events of the day, testing, guest speakers, Literacy seminar, FAFSA seminar, health services seminar, and activities for homecoming week. Comments on Ctech involvement, and UTD and MDC’s program, gives praise. Goes over VALUES matter, how well its done at our school and how the kids go in and are amazing kids. Two children today found and returned a hundred dollars in cash to a kid who lost it.

UTD Reports
Dr Davis states UTD it has nothing to report, thanks the kids for coming out.

Other Discussions
Mr Pasternack mentions what about snacks and things, Mr. Milliken says that we can do it in groupings and that administration will do next month’s meeting, tells Mr. Ridore to bring some snacks.
Mr. Milliken invites the parents and MDC to come to our homecoming game, and tells the adults that there is a tailgate party prior to the game. Ms. Martin states that tickets are 5 dollars.

Mr Luzardo sums up the meeting, budget began 8090, Mr Milliken was granted 2999, Davis granted 735, remaining Budget is 4356.

Next meeting will be at 3:30 on November 16th.

Mr Luzardo then dismisses meeting.