Educational Excellence
School Advisory Council

7541 North Miami Beach Senior High School

Verified EESAC Meeting Minutes for:    04/17/2019  03:10 PM

Please contact the school for a formatted hard copy of these minutes.

Recording Secretary:    Alicia Gant

Location of meeting:    North Miami Beach Senior High Room 710

Was a quorum established?    Yes

Was the meeting advertised?    Yes,  04/04/2019


Members Present:

Alicia Gant (Chair)
Janna Pickney (Student)
Randy Milliken (Principal)
James Davis (UTD)
Phillippe Dempsey (Student)
Vania Boeva (Teacher)
Michelle Currie Williams (Community Partner)
Huldath Francois (Student)
Erick Rivers (Student)
Shkyla Moore (Student)
Ashley Huff (Student)
Veronica Martin (Teacher)
Aldene Longley Proctor (Teacher)
Eric Moss (Parent)

Members Absent (Excused):

Mrs. Amanda Simon- Gant (Teacher)
Mr. Frank Torres (Teacher)

Members Absent (Unexcused):

Ms. Chery Rivers
Ms. Gia Evans

Others Present:

Lisa Parker (Teacher)
Ruth Thomassaint (Community Partner)
Bency Jean (Student)
Devonta Davis (Student)
Sgt. Serrano (Teacher)
Jomario Childres (Community Partner)

Topics Covered:

Quorum was established at 3:10 pm
Madame chair made note that the recording secretary Mrs. Simon – Gant was excused from the meeting. She started off with the new business starting with reviewing the March 2019 minutes making known any corrections or edits needed to be made.
Dr. Davis noted that on the first page of the minutes the first bullet Moss and second sentence Davis and moving on to the third bullet Dr. for Challenger. Mr. Milliken stated to capitalize Martin on the same page as well. Dr. Currie asked to correct Currie on all of the pages with the misspellings. Also student names should be capitalize.

Dr. Davis made a motion that we accept the minutes with the said changes and Mr. Milliken second that motion. All were in favor.

Madam Chair moved to the funding request section and shared the balance as of the March meeting of $2535.45 and chair spoke to the treasurer Ms. Powell and everything that has been approved by the committee has been brought and given to the teachers. Each voting meeting introduced themselves so that voting members where made aware of to individuals presenting a proposal. Mrs. Parker presented a revised proposal and she said in order to support and grow the magnet which also support the school improvement plan she needs to market her program to specific students. When students come and sign their declaration to the school we liked to give a welcome package which includes these items. In the past they have given post its, pens, flash drives and a variety of things that the students need. Flash drives in particular because they take computer classes and the teachers let them know that the projects are so big that they need flash drives to save their work. These things help show charger pride, in addition these items are shared with teachers and students and administrations especially when we have guest to the building for instance Cheryl Sandburg. Magnet students take a lot of AP test and we have to do what we can to help them be success. Her total is $2081.50 and when she goes to the middle school she likes to leave things with the students to keep NMB on their mind. She believes it’s a value to the whole school in general.

Next the Math AP Department proposal for Mr. O, he wasn’t able to be present so Ms. Gant presented for him. The AP Statistics has a special calculator that students can use when testing but the calculator are extremely expensive. The students in the past has gone in and didn’t have the calculator and have failed. The students does use the teacher calculator during class but the math department would like to have a class set for testing purposes. The sole purpose is for the students to have to tools that they need when they take their test. Next NMB Activities Department presented and Anne louis explained that the items being asked upon as for everyday supplies that students, teachers and faculty and staff use on a regular. Next JROTC students presented about their $263.00 proposal. They talked about how this CPR training and material will help students learn how to prevent deaths. The students also showed the committee a mazing video depicting the items needed and why its important for students to learn the lifesaving skills with the materials being requested.

Madame Chair moved the meeting to the discussion section where we would discuss and debate the proposal heard before the board today. We begin with Ms. Parker proposal. Mr. Milliken started by saying he support the magnet proposal and it supports the AP Capstone and Iprep magnet but it supports the marketing today that the schools have to do to get students in the building. Its important to try and get more kids outside of our feeder pattern and also maintain our feeder pattern students. Everyone is chasing students from the middle school and its very important to have these tools to be able to make NMB stand out. He is a bigger support for recruiting.

He wants to have tools to serve our students in this community. There was no other discussion or debate and Madame chair moved to the motion for this proposal. Erick rivers made a motion to reject Mrs. Parkers proposal stating that this is the 3rd year she has come to EESAC for funding and this is unfair to other teachers that may need help for their student academic achievement. He personally believe the marketing aspect is understandable but the EESAC shouldn’t fund magnet marketing. Mr. Ridore interjected and stated that when you look at school funding a lot of the allocation goes to students for instance tutoring and intervention etc. The students that are working really hard and the students in our feeder pattern are going to Miami lakes and elsewhere. Our efforts is to keep these students here, therefore we have to market and keep those students interested in coming to NMB. For example there is a charter school that is closing and last week we went to market and get those students excited about coming to NMB. He didn’t have the jumpdrive to showcase but he was able to come up with other things. In other words lets see if we can fund this magnet proposal because we need it.
Dr. Davis chimed in and explained that this was his third year in opposition to paying for Magnet recruiting and the large amount of money being spent on jumpdrives. Based on the fact that this isn’t necessary and not enough to keep and entertain our kids. There are other ways to save data, but this is a lot of money that we are spending for a marketing tool. Madame Chair stated that there was a motion and question was any one going to second the motion presented by Erick. Dr. Davis seconded the motion. He board voted and 9 members were in favor, Mr. Milliken, Dr. Currie, Mrs. Martin, Ms. Boeva and Anne louis were opposed for denying the request. Mr. Moss obtained from voting. Ms. Boeva commented that her students use the jumpdrives and she believed that these magnet resources was very important to their program. One of the tools that they use at the FAU program was jump drives with the logo and this is her 5th year going to different events and seeing this jump drive tool.

Madame Chair opened for discussion and debate for the AP Stats proposal. Dr. Davis explained he had a concerned because these are expensive calculators was who was going to be responsible for keeping up with them. Ms. Gant explained that the Mr. O and/or the Math department would lock them up. Jhanne stated that Mr. montavaln has calculators that maybe they can borrow from him, Ms. Gant explained that the AP STATS calculators are very specific and are not the same calculators that Mr. Montavaln uses. Ms. Boeva question was right now we are in the end of the school year and what did the students do the whole year without these calculators, and her second question was a class set? In the science department they use different avenues to obtain a class set of calculators and worked on this at the beginning of the school year, waiting to the end of the school year to ask for calculators is late. Ms. Gant responded by stating that Mr. O went and brought 2 calculators on his own and that is what the students use in class by sharing and Mr. O was just asking that the EESAC helps him get more so that when the students take their AP test they will have the calculator present which will help them pass. Ms. Boeva talked about donor choose or maybe grants and it takes more effort and time but its obtainable. Ms. Gant said that is contradicting to not support the math department with calculators when the science department asked for calculators one year. There was a debate on whether the calculators should be requested next school year at the beginning of the year and Ms. Gant shared that she didn’t think it was logical to have the students take the AP test and not have the calculators and the students fail for this year test. Dr. Davis asked how many students. Mr. Milliken responded possible 15. Ms. Gant stated she believed it was 8. Mrs. Longley proctor proclaimed that she supports this proposal is what has he done all year besides rotating calculators. She asked does the school support the departments when they are in need of these type of items for student test. Is the school response for making sure they have what they need? Mr. Ridore responded, yes let provide the teacher with the calculators and lets not harm the students. Jahyna asked when would the calculators arrive, Ms. Gant answered it will be order before the test date. Erick rivers asked who fund calculators for the school? Because every time teachers need calculators they come to EESAC. Mr. Ridore stated that it’s the parents responsibility.

Motion was made by Mrs. Longley Proctor to accept Mr. O proposal but only for 6 calculators totaling $714.00. Motion was seconded by Dr. Davis and all were in favor with no opposes.

Next the boarded discussed the NMB Activities department proposal and Ms. Gant stated that the activities department rarely received funding support and yet every one associated with NMB benefits and utilize their materials on a daily bases. Motion was made by Dr. Davis and seconded by Ms. Boeva to accept the NMB Activities proposal in the amount of $407.85. All were in favor with no opposes

JROTC proposal was motioned by Mrs. Longley proctor to be approved and seconded by Dr. Currie and all was in favor with no opposes.

Remaining balance for NMB EESAC after all acceptances and rejections was $1150.60.

Anne Louis exited the meeting at 3:50 pm.

Madame chair moved the meeting to the Administration updates section and Mr. Milliken began discussing the writing testing for 9th and 10th grade. We completed the inhouse SAT for seniors who needed scores for graduating and only 59 kids need FSA scores. Testing is coming up in May with Biology and History and AP testing. The new testing center is up and running with 90 computers. Ms. Sandburg made a donation of $50,000 to the school which is going to help with 30 more computers in the lab and 30 in biology classes, we are going to change over Mr. Parker room and make that an area for dance and flags. We will be purchasing some weight room equipment for athletics.

Madame chair gave the floor for students to report out and Erick Rivers reported that yearbooks are on sale for $80. Class of 2019 has been trying to work on a mural. Ms. Gant also mentioned you can purchase a yearbook for students via a JV Transfer.

Madame chair gave the floor to PTSA /Parents and Mr. Moss asked a question in referencing to what happened with the State Thespian competition. Phillipe Dempsey chimes in and states that our drama club received a superior in all of the events they competed in.

A student representative from JROTC mentioned that they will be having their military ball tomorrow night and she thanked everyone for the support. She also reported that their female cadets won National competition and they are headed to Daytona for another competition.

Erick Rivers also added that seniors went to Grad Bash and had an amazing time. Hudalth talked about Key Club going to DCONN and winning 1st place in service. Mrs. Bertani chimed in and expressed how great the cheerleaders performed in a state competition and they won 1st in their category for spirit. The director of the competition called the school to rave about how well behaved and the type of sportsmanship our cheerleaders expressed.

Dr. Currie started off the community partners section by discussing how Miami Dade College still has open summer enrollment for the 2nd session. Haitian flag day at north campus will be on May 18 at 11 am in the Leeman theater. In regards to upward bound the students will be taking the PERT exam on April 27 for dual enrollment. The summer classes is June 17- July 26. Upward bound has Academics but also STEM activities courses.

Next for the community partners section Peacemakers family center spoke about the different opportunities and programs that they offer for being success and being a leader, teen pregnancy prevention. May 16 they have an event where the schools come to the church and they educate the students on different ways to prevent pregnancy and to say no. They also feed students.

Mr. Milliken chimed in and was at the school board meeting with Neeca Joseph for signing a full ride to Duke University.

Faculty and staff updates Ms. Boeva talked about her student N. Joseph and also students who came from NMB who are doing great things. Ms. Boeva also mentioned that NMB has two summer programs offered by MD College which is Robotics and its free and the second summer program is forensic science.

Mr. Milliken also mentioned a call he received from Dorothy Alexis who just graduated and was an iprep student, an activities student and received a full scholarship to Duke and got POOSEE and Gates scholarship. She found time to manage everything and not let her grades slip while in high school. Went to college and struggled a little bit socially and not academically but had a great time and is graduating with honors. She got a scholarship to Yale to do her graduate work. She is going to major in public health. But that is what you students are capable of. That is why we push you because we know what you can accomplish and achieve. There is a lot of great opportunities our here for NMB students so take advantage of that.

Mrs. Longley Proctor mentioned that we still have students struggling with SAT but in the 700 building the teachers are working to help the students achieve. But her biggest concerned is that during the last block the hallway is extremely noisy and it’s hard to teach. Is there any way we can alleviate this problem. Mr. Ridore said he will work on solving this concern and will look into the problem.

UTD was discussed by Dr. Davis and he stated that the final IPEGS and DPGT is due by May 3, 2019. Ms. Gant explained that the DPGT is electronically submitted this year. Mr. Milliken stated he will have that link resent to teachers.

Next EESAC Meeting will take place on Thursday, May 16, 2019 at 3:00 pm.

EESAC agreed to close out accepting anymore proposal and the remaining balance of $1150.60 will carry over to 2019-2020 year.