Educational Excellence
School Advisory Council

7541 North Miami Beach Senior High School

Verified EESAC Meeting Minutes for:    10/03/2017  03:00 PM

Please contact the school for a formatted hard copy of these minutes.

Recording Secretary:    Adam Pasternack

Location of meeting:    North Miami Beach Senior High Room 710

Was a quorum established?    Yes

Was the meeting advertised?    Yes,  09/25/2017


Members Present:

Milliken, Randy (Principal)
Ridore, Billy C (Alternate Principal)
Davis, James (Union Steward)
Luzardo, Rei (Teacher)
Martin, Veronica (Teacher)
Pasternack, Adam (Teacher)
Gant, Alicia (Teacher)
Simon-Gant, Amanda (Teacher)
Maxwell, Cherry (Business/Community Representative)
Wohl, Matthew (Parent)
Kelsey, Latonya (Parent)
Rivers, Cherry (PTSA)
Civil, Gabrielle (Student)
Padilla, Diego (Student)
Rodriguez, Chantell (Student)
Antoine, Jalayna (Student)
Lafleche, Renaldine (Student)
Rivers, Chery (PSTA)

Members Absent (Excused):

No one had an excused absence.

Members Absent (Unexcused):

Clerizier, Edma (Educational Support Employee)
Boeva, Vania (Teacher)
Vetiac, Micheline (Teacher)

Others Present:

Rivers, Erick (Student)
Mendieta, Giselle (Administration)

Topics Covered:

Meeting begins at 3:32pm

Mr. Luzardo explains the sign in sheet and how it works, asking for new names for any new people.

Mr. Luzardo passes out copies he printed of the bylaws, the minutes and agenda; points out traditionally its best to rely on e-mails, as he won’t be printing them out.

Mr. Luzardo has everyone present introduce themselves and acting rolls.

Luzardo, Milliken, Simon-Gant, Gant, Pasternack, Civil, Mendieta, Martin, Padilla, Rodriguez, Mr. Wohl, and Dr. Davis, Ms. Rivers and Eric Rivers.

Mr. Luzardo introduces the minutes and the importance of having open minutes, that Mr. Milliken later signs online.

Mr. Luzardo asks that people take a few minutes to review the minutes if they haven’t previously had a chance to view them.

Eric motions to approve the minutes, Pasternack seconds, nobody objects. Minutes from May 16th of previous year are approved.

Mr. Luzardo introduces the bylaws and what’s in them as it pertains to the election to be held today. He then goes through several other points of the By-Laws.

Mr. Pasternack asks why the supermajority is set as the same as quorum, and Mr. Luzardo explains that it’s in the by-laws as written.

Dr. Davis opens the floor for nominations.

Mr. Milliken nominates Mr. Luzardo as Chair, Ms Martin seconds.

Diego nominates Ms. Gant as Chair, Simon-Gant seconds.
Mr. Luzardo nominates Ms Martin as Co-Chair, Mr Pasternack seconds

Ms. Martin nominates Mr Pasternack for secretary, several people second, sounded much like Eric seconded.
Dr. Davis confirms Ms. Martin as Co-chair and Mr. Pasternack as second. Gets papers to have the closed ballot election between Mr. Luzardo and Ms. Gants.

Mr. Luzardo says we will move on while Dr. Davis prepares.

Mr. Luzardo mentions we over spent last year, so we have no roll over money from last year. The amount of the expenditure was 1097.68 and Mr. Milliken says he will pay the difference using his 02 account.
Current budget is 7402.

Mr. Ridore goes into the SIP and how a part of it is called the PIP, PFEP being the new name and Ms. Mendieta is here to explain, she then goes over the PFEP and what it is, what it does, and what we do moving forward.

Ms. Bertani, Renaldene and Jalayna enter 3:56.
Ms. Mendieta also then covers the schools COMPACT. 4:02. She asks for any questions on either document, there is none.

Mr. Ridore then moves on to cover the SIP. Mr. Ridore starts by covering last year’s SIP, its progress adjustments and such, he passes out copies for people to go over.

Mr. Luzardo makes sure everyone knows what the SIP is, Ms. Gants asks when the SIP can be adjusted, Mr. Ridore mentions that it can be done as we move on. Mr. Luzardo mentions it’s a living document that never closes. Ms. Gants mentions that the school website is listed wrong and would like for it to be corrected. Mr. Ridore acknowledges and then allows for time for people to read the current SIP.
Mr. Ridore moves on to explain the SIP, also has Mr. Milliken explain what the summer Synergy workshops that several faculty members went to. Mr. Milliken mentions the people, and the workshops and how they will help us drive the SIP towards helping more invested parties of the school. (kids, teachers, parents, administration… etc) Mr. Ridore points everyone’s attention to this year’s Strategic Goal of, “If academic programs, school culture, professional development and school leadership improved, then academic achievement will increase. Mr. Ridore moves through the SIP pointing out things as he goes.

Mr. Luzardo asks for clarification on some of the issues regarding professional development. Mr. Wohl asks if professional development is just for faculty or if it addresses larger community. He then asks for about whether both required P.D. days are in the fall or if they have returned to being in Fall and Spring, Ms. Gant answers that both are both in Fall, and in October. Mr. Ridore says he is going to give everyone further time to review the SIP. Ms. Gant asks questions about how to modify the SIP, Mr. Ridore says you bring the questions to him, Ms. Gant asks about modifying the SIP for some of the requirements to make sure our school is a S.T.E.A.M. school.

Mr. Ridore mentions that Ms. Bertani provided a list of students provided that are able to serve on the EESAC, Mr. Pasternack points out that according to our bylaws only 8 students are allowed to be on the council, 6 of which are members and 2 of which are alternatives. Mr. Luzardo confirms. The current officers for the 2017 – 2018 year are Brozsche McLean +Majorine Blanchard and Jennifer Flores, for 11th grade Gabrielle Civil and Diego Padilla. 10thChantelle Rodriguez and Yalena Bello are the active president and vice president. The alternatives are the freshmen president and vice president, Jocelyn David and Sophonie Israel.

Dr. Davis holds the ballot, we go over the voting members, who votes and who is here etc.
Student Reports:
Renaldine mentions United Way this month.
Eric mentions the Home coming Review
Gabrielle mentions spirit week.
PTSA and Parents:
Ms Martin mentions PTSA is currently getting new members. Parents have had an excellent turn out, teachers will be next target.

Mr. Wohl mentions that his son is currently very happy at this new school and has an excellent experience thus far. Ms. Kelsey says that Kayla is also having a good year, and that both she and her husband graduated from here.
Ms. Maxxwell mentions the 3rd annual black male symposium on November 8th. Dr. Challenger is working to get 80 Black Male Seniors to come out. Anything they can provide they are here for.
Faculty and Staff:
Pasternack mentions it looks like it’s a good year.
Ms. Gant mentions that our STEAM has become a bronze medal school. She mentions making it more of a school wide initiative, everyone onboard!
Mr. Millliken mentions we completed the instructional review, had several phases of breaking down and disseminating the information. The goal moving forward for the next 4 weeks will be Benchmark based grading, at which point we will have another IR. He thanks everyone who came out and help with the hurricane, keeping both the people and the school safe. Testing has begun. Mr. Milliken throws to Gabrielle who proudly and loudly proclaims it is GAME DAY, then several other people mention things occurring this week, volleyball, pep rally, etc. Off to a good start, even with the delay from the hurricane. Mr. Milliken mentions teachers have done an excellent job returning to normalcy, having teachers address the hurricane and make sure anyone who needs counselling were able to receive it, as well as help, but to move back to teacher as quickly as was expedient. Mr. Milliken mentions the missing days from the hurricane and how the powers that be might modify the days, but nothing is set in stone yet.
Ms. Harris mentions the two days might be modified, brief discussion, but nothing is yet confirmed on what is happening with the hurricane days.

No complaints about testing, yet, so that’s a good and positive start. Yesterday we had a P.D. and the members present all enjoyed Ms. Balsano’s P.D. and have had an outpouring of positive response.
Dr. Davis announced that the new Chairman is Ms. Gant, applause for Ms. Gant, then thanks Mr. Luzardo for his service, another round of applause.

Mr. Luzardo asks about days for the next meeting. Mr. Pasternack asks for November 16th, Ms. Martin seconds. Mr Milliken then mentions that on the 14th we have several other meetings, and if the EESAC is also on the same day it works. November 14th will be the meeting at 5 P.M. for our late meeting of the year.
Mr. Luzardo adjourns the meeting at 4:45 P.M.