Educational Excellence
School Advisory Council

7541 North Miami Beach Senior High School

Verified EESAC Meeting Minutes for:    05/20/2020  02:05 PM

Please contact the school for a formatted hard copy of these minutes.

Recording Secretary:    amanda simon-gant

Location of meeting:    North Miami Beach Zoom Meeting

Was a quorum established?    Yes

Was the meeting advertised?    Yes,  05/15/2020


Members Present:

Amanda Simon-Gant (Chair)
Randy Milliken (Principal)
Joshua Montalvan (Teacher)
Frank Torres (Teacher)
Veronica Martin (Teacher)
Vania Boeva (Teacher)
Mrs. Longley-Proctor (Teacher)
Rashi Stovall (UTD)
Giovanna Ovalle (Student)
Rachel Darbouze (Student)
Dr. Michelle Currie-Williams (Miami Dade College)
Delesha Graham ( Student)
Alayna Nonhomme (Student)
Kiara Occeant (Student)
Brianna Ash (Student)
Coryn Rolle (Student)
John-Kenny Loisias (Student)
Wydlyne Seide (Student)
Lhyne Louis (Student)
Imani Celestine (Student)
Mr. Moss (Parent)
Emily Moss (Student)

Members Absent (Excused):

No one had an excused absence.

Members Absent (Unexcused):

No one had an unexcused absence.

Others Present:

No one else was present.

Topics Covered:

Meeting started and have quorum at 2:05 pm.
Simon-Gant – the minutes from last meeting are up for approval.

The the spending request that was honored last time before we went out and they may not have time to spend it, you go ahead and clarify it.

Dr. Davis -Okay. If you do not spend it, it will not be it cannot roll over. Okay. So I would say we will probably take these two, the money of course can roll over but the idea of your requests cannot

Ms. Martin - Then I'd like to make a motion that the content of the information is accurate. However, there are some grammatical errors. And if those are corrected, then I'd like to make a motion to pass these minutes to approve these minutes. Mr. Torres Second.

All in favor, aye. Hi. Any opposed?None opposed.

Simon-Gant - Okay, so then these minutes with grammatical corrections have been approved and will be posted up on the site. Let me post up for our The rest of our agenda what we're looking at today
Okay, so next we're going to move towards administration. And that's worth to mention about the budget and then Mr. Ridore, we'll go over the end of year implementation and reflection.

Mr. Milliken - I'm trying to pull the EESAC budget? Okay. I want to move to Ridore, if you guys don't mind. I'm trying to pull that and then I can share my screen and give you the budget.

Simon-Gant - Okay, so I'm going to pull up, Mr. Ridore next. I know he wants to go over the end of year implementation. So let me pull that up for you guys. Well, you should also have a copy of that as well.

Mr. Ridore - The purpose for me being here today is to discuss the end of the year reflection, which is something that we do every year closing our SIP. Basically, we reflected on what we've done up. Our SIP has been going in what we could have done, what we need to do as we move forward for next year. What you're looking at here, it's pretty much the end product. It's a final product, but it started weeks ago when we are gave the teacher what you call a continuous improvement in relationship. All the teachers had, they had a chance to review, receive, and make comment and give their ideas. Once again, they send it back to us as a leadership team. We sit down, we look at it, we try to compare everything as best as we could. And we send it back out to the teachers and for comment and whatnot. Until 10 o'clock today, I was still receiving comments or ideas from teachers on what they think should be different about it. So it's a comprehensive word that reflect the views. The best I can tell, you know, of a lot of many of the teachers all the departments because we try to take a look piece of everything has a synthesis of everything that we've received from the teachers. Now, as always, we bring it to you safe. We're looking for a motion to get this approved, and we're planning again for next year. anybody has any questions? Please feel free Did just go to the log sack a few minutes to go through it and look at it.

Okay, so guys, Mr. Montalvan just came in, so as of right now we do not have quorum. So we are at seven and seven.

Sorry, eight and seven.

So it's 2:17pm. And we've lost we don't have quorum at this point.

We got quite a few here, we just need a few more

Okay, I have two students that are currently joining in right now. So, let me wait for them to connect. So once they connect

Okay, so we have two students that just came in so we have quorum at this time 2:21. Thank you so much. Thank you guys.

Mr. Ridore -Just like I said guys already explained it and .it'll view inflection. We come to a second we're here to get emotion to get this apple. So we can do ourselves towards next next year, as far as what our implementation plans will be.Take a few minutes to read it and reflect on it. Like I said before, a lot of teachers all the departments have some input in creating this document that will set the tone for when we go to synergy this year.

Simon-Gant - Okay, are there any questions or any concerns about the implementation reflection?

Simon-Gant - Okay, so then I would make a motion to accept the end of year reflection.

Dr. Davis - Second the motion.

Simon-Gant Okay, thank you, Dr. Davis. All in favor? Aye. Aye. Any opposed? None opposed

Mr. Milliken - Okay, so if you look if you look at the screen, The adjusted balances is what we have left. But what we really want is the available balance. That is the what is available for spending and that's the same as our adjusted balance because we haven't put in any purchase orders or we don't have anything. Right now we got about 8909.

Simon-Gant - Okay, so we have Next on the agenda is on reports and updates students and important updates.

Alayna - For SGA, we started while we're doing social media campaigns and things like that because of the social stuff. So we just opened up executive board applications for next year. We're basically gearing up since it's almost over, I think there's like two or three weeks left school. So we're gearing up for that we open executive board applications. We put like updates on our enemy activities page, which is relatively new to other NMB pages. So if the other president and club members follow that and you'll get updates from what's happening with student government. We also started campaign Find out all the time. We get like team captains, and other executive board members, the class of 2020 to kind of pass down to underclassmen, step up their roles and just exemplify charge in the best way possible. I think that's it. Recently I was airing on Good Morning America. I think last week last week for i o part of my graduation speech was aired on Good Morning America. Yeah. It's pretty cool experience.

Simon-Gant - If not, then move towards PTSA and parents.

Simon-Gant -community updates?

Dr. Carrie Williams. Thank you.

Um, I think that we've all been on tight in a little bit. So we understand about the lack of knowing what's going on in the community other than what's on the news. But I am happy to report that MPC received 49,000 from the cares Act, which if you've been watching the news, you've heard about that it's um, some aid to student aid to colleges on that's primarily used to support the students. So at least half of those funding, that funding amount will go directly to student payments. And we had a medium on it yesterday. It looks like it's going to be broken down into three payments. Students that are eligible because they have to be on Pell grant to the eligible. I'm not sure the amount that wasn't stated, but if eligible students have received an email so if you Have an NMB graduates who are now at MDC, please encourage them to check their email because they have to do that application before they can receive any of the funding or have their application considered. It is for students that have been impacted by COVID. And obviously, that's pretty much everybody, but there are some various questions that they have to check whether it was a rising food cost or transportation problems, daycare, etc, any of those things would qualify. Um, let's see also Summer and Fall Enrollment is open at MDC. So we are happy to accept any students that still have not decided or or that are interested in staying pretty close to home these days, which makes a lot of sense. MDC Of course, I'm sure everybody realizes just like the school. We are not there in person yet. The summer,

the summer school will be a virtual as we are,

are conducting now.

And it is a hope of the administration that the campus will be back in the fall. But you know that I'm sure everybody heard about the changes with the dual enrollment. I am encouraged by that is the process for one because it's all online. Miss Jane was at the meeting. So she certainly can help any students that you have, that might still be interested. And also they just announced that the testing for dual enrollment has been suspended until the fall. So those are some of the updates that are going on with the college. In terms of Upward Bound, we have been meeting with our students and North Miami Beach Senior High School on Tuesdays and Thursdays since the beginning of April or after the two weeks that you guys were out. We started Back, we've been meeting via Skype with the students. And that's been quite interesting, the same timeframe from 230 to four. And we are currently reading the skin I'm in. It was one of those books that I had already on hand. And I was able to get permission to go to campus and I mailed it to students. So we've been keeping them busy as long as they check in and they've been actively participating. I am in the process of finalizing some of the plans for the summer for upper bound. Our upper bound Grant has a summer component and an academic year component for those of you who are not aware. And so having finished up we'll finish up the academic component. Next week will be our last enrichment. So we'll start the summer we push back those dates to coincide with MDC summer for the second session, because summer school has been pushed back about two weeks. So the second session will start July 13 and go through August the 21st. And those will be the dates for our summer program as well. So with our summer program, we will be synchronous with classes. Then between 10am and 2pm 10am and 2pm. Hopefully we can get students up. You know, we are offering our stipends to students I usually that's a bit of an incentive. We were also I was also able to figure out a way for food deliver it looks like I have, so I'll still be planning to feed students that participate over the summer, which I know was gonna be really important after they are out of school. Then lastly, with Upward Bound our career work study stipend that we offer to, generally it's to upperclassmen. So they will be rising seniors now. And it's an opportunity for students to get an idea of careers that involve college degrees and have interaction with people who can talk to them about you know, their experience and and give them some words of wisdom and such, we're going to have to change that a little bit since we won't be in person. And so I will be working with various professionals in different areas. I'm focusing primarily on STEM, to have them check in with students via Skype, and do a session on the Fridays during the summer. So it gives them an opportunity to ask questions. For example, a friend of mine who's an anesthesiologist, and I know several students typically want to go into the medical field. And so I feel like that would be a good choice as well as several nurses, captains, so on and so forth. And so that format will be a little bit different, but we've expanded it because we're allowing all students in the program to participate in our work study, because I won't have to use utilize any funding for trips or cultural activities. And so we definitely want to you know, give that money to the students that or active In the, you know, are you committed to attending the sessions, so those students and Mr. Doar attended the ceremony last year, I don't know if we'll be able to do a ceremony but we do. I'm sure it will be remote and we'll invite everyone. But those students can get up to 300 for a month, and that's based on three months even though we only do six weeks during the summer. So that's a total of $900. So I hope that's enough to get them up and motivated and you know, go to bed in time so that they can get up and participate in classes.

That's all I have.

Simon- Gant - Thank you. And next, any updates from faculty and staff.

Mr. Montalvan - AP Chem testing is finished.All the students I heard back from felt fairly confident on the test. So I'm excited for that, for that have to retest in June, and I'm still having classes with them to prepare them for the June exam. But for the most part, I'm pretty confident about the passing rate for this year for chemistry.

Mrs. Boeva - I just congratulations to all our seniors who were on our team. Last week, I watched a virtual graduation ceremony for Georgetown University. And one of these students was an NMB students say Villani. So I wish good luck to Alayna and all other seniors to see them graduating with success. The next four or five years also future engineers scientists Right now, I serve the International Science and Engineering fair. Are is currently they have sessions this year, this great event is virtually so if somebody is interested about the link for isif, I can send you the information.

Simon-Gant - Are there any other faculty staff updates?

If not, then we'll move towards administration

Mr. Milliken - The district is got a program called SOAR, which stands for securing opportunities for academic recovery. That's going to be there's going to be two sessions. It's going to be summer sessions. Targeting students who may or may not have done well in the fourth grading period. They'll also be one a summer session B, which will be trying to target. The students who did not take the math EOC. This is the one I think you're going to try to get the most ground on. It's kids who have to take the algebra EOC next year because they did not take it this year. So remember that the tests were postponed and waived. They were postponed for everybody but they were waived only for the seniors. The kids who were in ninth grade and we're taking algebra, it is still a requirement. So those kids will be taking a an algebra EEOC next year. This summer program is designed to tutor them for from July 13 through August 11. To try to get them caught back up in algebra, and it's also going to be designed for the current 10th graders who will be next year's 11th graders who did not take the reading exam, the FSA, so they're going to try to target that a tutorial and test prep class for those students. Um,
The couple other things that I'll be done next week, we're passing out cap and gowns. Alayna correct me if I'm wrong, we're Doing that Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, May 27 to the 29th. I'm not sure about today.So we're passing our cap and gowns. Next week.

On for graduation, which will be June 11. At 12pm. There'll be broadcasts on WLRN. I have not heard if they're going to broadcast them on some other social media venue, but they will be on WLRN at 12 on the 11th. And that is my updates unless somebody has some questions. I do not have any answers at this time about what school is going to look like next year, whether it's going to be distance learning, whether it's going to be a blended model. The district is is contemplating that. They have a survey out for parents. And I suggest each and every one of you go on and answer that survey. And you'll see with from the survey that they are considering a lot of different options and they want to hear people's opinions about what their concerns are with Not only how school is going to run, but how how people are reacting to the pandemic. And so the district is trying to get some feedback and I suggest you give it to them and let them know what your opinions are so that they can make decisions based on how we how we feel at all schools around the district.

Simon-Gant - Okay, so if there are no more questions, then we'll move towards Dr. Davis and UTD.

Dr. Davis -Okay, now that's for UTD. There's nothing we still working and looking forward to how school will look for the upcoming year. I know some of the students around the city along the district were anxious to see Well, we'll come from the Union and the superintendent and the board on how we will address some of these problems brought on by the pandemic. So we are excited and eager to do so. And our faculty meeting, Mr. ridore, unveiled the SIP and there's a survey that I encourage the teachers to take. I know I had a few phone calls from teachers and they have completed the survey. So we're hoping to get 100% by June 1 of all of my teachers so that we can have a great synergy with honest and true feedback. And that's me with UTD.

Okay, so if there are no other questions or concerns and we are finished at 2:53 for EESAC for the year.