Educational Excellence
School Advisory Council

7541 North Miami Beach Senior High School

Verified EESAC Meeting Minutes for:    05/17/2018  03:00 PM

Please contact the school for a formatted hard copy of these minutes.

Recording Secretary:    Mr. Adam Pasternack

Location of meeting:    North Miami Beach Senior High School Room 710

Was a quorum established?    Yes

Was the meeting advertised?    Yes,  05/01/2018


Members Present:

Milliken, Randy (Principal)
Ridore, Billy C (Alternate Principal)
Davis, James (Union Steward)
Boeva, Vania (Teacher)
Gant, Alicia (Teacher)
Martin, Veronica (Teacher)
Simon-Gant, Amanda (Alternate Teacher/Paraprofessional)
Moss, Eric (Parent)
Rivers, Chery (Parent)
Civil, Gabrielle (Student)
Louis, Anne (Student)
Antonie, Jalaiana (Student)
Lafleche, Renaldine (Student)
Antenor, Sabriana (Student)
Rivers, Erick (Student)
Tepedino, Carlos (Business/Community Representative)

Members Absent (Excused):

Clerizier, Edma (Educational Support Employee)
Serrano, Peter (Alternate Educational Support)
Boeva, Vania (Teacher)

Members Absent (Unexcused):

Ms. Vetiac

Others Present:

Romage, Rachel
Dempsey, Phillip

Topics Covered:

:05 Meeting and quorum established.
3:06 Ms. Gant calls for a review of the minutes.
3:07 Ms. Martin declares grammatical mistakes and the need for last names during the meeting. Jalayna, Sabriana, Reneldene and others establish their names were misspelled.
3:10 Ms. Martin motions to accept the minutes, and Reneldine seconds, all in favor. They ask that the grammatical corrections be done.
Ms. Gant asks Mr. Ridore about an update on the budget, Mr. Ridore establishes there has been no update on the budget.
Ms. Gant mentions there was money remaining in the budget because not all teachers have spent the money that was allocated to them. Ms. Smith went back and spent all of her money, however Balsano and Dr. Volcey still have money pending on their orders, but it will be spent in full by June.
Ms. Boeva has a question on how to spend the money that was allocated to her, and Ms. Gant points out the purchase orders are now through the treasurer and are not directly done through the E.E.S.A.C. once the funding is moved beyond the E.E.S.A.C. the rest will usually go through the schools treasurer. Ms. Boeva says it’s not an E.E.S.A.C. matter but it was approved by E.E.S.A.C. and wants to know what to do if she doesn’t get her funds spent. Ms. Gant says to go over to the administrator in charge of the treasurer and help get the work through.
Dr. Davis says to have her place the purchase order, once the order is placed then the money can be spent properly from there, but the purchase has to be done before the end of the year. Mr. Ridore says he will be on top of this tomorrow and will work with Dr. Volcey to make sure the orders are placed.
3:15 Ms. Gant asks us to move forward to the Clear Backpack Pilot Program. Mr Ridore asks us to wait until Mr. Milliken arrives.
3:16 Mr. Milliken arrives, and explains the clear backpack pilot program to us. Mr. Milliken points out he’s not a big supporter of the program but explains it as it is. Students will need a clear backpack, if the student does not have a clear backpack the school is required to provide one for the kid. Other bags can still be placed in the backpack, plus medicines for the students, and female hygiene products…other students don’t necessarily need to know other students medicines and hygiene concerns. It further becomes a slippery slope where everything starts to become clear, musical cases will need to be clear, atheletic gear…this combined with the idea that the student will not likely stick a gun in a clear backpack but use any device or pocket or bag…or purse.
Ms. Gant mentions we need to have a vote to see if we go further to the rest of the school or if the issue dies here.
Philip completely agrees with Mr. Milliken. Ms. Boeva also agrees with Mr. Milliken and explains her lunchbox. Anne mentions that students might have valuables in their bookbags that they don’t want everyone to know about, such as expensive headphones or laptops, it becomes risky if other people attempt to steal it.
Dr. Davis asks about the meeting where they discussed this backpack, as he sites the metal detectors in New York City. Mr. Milliken mentions that the metal detectors in Florida would not work as well due to the sheer amount of entrances and exists to each school. Mr. Milliken mentions that the state gave a certain amount of funding to find solutions to the growing concern of large scale violence.
Ms. Boeva mentions we need a trust councilor again. Mr. Ridore mentions we have Ms. Walker and Ms. Moris at our school as social workers and do a lot of the same thing the trust councilor used to do. Mr. Milliken mentions we have a group called soul sisters that targets and helps 9th grade girls.
Dr. Davis mentions the current issue is going to be the reaction that eventually we’ll need to address the concerns of the parents, society, students and such. The problem isn’t going away, and bookbags aren’t going to solve it.
Jalaina mentions that even though those two people were mentioned, Ms. Moris and Ms. Walker, she has no idea who they are or what they do. Things need to be mentioned to the students or they can’t take advantage of the services being offered. She mentions that things should be addressed and open to all students. Mr. Milliken mentions several things were done on a smaller scale, but not where we sat down with all students as a whole.
Ms. Gant says that introducing the councilors might be a good idea. Mr. Milliken mentions during orientation at the beginning of the year the councilors are all introduced to the students. Mr. Milliken agrees that it might be better to say it more often. Jalaina mentions that they say they are there, but students had no idea what they actually did, just that they were here.
Erick motions to bring the topic to a vote, Mr. Pasternack seconds, no objections. All opposed on bringing the clear bookbags to a vote.
3:31 we move forward to Mr. Ridore bringing the Continous Improvements Reflection Worksheet. Mr. Ridore goes over the worksheet in depth. Explains that the plan was passed out to the teachers and the teachers recommendations were placed on the sheets. He asks that people take a couple of minutes to read it over.
Dr. Davis asked for clarity on adding in some numbers for the SIP and the plan. Mr. Milliken says if more numbers are needed in the future they will be added in and supplemented.
Mr. Pasternack brings up the second bulleted point where it mentions that on a need to know basis of IEP plans is redundant as by law the teachers are required to have the IEP of the student. A discussion is had on the issue of who is need to know, and what is need to know. Eventually it’s decided to rephrase the wording of the second bulleted point so it is clear all IEP’s are being handled appropriately.
Mr. Milliken motions to put it up to accept with the changes proposed to the second statement, Mr. Pasternack seconds. All in favor, no objections.
3:42 Mr. Ridore introduces changes to the SIP and Mr. Milliken mentions that over the summer a team will work on the plan for three days to come up with changes. Mr. Milliken, Dr. Davis, Ms. Simon-Gant, Dr. Challenger, Ms. Elle, and Ms. Adeleke.
3:44 Ms. Gant moves on to student leaders
Reneldine mentions that Prom is tomorrow, next week has a pep rally, award ceremonies, spring concert.
Anne mentions that on Monday the juniors are going on a field trip to extreme action park.
C.I.A. is going to bush gardens next Friday.
PTSA / Parents
Tuesday there will be a meeting at six oclock. Mr. Moss is the new president for PTSA
Miami Dade – Steam day will occur next Tuesday the 22nd, 150 students from north Miami beach will go to north Miami dade north campus.
Faculty and Staff –
Mr. Milliken, testing is going to rap up tomorrow
3:48 Jalaina walks out… Ms. Gant mentions that we lost quorum. Mr. Ridore runs after Jalaina. Anne facetimes Jalaina to get her to come back, 3:50.
3:51 New student (Rachel Romage, president of GEMS) arrives and establishes quorum
Mr. Milliken resumes, C.I.A. is going well, Mr. Bertani and he spoke with students about social media and the do’s and don’ts, they are going to bush gardens next Friday. Silver Knight ceremony is next Friday. Next Thursday is game day, where we play Stoneman Douglas in spring football. Aventura Marketing breakfast is also next Thursday.
Ms. Gant mentions that we had an organization come in and our students competed in a photography and journalism contest, and next Monday each grade will have a winner. The winner will receive an ipad brand new, and the photography portion will receive a camera brand new. Year books are still on sale, seniors if they buy one will get two graduation tickets to go along with it.
Ms. Boeva, next Thursday there is a steam banquet where Neica Joseph will be attending with her parents, Ms. Levin and Ms. Armand will also be attending.
Ms. Gant mentions we have graduation coming up.
3:55 we move to U.T.D. Dr. Davis mentions at the last faculty meeting that the faculty survey was a very low 30% data, and we need to move closer to the 90% range. Dr. Davis asks Mr. Milliken to find the new data, and to send out an email to the school in regard to the survey.
Ms. Gant mentions that the U.T.D. has come in during the week for a Union Drive, and several new members have joined. Currently the Union is at around 49.99% but the issue of who is retiring and whose in the Union will be slightly in flux, hopefully we will have 50%
This is the last E.E.S.A.C. meeting for the year, next meeting will be in September. Ms. Gant asks when the next meeting should be. Pasternack mentions August 30th. Ms. Martin mentions that Labor Day is the 3rd. No objections to August 30th, at 3 o’clock. At synergy people will talk about it and
Meeting is ended at 3:59, Ms. Gant thanks everyone for a good year.