Educational Excellence
School Advisory Council

7541 North Miami Beach Senior High School

Verified EESAC Meeting Minutes for:    12/17/2018  03:00 PM

Please contact the school for a formatted hard copy of these minutes.

Recording Secretary:    Alicia Gant

Location of meeting:    North Miami Beach Senior High Room 710

Was a quorum established?    Yes

Was the meeting advertised?    Yes,  11/29/2018


Members Present:

Milliken, Randy (Principal)
Ridore, Billy C (Alternate Principal)
Davis, James (Union Steward)
Boeva, Vania (Teacher)
Gant, Alicia (Teacher)
Moss, Eric (Parent)
Francois, Hudalth (Student)
Lafleche, Renaldine (Student)
Rivers, Erick (Student)
Pickeny, Janna (Alternate Student)
Kheyara Grant (Student)
Sabriana Antenior (Student)

Members Absent (Excused):

Torres, Frank (Alternate Teacher/Paraprofessional)
Simon-Gant, Amanda (Teacher)
Currie-Williams, Michelle (Business/Community Representative)

Members Absent (Unexcused):

Longley-Proctor, Aldene (Teacher)
Rivers, Chery (Parent)
Evans, Gia (Alternate Parent)
Aukbarille, Mohamad (Student)
Chavez, Kelly (Student)
Dempsey, Phillip (Student)

Others Present:

Giselle Mendieta
Selena Volcy

Topics Covered:

meeting began at 3:05pm. Madam chair established quorum and instructed everyone to ensure that they have signed in and received an agenda. New business was discussed and the meeting minutes from November's meeting was review. Student Janna Pinckney stated that her name was spelled wrong on the November meeting minutes and outlined the correct spelling of her name.

Student Erick Rivers pointed out that Shkyla and Hudalth was spelled incorrectly and spelled their names the proper way. Dr. Davis clarified how to spelling and pronunciation correlated. Student Hudalth motioned to accept the November minutes with the said corrections made. Student Janna second that motion and all voting members were in favor of this.

Next the Madame chair discussed the EESAC budget as being 0. She outlined the awards that were granted and the months in which the awards were approved.

Next the meeting moved to review the Title 1 PFEP which was discussed by Ms. Medieta. Ms. Mendieta opened the floor for any suggestions to the plan once she discussed them. She explained that the PFEP is the Parent and Family Engagement Plan and how we as a school planned to help parents become more involved and supportive of their children education. The title 1 parent meeting took place on October 3 right before open house and there was approx 207 present at that meeting. There was electronic communication sent to parents, flyers and verbal communication made to parents. Through other federal programs we do use and integrate Title 1 for exampling with Title 3 tutoring, Project Up Start, parent meetings. They choose pack and dack representatives that represent the school and the district, parents completed title 1 school level survey that was passed out during open house. Stephanie will upload the results and keep record of this. Title 1 office has been the parent resource room that was moved to the main office right behind Ms. Castillo attendance office. Ms. Henry is our Community Involvement specialist that is there to help parents with whatever they may need. All title 1 documents are there and any resources for parents are in that room, lunch applications, computer usage. There is different signs in different languages that can assist and aide parents. Part of our Parent & Family engagement plan is to provide flexible parent meetings so morning afternoon and evening meetings. We offer home visit through out CIS, conference calls and face to face meetings, Parent orientations and EESAC meetings. Building capacity through the Parent academy we have the CIS, agency referrals, EESAC, PFE meetings and or through the PFE survey we hope to be able to assist parents in getting resources to better help their children academically. Through staff development through online PD, district sponsored sessions and professional learning community based projects we hope to assist staff members in how to help parents. Other activities, to encourage and support families include our parent resource center or area, workshop, community based partnership and EESAC. We hope to limit those barriers that have parents reluctant to come to the school. We have language help, handicap accessibility etc. Our school website has all of our title documents loaded for parents and families to access. Curriculum will be provided through a variety of avenues for parents. All issues and concerns are communicated to parents on a regular basis. Discretionary activities will be done by our CIS by doing home visits. Barriers such as language will have translates available when requested, there will also be a disclaimer in all of our communications. Parent Mr. Moss asked Who has identified this as a barrier? Maybe its not a problem. Ms. Mendieta answered by saying this barrier was identified through the survey that the parents completed. They feel as maybe language will keep them from communicating with the staff. Also parents discussed not being able to navigate through the website or not comfortable with moving around the school. Not every year is the same barrier, but this was a barrier that was identified from parents this year. The plan of action is translates, CIS and having parent meetings, conferences, trainings etc. Our budget is used for personnel, I believe there is $92 in supplies for TITLE1. Ms. Mendieta asked are there any suggestions to spend this money? Title 1 funding has to be used directly for students. Parent Mr. Moss asked by when do the money need to be spent? Mr. Milliken stated we would like to use it by February, properly use the money for paper. Ms.Martin stated maybe using the money for supply money. Ms. Martin asked was there anything else that EESAC needed to review for Title 1? Ms. Mendieta stated No she just wanted to review the PEFP with the board to review and update us.

Mr. Milliken discussed that Title 1 is used for teacher positions, academic coaches etc. Madame Chair moved along the agenda to SIP Updates and Mr. Ridore stated that there were no new updates other than there would be an ETO review of the SIP tomorrow at the ETO Office and if there was any changes that would be given during the January meeting. Dr. Davis asked Mr. Ridore How did the Phase 1 meeting go with our SIP? Was there any changes. Mr. Milliken began answering his question with we are on Phase II, butPhase 1 they looked at and the district was happy with, and Phase II the district wanted them to reapply what was done in Phase 1 but part of the leadership conference for Phase III is what will take place tomorrow.

Madame chair moved to the next agenda point and student Renaldine discussed Senior Breakfast and how much fun it was. She outlined the different activities that took place this month with Principal for Today with EJ Biggers and the Drama Bizarre that went really well. Janna discussed that on Friday the Key Club was going to have a movie day fundraiser but will be having free popcorn. Mr. Moss questioned how much money was made from the drama bizarre and the response given was there was no one from the drama department present to answer that question but we could find out for you. Erick Rivers mentioned that tomorrow Sheryl Sandburg the COO of Facebook would be visiting NMB to talk to a select group of students. She graduated 1987 and we are excited to have her.

There was no parents updated.

The community member wasn't present so no updates were provided.

Dr. Davis shared that teachers would be receiving a pay raise in the upcoming weeks and students questions what the raised entailed.

Mr. Milliken provided administration updates with talking about Sandburg visit, he also discussed a webcast that Sandburg did with students. Nikon Joseph who is one of our seniors received a full ride to Duke University. Our JROTC raiders won the District meet, Phase III of the SIP will began be working on. MYA testing is finishing up and we are over 90% tested in all areas. He went to diatom with the SUP and he was very happy with our results but had concerns with testing percent in Math. We have a position and is looking to get someone to fill the spot. He enjoyed the senior breakfast and some of the basketball games.

Erick Rivers pointed out that DRAMA received all superiors and some excellent in their district competitions recently and will be going to states in March. Cheerleaders had a competition and won most spirit and won first place in the dance division and second place in the non tumbling division.

For the UTD section, Dr. Davis explained again the increases breakdown and when the increases would take place.

Madame chair concluded the meeting with everyone selecting the next meeting date Thursday, January 24, 2019 at 3:00 pm.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:33 pm.