Educational Excellence
School Advisory Council

7541 North Miami Beach Senior High School

Verified EESAC Meeting Minutes for:    01/18/2018  03:30 PM

Please contact the school for a formatted hard copy of these minutes.

Recording Secretary:    Adam Pasternack

Location of meeting:    North Miami Beach Senior High Room 710

Was a quorum established?    Yes

Was the meeting advertised?    Yes,  01/09/2018


Members Present:

Ridore, Billy C (Alternate Principal)
Davis, James (Union Steward)
Boeva, Vania (Teacher)
Gant, Alicia (Teacher)
Martin, Veronica (Teacher)
Pasternack, Adam (Teacher)
Vetiac, Micheline (Teacher)
Simon-Gant, Amanda (Alternate Teacher/Paraprofessional)
Moss, Eric (Parent)
Rivers, Chery (Alternate Parent)
Civil, Gabrielle (Student)
Flores, Jennifer (Student)
Majorine, Branchedor (Student)
Padilla, Diego (Student)
Rodriguez, Chantell (Student)
Lafleche, Renaldine (Alternate Student)
Josiah, Belema (Student)
Antenor, Sabrina (Student)
Dempsey, Philipe (Student)
Colomer, Crystal (Student)

Members Absent (Excused):

Milliken, Randy (Principal)
Maxwell, Shantelle (Business/Community Representative)

Members Absent (Unexcused):

Clerizier, Edma (Educational Support Employee)
Serrano, Peter (Alternate Educational Support)
Grant, Ava (Parent)
Wohl, Matt (Alternate Parent)
Antoine, Jalayne (Student)
Cazes, Angelys (Student)
McLean, Brozsche (Student)
Bello, Yalena (Alternate Student)

Others Present:

Luzardo, Rei
Cimaderills, Kristina
Smith, Keisha
Volcy, Selena
Blodinger, Debra
Balsano, Mceleste
Parker, Lisa
Neufeld, Regan

Topics Covered:

Meeting is called to order by Ms. Gant at 3:56, Quorum is established

Tentative Starting Funds: 12,100.53

Ms. Gant’s introduces herself and asks the voting members to introduce themselves.
Diego Padilla, Veronica Martin, Ms. Veteac, Mr. Ridore, Mr. Pasternack, Ms. Rivers, Chantelle Rodrigez, Eric Moss, Simon Gant, Belema Josiah, Renaldine Leflence, Sabriana Antentor, Crystal Colomer, Gabrielle Civil, Ms. Boeva, James Davis, all introduce themselves and their positions.
Ms. Gant reintroduces the Roberts Rules of Order, some procedures, then asks for people to review the minutes from the previous meeting.

Dr. Davis Motions to strike the 5th line of the minutes, which reads, “Dr. Davis says on the first paid as opposed to said.” Dr. Davis asks if the moneys mentioned last meeting had a specific amount.
Ms. Martin motions to accept the minutes, all are in favor and nobody is opposed.

18,571.44 is the current budget according to Mr. Ridore, however not all funds have been taken out yet. The only funding so far removed has been for the Principal and that is 2999$. Ms Gant mentions that in November we awarded $4,471.91, and in December we awarded $1,999. Which leaves us with $12,153 but when you add back the 2,999 that had already been removed the total is once more set to $15,990.53.

We were awarded this year, but since money was not spent last year it rolls over to the next year. Some teachers were awarded funds last year but were not given the funds, due to some technical errors. As such the funds for those things were rolled over, but the awarded funds are not specifically ear marked for their proposals. So the proposals last year are voided, but the funds are available this year for them to reapply.

Ms. Gant says we are going to move forward in the order that the requests were submitted. She asks for all questions and discussions to be held until all presenters have shared their requests.

Mr. Luzardo requests his “Annual request for printing supplies” he requests $582.79 for various printing supplies which supplies most of the school with its printing needs. He does large posters for the school, departments, clubs, and other such things. He needs, ink cartridges, and a roll of paper for a poster printer.

Ms. Parker requests $3,892.50 to purchase Magnet and School marketing / recruitment / welcoming packages and materials. She wants to have flash drives with the school logo, post it notes and pencil pouches. Promotion of the school helps drive school recruitment, pride and promotions.

Ms. Gant says that she will not be allowed to vote for her proposal, her proposal is for funding for the school website, $2500 dollars. The school is required to have a website but the people who require the website do not pay for that website. The website is used by the entire community, students, teacher, parent, sports, activities, newsletters, parent student handbook, curriculum bulletin, and many more things…She mentions that most sites cost between 4 to 6 thousand, but with a lot of shopping around she has a place which can run the website for 2,500. The project will begin in February, where the company will come out and assist.

Ms. Blodinger requests $461.56 for equipment, materials and supplies in the form of a laser printer, toner, and usb cable, and a table.

Ms. Balsano requests $930 for computer screen dividers. By law students cant sit next to each other without some form of divider, or something to block their vision of another students test.

Dr. Volcey requests, on behalf of the administrative team, $1500 for incentives to help the Charger Intervention Academy, the proposal is co sponsored with Ms. Bertani and the S.G.A. If the students attend 20 interventions or tutoring between now and April, there is also a meeting twice a month to help develop social growth. The students who successfully complete the program will get a field trip to a currently unrevealed location, as a reward. The trip is being funded elsewhere. The money for this proposal will be used for a C.I.A badge, which will be used as a tutoring tracker card, as well as T-Shirts.

Ms. Bertani requests, the S.G.A. student secretary Sabriana Antenor presents on her behalf, $314 to update the award plaques and photos that are around the school that haven’t been updated since before 2011. No current student has their name on any of the school’s plaques. Student plaques, teacher plaques, a name plate for Mr. Milliken, and wooden frames.

Ms. Martin requests, on behalf of Ms. Gorvetzian (who has passed away) who submitted the project a year ago, its for project shine in the form of $772.16. The funds provide the students materials to clean the school and provides a working framework for the special education students a chance to work in the building, learning many social frameworks as well as life skills.

Ms. Smith requests, with the assistance of Phillip Dempsey (Treasurer), $550.45 dollars for purchasing equipment to enhance our Drama Department’s Prop Shop, to help both fix up the current prop shop and to enhance what it is currently capable of. The prop shop is not just used by drama but also by various students clubs, administrators, teachers, and other school related folks to help assist with visual learning and school spirit. It can also assist with the STEAM initiative. Last year she requested and was approved for $617.90 cents, but this year when she went through the vendor list the new total is $550.45 as all 3 of the vendors have been changed to Walmart.

Ms. Neufeld, requests $95.98 for her last years proposal which was for $307.73, the difference in price comes in the form of what she was able to order last year versus what was rolled over to this year. The only thing they weren’t able to order was the printer paper in the form of $95.98 and that is what she is attempting to rectify with this proposal.

Ms. Gant thanks all presenters, and says before discussion begins she wants to review the roll of voting members and their responsibilities. Non voting members can chime in and speak.

Dr. Davis asks for clarity in the form of, voting members need to make sure that the proposals are for the entire student body.

Ms. Gant asks for discussion on Mr. Luzardo’s project. Mr. Pasternack votes to accept the proposal, Ms. Gants seconds, all are in favor with no opposition.

For Ms. Parkers presentation – Ms. Rivers has a question, “She says the school she is associated with is also a magnet, and she gets funding from school of choice and downtown areas, Ms. Parker says that funding is available and is used, but is inadequate for our needs. The money is split so many ways that marketing is not ideal or key. Gabrielle Civil mentions as a student who is part of the magnet, that the flash drive she received this year was a big help, and she likes it. Dr. Davis says he has the same argument that he had last year, that is flash drives are dated and people use online storage. Parker mentions that the students use the flash drive all the time when they come to her to print. Dr. Davis mentions that the 325 magnet students are not all of the students, and that we have 1500 students. Mr. Ridore mentions that being able to compete with all other schools is very important. Diego Padillo suggests, after agreeing with both Dr. Davis and Ms. Parker, says that we should maybe lower the number. Mr. Pasternack points out that marketing is an important factor and should be taken into consideration when we discuss the image our school is trying to put forward. Ms. Parker mentions that having good and happy magnet kids does benefit the entire school as those kids will also interact with all other kids, and do in a positive manor. Mr. Moss questions, when the flash drives would be distributed. Ms. Parker says, when the students get to school. Mr. Moss asks if the items are supposed to be an inducement or a reward. Ms. Parker mentions neither in specific, it’s a part of the program and can be considered a tool of the trade. Belema Josiah says that the notepad and pencil pads are probably the less necessary option, and that the flash drive is probably the more required part. Ms. Parker says the post its and pencil pouches are not necessarily for our students, but are for recruitment and magnet fairs and meetings to get kids to remember our name. Josiah points out that not all students have the internet and as such she has to rely on flash drives and not just google drive. Mr. Luzardo points out that the students use both flash drives and google drive. Dr. Davis asks if the students are required to have a flash drive for the course. Mr. Luzardo, Ms. Neufeld, Mr Pasternack and some other teachers mention that their syllabi require the students to have a flash drive. Ms. Simon-Gant asks when the funding is for, this year or next year. Ms. Gant mentions that the EESAC can not vote or approve a request for a school year that is currently not ongoing.

Ms. Gant strikes the proposal from the current agenda, and no vote will take place. Several questions arise, Ms. Martin, Ms. Rivers, and several others ask what Dr. Davis states for the record, that in her proposal it states 2018 and would like us to move forward.

Dr. Davis motions that Ms. Gant’s proposal is accepted, Ms. Martin seconds, all in favor, none opposed. Ms. Martin is the one who runs that vote.

Dr. Davis mentions that SPED students are not all students, Ms. Blodinger mentions that she is in more class rooms then just SPED classrooms, Dr. Davis mentions that the printer would have to be housed somewhere. Ms. Gant mentions that the usb cord can be removed as she has backup, then questions the need for a table. Ms. Riverrs asks if it’s the same as project sunshine, and it’s pointed out that it’s not.

Ms. Boeva makes a proposal to increase the ink from one cartridge to two, Dr. Davis mentions that the first issue should be resolved first. Mr. Moss motions that we drop the cable and the table from the proposal and accept the printer and toner for a total of 396.98$. Mr. Moss motions, Diego Padilla seconded, all except Dr. Davis are for it, Dr. Davis opposes.

Ms. Gant moves to Ms. Balsano, Mr. Pasternack asks if we cant get some paint or spray paint to cover up the graffiti for a cheap fix, Gabrielle Civil mentions that the new cardboard are likely to be vandalized as well. Ms. Balsano mentions the other options are very expensive. Dr. Davis questions since the room doesn’t currently exist, how we will know how many dividers will be needed and or if dividers might not be needed at all. Ms. Balsano mentions that she wants to make sure that all testing standards and rules set by the state and district are met. Mr. Pasternack asks why we can’t have permanent fixtures, it’s mentioned that we can’t modify tables. Dr. Davis motions that was accept this proposal, Ms. Riverrs seconds, all approve, no opposition. She has been granted 930 dollars.

Ms. Gant moves to Dr. Volceys project. Dr. Davis asks why the project is only available for 9th and 10th grade. Dr. Volcey mentions that the juniors have a different type of program, 10th grade is the bulk of testing, 9th grade also has some critical check points. Dr. Davis asks if we have a hundred applications yet, Dr. Volcey says currently 65 but more have applied today and more will apply tomorrow. Ms. Simon-Gants questions the 11th and 12th graders and that they might also need help with some of these things the C.I.A. is helping. Mr. Moss asks if there is some kind of pilot for this project. Dr. Volcey says that we can create and grow from nothing, be the cutting edge. Mr. Pasternack motions that we accept, Ms. Martin seconds, several people say aye…

Ms. Gants asks before we vote if we can check that the project will allow for the students who are in 11th and 12th grade. Dr. Volcey clarifies that the project is open to everyone who applies. Philip Dempsey asks how much money is currently available. Several people break out calculators and start doing math… 10689.76 is the total. Philip then motions to second the proposal as well.
We return to the motion, Mr. Pasternack motions that we accept, Ms. Martin seconds, all are in favor of, no opposition.

Ms. Gant moves to Ms. Bertani’s proposal. Mr. Pasternack motions that we accept Ms. Bertani’s proposal, Sabriana seconds, all approve, no opposition.
Dr. Davis mentions that people need to take the minutes with them when they do the orders.
Ms. Gant moves to Ms. Martin’s proposal. Mr. Pasternack motions that we accept the proposal in memorandum. Dr. Davis says he has several problems with the proposal, the most important being that the project doesn’t help the students in any way. Mr. Pasternack questions how cleanliness wouldn’t help the students, Dr. Davis responds that we have custodians that are paid to perform this service. Ms. Martin mentions that the custodians don’t clean everyroom everyday, Dr. Davis mentions that the students don’t go into classrooms. Ms. Gant mentions that without an itemized list it’s hard to accept this proposal, and asks that we table it. Ms. Martin says that she doesn’t have a problem tabling it. Mr. Moss motions that we table it. Ms. Neufeld would like to state that the children in question do gain benefits as the kids as part of the program are usually isolated, and it’s a chance for the rest of the student body to interact with them, to understand them, and to benefit both from and with them. Dr. Davis seconds the motion to table, all in favor, no opposition.
Ms. Gant moves on to Ms. Smith. Mr. Pasternack motions that we accept the motion, Philip Dempsey seconds, all in favor of, no opposition. Ms. Smith asks if she is supposed to order it online. Ms. Gant says that she has to make sure the company accepts purchase orders.
Ms. Gant moves to Ms. Neufeld’s project, Ms. Martin motions to approve, Mr. Pasternack seconds, all are in favor, no opposition.
Ms. Gants would like the minutes to reflect that the STEAM committee was awarded money in November and 200 dollars will not be used, as such the 200 dollars will be returned to the funds.
Ms. Gant moves to reports.
Mr. Ridore mentions no change to the S.I.P.

Students –
Philip Dempsey mentions that drama has several upcoming events, black history month, open mic, recruitment for drama club. Tickets for open mic are 2 dollars.
Eric Riverrs mentions that yearbook has taken portraits and it went well, cap and gown photos are upcoming, year books are currently on sale.

Parents –
Ms. Martin shares that P.T.S.A. is having a meeting tonight, 7 dollar charge to join.

Faculty –
Dr. Davis mentions we are having a college tour, and we still have 10 seats available, and fund raising will also start soon.

There is a meeting tonight that he is on his way to, he has also been telling the members that we expecting the I.R. which will be on the 22nd, but Mr. Ridore thinks its on the 26th. Dr. Davis is concerned that no teacher has been informed of this I.R. The dates have both been changed, and he would like a set date and to have the teachers informed when the I.R. will be coming.
Ms. Gant would like the re 5940.20 Was approved today 15099.53 was what we had remaining 9159.33
Ms. Gant would like the minutes to reflect that the I.R. will be taking place on Monday, the 22nd.
Dr. Davis would also like the minutes to reflect that the building Stewart is against the I.R. being on the 22nd as no teacher has been informed, there was a faculty meeting that just occurred and no I.R. was mentioned during it, as such he feels it should be changed. Dr. Davis is going to have a meeting with Mr. Milliken.

Next meeting will be scheduled for the 8th of February at 3:30. The meeting is released at 5:45 P.M.