Educational Excellence
School Advisory Council

7541 North Miami Beach Senior High School

Verified EESAC Meeting Minutes for:    11/16/2016  03:30 PM

Please contact the school for a formatted hard copy of these minutes.

Recording Secretary:    Adam Pasternack

Location of meeting:    NMB, Room 710

Was a quorum established?    Yes

Was the meeting advertised?    Yes,  10/20/2016


Members Present:

Milliken, Randy (Principal)
Ridore, Billy C (Alternate Principal)
Davis, James (Union Steward)
Boeva, Vania (Teacher)
Luzardo, Rei (Teacher)
Martin, Veronica (Teacher)
Pasternack, Adam (Teacher)
Vetiac, Micheline (Teacher)
Simon, Monique (Parent)
Harris, Lianne (Alternate Parent)
Small, Claudette (Alternate Parent)
Cazes, Angelyz (Student)
Chouieki, Ali (Student)
Francois, Shamise (Student)
Khan, Zohaib (Student)
Pierre-Louis, Trisha (Student)
Rendel, Laetitah (Student)
Rivers, Erick (Student)
Vega, Ashley (Student)
Calvaire, Ritchel (Alternate Student)

Members Absent (Excused):

No one had an excused absence.

Members Absent (Unexcused):

Gant, Alicia (Alternate Teacher/Paraprofessional)
Clerizier, Edma (Educational Support Employee)
Serrano, Peter (Alternate Educational Support)
Levins, Jean (Parent)
Wohl, Matthew (Business/Community Representative)

Others Present:

No one else was present.

Topics Covered:

Minutes read and accepted, moved by Mr. Milliken, seconded by Mr. Pasternack

Luzardo brings forth the need to amend the by-laws
Motion accepted to change the bylaws in section E. where a parent must be present among the members for the EESAC to reach Quorum.

Mr. Ridore goes over the S.I.P. And its distribution among faculty and staff.

Eric Rivers raises a question as funding in regards to the S.I.P., brings up vague questions as it pertains to a field trip that may or may not apply to the S.I.P. And if it can get approved.

Mr. Milliken, brings up an issue on the budget, whereas a rollover occurred and the new budget has 2 lines, one of the previous allotment,

$15,695 new possible current total. May fluctuate due to accounting.

Ms. Boeva inquires if the science department can ask for more then a thousand dollars at a time.

Discussion of attendance Boundaries—Mr Luzardo introduces and Mr. Milliken explains. We discuss this, Mr. Pasternack moving to accept the discussion, and Dr. Davis seconds. Signatures are then acquired.

Student Discussions:
Feeder Pattern Expo
Turkey drive
First senior event occurred, Senior Parent Night, several colleges attended.
Upcoming ESE forum
Drama Club went to competitions and will be going to states
Juniors will be selling bagels
Class of 2020 created their shirts.
Eric brings up that kids are being kicked out of the spill out after school. Mr. Milliken addresses this concern.
Student asks why the honor roll students dont receive certificates or pins, etc. Mr Milliken addresses concern by pointing out that students are treated to an honor roll breakfast and the finances don't allow for all of our many honor roll students to also receive a take home.
Nationally recognized JROTC program is hosting a drill meet December 17th, last week a senior JROTC parent night was hosted, rousing success.

Had a wonderful turnout at the senior parent night, they sold out of pizza and drinks. Will also attend the feeder pattern expo.

Community Representative
Not Present

Faculty and Staff
No discussion

Senior Parent Night
Feeder Pattern Expo
Mid Year Assessments have begun
Raiders have won their last competition.
J.F.K. Magnet students came for a tour of the school.
City Year will be coming in to create a Blank Canvas Event.
Keep the school clean.

Inquires about the Instructional Review that happened on November 15th, and if it is a part of the S.I.P. And if so where in the S.I.P. It is.
Asks which teacher's were a part of the Instructional Review.
Mr. Milliken responds 4 teachers who had been asked before hand to participate.
Asks when feedback was given.
Mr. Milliken responds that it hasn't yet, Mr. Ridore responds that he made some calls yesterday with the information he had, and spoke to some during the day the day after.
Dr. Davis inquires what the purpose of the Instructional Review was, Lady of Unknown Origin points out it was for learning purposes.

Discussion of the next meeting occurs.
Potential Next Meeting: December 12th, 2016.

Meeting adjourned at 4:28 p.m.