Educational Excellence
School Advisory Council

7541 North Miami Beach Senior High School

Verified EESAC Meeting Minutes for:    10/07/2020  04:15 PM

Please contact the school for a formatted hard copy of these minutes.

Recording Secretary:    Joshua Montalvan

Location of meeting:    Zoom

Was a quorum established?    Yes

Was the meeting advertised?    Yes,  09/24/2020


Members Present:

Randy Milliken (Principal)
Joshua Montalvan (Teacher)
Stevenson Alcin (Teacher)
Veronica Martin (Teacher) (Interim-Chair)
Aldene Longley-Proctor (Teacher)
Adam Bernstein (Teacher)
Rashi Stovall (UTD)
Michelle Currie Williams (Miami Dade College)
Walter Bernabe (Parent)
Coach Van Hoven (Educational Support)
Trinity Blanc (Student)
Allizie Diaz (Student)
Louvia Samedi (Student)
Allizon Diaz ( Student)
Wydlyne Seide (Student)
Tamaicka Dolce (Student)
Keiamber Verna (Student)

Members Absent (Excused):

No one had an excused absence.

Members Absent (Unexcused):

No one had an unexcused absence.

Others Present:

Billy Ridore (Administrator)
Davonna Innerarity (Educational Support)
Kendra Husband (Teacher)
Mariaceleste Balsano (Administration)
Selena Volcy (Administrator)

Topics Covered:


Madame chair called meeting to order at 4:17pm.

Mrs. Martin welcomed the members to the meeting. Asked Interim Secretary (Mr. Montalvan) to do rollcall of present members and for those members who aren’t called if they could introduce themselves.

Mr. Montalvan did roll call. Members did slight introduction as roll call occurred.

Mrs. Martin began review and approval of prior minutes.
Mrs. Martin: If I’m not mistaken the date of the meeting was September the 9th so the date on the top is incorrect.
Widlyne: Me and Tamaicka’s names are spelled incorrectly.
Ms. Stovall: It should be “Ms. not “Mrs. for Ms. Stovall.
Mrs. Longley proctor motioned to accept the September 9th EESAC meetings with the necessary corrections. Mr. Alcin second the motion.

Mrs. Martin: The minutes have been approved and seconded. At this time all those in favor say “aye”.
Members say “Aye”
Mrs. Martin: All those opposed? The minutes have been approved.

Mrs. Martin: We successfully came up with the name of our members.
Mrs. Martin shared screen. Shows Document with name of voting members.
Mrs. Martin points out that Bylaws are incorrect in the total number of members and that this is something that the elected chair can address in the next meeting.

Mr. Montalvan: I have a question about the name of the Teachers. I asked this question in response to the email that was sent but never received a response. I was wondering why Mr. Bernstein is listed as an Alternate when he was in fact elected by Teachers this school year?

Mrs. Martin: Mr. Bernstein was replacing an existing member who is no longer part of EESAC. We had two open seats. Mr. Torres leaving opened one position and as well as Simon-Gant. Mrs. Simon-Gant was a voting member and Mr. Torres was an alternate if I’m not mistaken.

Mr. Montalvan: Mr. Torres was a voting member. At least I was under the impression that he was a voting member.
Mrs. Martin: I remember Longley-Proctor and Torres came in at the exact same time.
Mrs. Longley-Proctor: Torres was the alternate.
Mrs. Martin: He was the alternate. He ended up voting because of the amount of staff members at the time. We had to have 5. Five voting members. Mr. Alcin came up first for nomination. Mr. Bernstein’s name came up second. So, Mr. Alcin became the voting member replacing Mrs. Simon-Gant. Mr. Bernstein became the voting member for Mr. Torres. He takes on the position of alternate until one of our members moves on to something else or loses their term.
Mrs. Martin continued reading through the document.

Mrs. Martin we are all in agreement as far as the voting members. Are there any discussions? Can I have a motion that these are acceptable names for our voting members.

Mrs. Longley-Proctor motioned to accept the names of the voting members. Ms. Stovall second the motion.

Mrs. Martin: All those in favors say “aye”? Members said aye. Looks like a unanimous “aye”. The motion has passed.

Mrs. Martin: We are moving to our next item on the agenda.
Election of Officers Began.
Mrs. Martin: Do we have a nomination for Chair?
Mrs. Longley-Proctor: I’d like to nominate Mr. Alcin as the Chair of EESAC.
Mr. Alcin: I respectfully decline.
Mr. Bernstein: I nominate Mr. Montalvan for EESAC Chair.
Mr. Montalvan: I accept
Mr. Bernabe: I second that.
Ms. Van-Hoven: I’d like to nominate Mrs. Martin for Chair.
Mr. Alcin: I second that.
Mrs. Martin: I respectfully decline.
Mrs. Van-Hoven: Can we nominate more than one person?
Mrs. Martin: Yes you can the nomination period has not been closed.
Mrs. Van-Hoven: I’d like to nominate Ms. Stovall?
Ms. Stovall: I respectfully decline.
Mrs. Martin: It looks like we only have one nominee for the position of Chair. Mr. Montalvan since you have accepted the nomination. I congratulate you; you are the new Chair, you will take Control of the Chair as of next month.
Mrs. Martin: The next position up for election is that of the second chair. Do I have a nomination for second chair?
Mr. Bernstein: I’d like to nominate Mrs. Martin?
Mrs. Van-Hoven: I second that
Mrs. Martin: I will accept the position.
Mrs. Martin: Any other nominations for Vice-Chair?
Mrs. Martin: Looks like there are no other nominees. So, thank you I will serve as the Vice-Chair this school year. Thank you.
Mrs. Martin we are in desperate need of a Secretary. So, if I can have a nomination for any one who is interested in being the Secretary of EESAC?
Ms. Stovall: I would like to nominate Mrs. Longley-Proctor.
Mrs. Longley-Proctor: I respectfully decline.
Mrs. Martin: Anyone else would like to make a nomination?
Mrs. Martin: Ok we will once again table the position of Secretary for next month. Mrs. Longley Proctor If I may, Can I ask you to act as Secretary for next month’s meeting?
Mrs. Longley-Proctor: Yes, I can do that.

Mrs. Martin spoke about Budget Request procedure.
Mrs. Martin moved on to the next item. Budget.
Mr. Milliken: If you can give me a moment, I’m having technical difficulties.
Mrs. Martin: I’m going to move along then to the SIP. Mr. Ridore?
Mr. Ridore: Good Afternoon, thank you for being here it’s a pleasure. There is nothing to add in reference to the SIP this week. Last meeting, We, got it approved so this week there is nothing.
Mrs. Martin: As soon as we find out how much money we are working with. We can go back to our respective classrooms, organization, departments and share with them how much money is in EESAC and explain the funding request procedure. So, we can start entertaining funding requests as of the month of November.

Mr. Montalvan: If I can ask a question about the SIP while we wait for the budget. Mr. Ridore, so I was reading the SIP and it says that from October 19-30th you will have the Quarter 1 system review and data reflection. Is the Data review open to EESAC members or is it just the Synergy team that discusses the data reflection?

Mr. Ridore: The Synergy team discusses the data reflection and we always report to EESAC.
Mr. Montalvan: Is it possible for the EESAC members that are interested, to attend?
Mr. Ridore: There is a team that reviews it. It involves Administration, Teachers, district people, as I said to you If you would like to next year you could be part of the Synergy team but that is not part of EESAC. We will report our reflection to EESAC.

Mrs. Martin: It’s wonderful to see that our faculty and staff are interested in improving the school. These are issues and questions that could be addressed in an open forum with Mr. Ridore. For this particular meeting he is just discussing the SIP itself.

Mrs. Martin: Mr. Milliken?
Mr. Milliken: Give me one minute. I will send it to you so you can share it. If you can, would you allow me to share your screen? I actually just send it to you and Mr. Montalvan if that would be easier.
Mrs. Martin shared screen.
Mrs. Martin: The adjusted budget is $6631.
Mr. Milliken: Correct.
Mr. Bernstein: If I can just add. Students this money can be used to help keep you engaged during distance learning. So, students feel free to reach out with ideas.

Mrs. Martin: Thank you Mr. Bernstein for that. I’d like to now move to reporting. Students this is a time to share what is happening in your organization and in the school. Would anyone like to share.

Widlyne Seide spoke about the Virtual Club Fair and initiatives trying to increase student engagement.

Mrs. Martin: Congratulated Widlyne for the success of the Virtual Club fair.

Mrs. Martin: PTSA and Parents? Walter currently our PTSA program is not operational. When it does become operational would you be willing to become a member of PTSA?

Walter Bernabe: Yes I’ll be interested.

Mrs. Martin introduced Mr. Bernabe to Mrs. Balsano. Mentioned that Ms. Balsano is Administrator over PTSA.
Ms. Balsano: My job is only to find the board once I find the board, I have nothing to do with it. That is a Parent run group. We need 5-6 Parents to find a board.

Mrs. Martin: Community?

Dr. Currie mentioned Miami-Dade College enrollment. The college has been open since last week. They are offering free courses for the mini term. With respect to Upward Bound, they are still recruiting. The First Saturday session is on the 10th. Everything will happen virtually for now. They will be having a virtual fieldtrip to tour FAMU.

Mrs. Marin: Administration?
Mr.Milliken: Monday we opened physically for students with accommodations. Today we opened for our 9th and 10th. Friday we will open for our 11th and 12th. The teachers and students did a great job today. It went very smooth. An ACT will be given on the 17th. We will also have a reportable school day SAT on October 27th. We are targeting Seniors on that day.

Mrs. Martin: I skipped Faculty and Staff. Please share.
Mr. Bernstein piggy backed on the need for a PTSA. Shared his experience and the opportunity for scholarship. Also spoke about the SFEFCU program.
Mrs. Martin: Coach I would you like to share what the counselors are doing?
Ms. Innerarity shared the initiatives counselors are doing for Values Matter and Anti Bullying Month. Schedule changes are still happening, but she hopes it will smooth in the coming weeks.

Mrs. Martin: UTD?
Ms. Stovall: UTD’s immediate concern is about health and safety. We will continue to advocate for policy that safeguard our schools. It is Breast Cancer awareness month, so go get those mammograms.

Mrs. Martin: That concludes this meeting. Thank you for all who supported me during my time as share. I’d like to hear a motion to end the meeting but before we need to pick a date for the next meeting.

Mr. Montalvan: Actually, I’d like to schedule two meetings. One to focus on modifications of our bylaws which would be a special meeting and then a second to approve said modification which would be a regular meeting.
Mrs. Martin: I think you will be very successful in your position of Chair. But I think we can only schedule on meeting at a time unless we have to schedule what is called an emergency meeting. So, if you like why don’t we schedule one today to focus on the by laws and then we can schedule a second date. Because we do need to get special permission to schedule two meetings in a month.

Discussion about next meeting date began.

Mrs. Martin: The next meeting be November 12 at 5:00PM via Zoom.

Mr. Milliken asked if Officers and UTD can stay back to stay back to discuss clerical information about posting minutes.

Mrs. Longley Proctor motioned to end meeting at 5:20. Mr. Bernabe second the motion.