Educational Excellence
School Advisory Council

7541 North Miami Beach Senior High School

Verified EESAC Meeting Minutes for:    09/09/2020  04:10 PM

Please contact the school for a formatted hard copy of these minutes.

Recording Secretary:    Joshua Montalvan

Location of meeting:    Zoom

Was a quorum established?    Yes

Was the meeting advertised?    Yes,  08/28/2020


Members Present:

Randy Milliken (Principal)
Joshua Montalvan (Teacher)
Stevenson Alcin (Teacher)
Veronica Martin (Teacher) (Interim-Chair)
Aldene Longley-Proctor (Teacher)
Adam Bernstein (Teacher)
Rashi Stovall (UTD)
Michelle Currie Williams (Miami Dade College)
Yeel Lee (Student)
Jonathan Jean-Baptiste (Student)
Tamaicka Dolce (Student)
Louvia S. (Student)
Sharan Majumder ( Student)
Gively Raudales (Student)
Widlyne Seide (Student)
Rachel Darbouze (Student)
Aayana Williams (Student)
Carla Alize (Parent/Teacher)
Coach Van Hoven (Educational Support)
Chaika Ravange (Student)

Members Absent (Excused):

No one had an excused absence.

Members Absent (Unexcused):

No one had an unexcused absence.

Others Present:

Vania Boeva (Teacher)
Rosana Munilla (Educational Support)
Billy Ridore (Administrator)
Opia Astwood (Educational Support)
Davonna Innerarity (Educational Support)
Kendra Husband (Teacher)
Mariaceleste Balsano (Administration)

Topics Covered:

Madame chair called meeting to order at 4:11pm.

Mrs. Martin welcomed the members to the meeting. Asked that we go around introducing ourselves, which included our names, organization we represent, and leadership positions we may hold.

Mrs. Martin thanked everyone for their participation. Gave brief introduction of what EESAC is, its role in school improvement process, and the roles of the EESAC member. Mrs. Martin then mentioned that in todays meeting we will be electing the new officers of EESAC.

Mrs. Martin: Before we get to that we will follow what is on the agenda. So, we need to approve the May minutes, the last EESAC meeting from last year.

Ms. Stovall asked if we had another parent member as the majority of the voting members present were employed by Miami Dade County public Schools.

Mrs. Martin: No, we do not have another parent.

Mrs. Longley-Proctor joined the zoom call.

Mr. Montalvan: With Mrs. Longley Proctor joining we have an equal number of district employees and non-district employees present so quorum is lost.

Chaika Ravange joins zoom call.

Quorum is reestablished at 4:30PM

Mrs. Martin: For those of you that are looking at the minutes of May we need to make a motion to approve them.
Mr. Bernstein motions to accept the May Minutes. Mrs. Longley-Proctor seconds the motion.

Mrs. Martin for those that just tuned in one of the main things that we are trying to do in this meeting is elect a new board of EESAC. I am currently acting as the vice chair, so the position is vacant, but would like to add that I would like to be reelected. I do have some people in the audience who are interested in the position of Chair. So, can I address the audience and get nominations for the position of Chair?

Mr. Bernstein nominates Mr. Montalvan for the position of Chair. Mr. Montalvan accepts the nomination.
Mr. Milliken nominates Mr. Alcin for the position of Chair. Mr. Alcin accepts the nomination.
Mrs. Longley Proctor nominates Mrs. Martin. Mrs. Martin declines the nomination.

Mrs. Martin asks that Mr. Alcin and Mr. Montalvan give a brief statement for why they should be elected. Mr. Montalvan and Mr. Alcin give a brief statement.

Mrs. Martin explained the voting process. Mention only specific members can vote which are the voting faculty members, parent, community stake holder, and 9 students.

Mr. Montalvan mentioned using one of the features in zoom could facilitate counting instead of counting by hand.
Ms. Stovall: We will do it by show of hands that is easier for me.

Mrs. Martin asks who would like to vote for Mr. Montalvan for Chair. Mr. Milliken warns that you might have to move between screens and if people talk the order may shift.
Ms. Stovall: Maybe it might be better than to try Mr. Montalvan’ s way.
Mr. Milliken: Show of hands should be able to work if everyone mutes themselves. That should prevent screens from moving around.
Mr. Bernstein if you do it the way Mr. Montalvan explained it will move the voting members to the top and then you can count and clear the screen.
Mr. Montalvan: So, if we are going to go with my plan, I’ll reexplain the instructions.
Mrs. Boeva asked if we can do an anonymous poll.
Mrs. Martin: it would be anonymous so there is no way to assure that only voting members voted.
Mr. Montalvan: Just to clarify Mrs. Alize is our Parent so she too can vote?
Mrs. Martin: Correct she is coming in as a parent.
Mrs. Martin called out the voting members.

A practice run was done to make sure all voting members knew how to put the “thumbs up icon” next to their participant name.

Mrs. Martin asks who would like to vote for Mr. Montalvan for Chair.
Mrs. Martin asks would like to vote for Mr. Alcin for Chair.
Ms. Stovall: Montalvan 7, Alcin 11
Mrs. Martin: Congrats Mr. Alcin you are the EESAC Chair. We look forward to your next meeting.
Mr. Alcin: Thank you for the votes, I appreciate it. Let’s get this work done.

Mrs. Martin opens the floor for nominations for Vice-Chair.
Mr. Milliken nominates Mr. Montalvan for Vice-Chair. Mr. Montalvan accepts the nomination and nominates Mrs. Martin. Mrs. Martin accepts the nomination.

Mrs. Longley- Proctor makes a motion to close under the two said name. Mr. Bernstein seconds the motion.
Mrs. Martin asks that Mrs. Stovall run election as she is a nominee.

Ms. Stovall asks who would like to vote for Mr. Montalvan as Vice Chair.
Ms. Stovall asks who would like to vote for Mrs. Martin as Vice Chair.

Ms. Stovall: Mrs. Martin 11, Montalvan 9

Mrs. Martin: Close race. Thank you for the opportunity to serve on the Board of EESAC again.

Mrs. Martin opens the floor for nominations for Secretary. Mrs. Martin nominates Mr. Montalvan. Mr. Montalvan does not accept the nomination.

Mr. Montalvan nominates Sharan Majumder as the Secretary. Sharan does not accept the nomination.
Mrs. Martin nominates Mrs. Longley-Proctor. Mrs. Longley-Procter respectfully declines.
Mrs. Martin asks if Mr. Montalvan can be the Secretary until the next meeting. Hopefully we can find more student bodies from ICC who can take on that responsibility.

Mrs. Martin: I’d like to table the position of secretary till next meeting and continue. Mrs. Longley-Proctor seconds the motion.

Mrs. Martin shares Agenda on Screen

Mrs. Martin: Review and Approval of EESAC bylaws and funding request. We discovered that our bylaws have 20 seats as part of the individuals who can vote but it says 18. I’d like to motion that we table changes to the bylaws to next meeting with the new chair.

Mr. Bernstein: Just a quick clarification. How many voting members do we have right now? Because the results for the other election sounded like it totaled to 20.

Mrs. Martin counted voting members. 9 Staff (Faculty, Parent, Community Partner) and 9 Students.
Mr. Bernstein asks if total votes for Chair and Vice Chair election adds up to 18.
Mrs. Boeva says for the election of Chair the total number is 18 and for the Vice Chair it is 20.

Stovall and Martin: looks like we have to have a recount.
Mrs. Martin ok lets clear and redo the election for Vice Chair.
Mrs. Longley Proctor hold on I think we have to do a recount of the first one as well as my count was 8 Montalvan 12 Alcin which does add up to 20.
Mrs. Martin: Ok we are doing a recount. All in favor?
Voting Members: “Aye”
Mrs. Martin: I’m going to clear the screen and we will start from the beginning. Mrs. Longley Proctor can you assist with the counting.
Mrs. Longley Proctor: Sure

Mrs. Martin: If you are voting for Mr. Montalvan please vote now.
Ms. Stovall: 9 for Montalvan
Longley-Proctor: 8, let me count again. I got 8.
Other members: Yea I got 8 too
Ms. Stovall: Ok we are going with the 8.

Mrs. Martin: For the position of Chair Mr.Alcin.
Ms. Stovall: I got 10. Longley what did you get?
Mrs. Longley-Proctor: I got 11.
Mr. Montalvan: I got 11 as well.
Mrs. Longley-Proctor: that means someone didn’t vote this time.
Mr.Bernstein: Unless someone who is not a voting member is voting accidently because they don’t know?
Mrs. Van Hosen: I think someone might be voting twice.
Ms. Stovall: This is why I like the hand raising.
Mr. Montalvan: Is it possible that the voting members can just email Mrs. Stovall their votes. Although I do think Mr. Alcin did win.

Mrs. Martin: I think we need to put that up for a vote.
Mr. Montalvan: or can we table the election to next meeting and Mrs. Martin would remain as acting chair for now until we find a more effective voting method.

Ms. Stovall: It is 11.
Mrs. Balsano: can’t you just raise your hand.
Mrs. Martin: I’m up for doing the hand raising I’d like a board sooner rather than later. Are we ok with raising hands?
Ms. Stovall and Mrs. Longley Proctor: Yes
Mrs. Longley Proctor: Mrs. Martin has it been established. Do the students know who can and cannot vote? Are they sure on that.
Mrs. Martin: If you are a student, originally there were 8 of you when we started the meeting and those are the members who will be voting. Then we added one member at the end. If you can tell me your name and position and I will tell you if you are a voting member.

Ms. Stovall: Can I make a suggestion? All nonvoting members turn off their Camera.
Mrs. Martin: that is a good suggestion.
Mr. Montalvan: In our bylaws it says we have 18 members in the council and of those 18 only 8 are supposed to be students so are we limiting it to 8 students.
Mrs. Martin: No, we are not. I’m just trying to determine the ones that came in after the original 8 to see if they are guests or voting members.
Nonvoting members turned their cameras off. Voting members kept cameras on.
Mrs. Martin: We will start again. We are voting for EESAC Chair. If you are voting for Mr. Montalvan raise your hand?
Ms. Stovall: Put your hands in the Cameras so we are able to see them. You know when it goes back and forth it shows the same people.
Mr. Bernstein would you just like to make a roll call of all the voting members, and they can say “aye”?
Mrs. Longley Proctor: I got a count I don’t know about the rest of you.
Mrs. Martin: What did you get?
Mrs. Longley-Proctor: I got 8.
Other members agreed with count
Mrs. Martin If you want to vote for Mr.Alcin for EESAC Chair please vote now.
Mrs. Longley-Proctor: I’m ready with my count. I got 12 with myself.
Ms. Stovall: I got 11. Let me do this again.
Mrs. Longley-Proctor: I didn’t have my hand up, so I’d be 12.
Mr. Bernstein: But that still adds up to 20.
Mrs. Longley Proctor: Exactly that adds up to 20.
Mrs. Alize: I have a suggestion. How about everyone turns off their cameras and then if they want to vote they turn their Camera’s on. Would that work?
Ms. Stovall: I think that could work.
Mr. Alcin: I hope this isn’t Florida in November.

Mrs. Martin: I will leave you two ladies in charge as I will be turning my camera off.
Ms. Stovall: If you are voting for Montalvan please turn your Camera’s on. I got 8.
Mrs. Longley Proctor: I got 8 as well.
Mrs. Van Hosen: It looks like some of the people are voting twice.
Mrs. Longley Proctor and Mrs. Stovall: I got 11 this time.
Mrs. Longley Proctor: Rachel and St. Louis the two of you keep switching screens so it looks like you are voting twice. You are popping in and out.
Mr. Montalvan: I’d like to make a motion that we table the election for the next meeting and keep Mrs. Martin as the acting chair until the new chair is chosen.
Mrs. Martin: Is there a second?
Mr. Bernstein and Mrs. Stovall second the motion.
Mrs. Martin: Motion is passed, and we are going to table this until our next meeting and we will hopefully have another method for voting. The next item on our list is the budget.
Mr. Milliken: As of right now the budget is $6631. I don’t see anything that’s rolled over from last year. So right now, $6631.
Mrs. Martin: Can we move on to the next item: Review of the SIP.
Mr. Ridore talked about how the SIP is created, what it is, and gave a special thanks to the members who helped develop the SIP.
Mr. Bernstein thanks Mr. Ridore and acknowledges the hard work and time that was put into creating the SIP.
Mrs. Martin makes motion to accept the SIP, as is. Mr. Montalvan seconds the motion.
Mrs. Martin: Any objections? All those in favor?
All voting members “Aye”
Mrs. Martin: Funding Request procedure. We will not be able to take any requests until we have a board, but I will go over the procedure.
Mrs. Martin explains procedure.

Mrs. Martin: Reports and Updates. Students. Officers now is the time to unmute yourselves and share with us what you are doing for the school.
Widlyne spoke about the Spirit Week that SGA is hosting.
Mrs. Martin: PTSA and Parents? Ms. Balsano?
Mrs. Balsano: I’m going to be honest I’ve been more interested in making sure everyone is able to get online and learn and all that great stuff. So, I haven’t begun anything. I know Mr. Montalvan reached out to me saying he would assist. We had maybe 10 parents last year and that’s when we were physically here. What am I going to have virtually? So what are some ideas for parents to join if we stay virtually?
Mrs. Martin: Dr. Currie?
Dr. Currie spoke about updates pertaining to Miami Dade College. Encouraged students to attend MDC scholarship page as not enough students are applying. With regards to Upward bound, they finished their virtual summer semester. They will be meeting virtually through the academic year. Virtual recruiting process is being finalized.

Mrs. Martin: Faculty & Staff?
Mr. Montalvan: After reading the bylaws, we did not do the election for the education support employee properly. The education support personnel should be nominated and elected by support personnel. Where if we recall, it was teachers who nominated and elected the support personnel, we were also very limited on the number of employee support personnel. So, I did just want to go on record so that we can redo this election in the coming weeks if possible.

Talk about the idea of how to vote as well as the confusion regarding voting on an online platform began. There was an effort to have the voting happen.

Mr. Montalvan: Since we did decide to table the election to next session, can we just leave it for the next session since we already agreed on it.

Mrs. Martin: We did already agree with it. So Last but not least administration.

Mr. Milliken: Our teachers did a phenomenal job to get in contact with students and make them feel welcomed despite technology issues. I don’t have anything to report except my thanks for all teachers. We will continue to work through this on the 11th we should get some direction.
Mrs. Martin: UTD?
Ms.Stovall: Nothing on behalf of UTD at this moment.

Mrs. Martin: We don’t have anything left on the agenda so let us pick our next day for the meeting. Our next meeting is October 7,2020 at 4:00pm.

Mrs. Longley-Proctor: I’d like to make a motion to end the meeting at 5:40 PM. Mr. Bernstein second the motion.