Educational Excellence
School Advisory Council

7541 North Miami Beach Senior High School

Verified EESAC Meeting Minutes for:    05/06/2021  03:00 PM

Please contact the school for a formatted hard copy of these minutes.

Recording Secretary:    Mr.Montalvan/Mrs.Longley-Proctor

Location of meeting:    Zoom/Iprep

Was a quorum established?    Yes

Was the meeting advertised?    Yes,  04/27/2021


Members Present:

Milliken, Randy (Principal)
Alcin, Stevenson (Teacher)
Longley-Proctor, Aldene B (Teacher)
Martin, Veronica (Teacher)
Montalvan, Joshua P (Teacher)
Stovall, Rashi (Teacher/UTD Alternate)
Bernabe, Walter (Parent)
Seide, Widlyne (Student)
Verna, Keiamber (Student)
Evelyn Castillo (Student)
Davondre Coeur (Student)
Edgardo SanMartin (Student)
Andre Sawyer (Student)
Lamah Jackson (Student)
Shaniya Darin (Student
Mylinda Auguste (Business/Community Representative)

Members Absent (Excused):

Currie-Williams, Michelle (Business/Community Representative)

Members Absent (Unexcused):

Davis, James (Union Steward)
Magny, Arielle (Educational Support)

Others Present:

Ridore, Billy C (Alternate Principal)
MariaCeleste Balsano (Administrator)
Paola Martinez (Administrator)
Kiandra Bertani (Activities)
Opia Astwood (Coach)
Davonna Innerarity (Counselor)
Allizon Diaz (Student)
Emmanuel Germain (Student)
Saniah Jean-Pierre (Student)
Christelle Joly (Student)
William Paulemon (Student)
Devine Saint-Louis (Student)

Topics Covered:


Meeting was called to order at 3:09 pm by the Chair. Mr. Montalvan welcomed everyone to the meeting. Explained that quorum is established when majority of voting members (10 voting members) are present. There is no need for majority of members present to be non-district employees to establish quorum.

Approval of the minutes

March 4, 2021
• No Corrections needed
Mrs. Martin motioned to accept the minutes as written; seconded by Mr. Milliken. Minutes have been approved.

April 21,2021
• No Corrections needed

Mrs. Martin motioned to accept the minutes as written; seconded by Mrs. Longley-Proctor. Minutes have been approved.

Administration- Mr. Milliken

EESAC Budget - Remaining Balance $14,357.45

This value should be lower as when we ordered Ms. Smith’s material some of the items were no longer in stock. Recommends that Ms. Smith look in to getting a comparable item that is within the allotted remaining balance of her approved amount. Mr. Torres’ and Coach Innerarity’s requests still need to be subtracted from the remaining EESAC balance.

Once Mr. Torres ($1700) and Coach I’s ($500) are subtracted the balance should hover around $12,157.45.

Title I – Ms. Balsano
 Nothing to Report

Review/Approval of SIP
 Next meeting, we will be going over the End-of-Year SIP Review Process.

School Time Change Proposal

North Miami Beach Senior High School has been identified as a possible pilot site for a Start/End Time change for the 2021-2022 school year. The proposed Start/End time for us would be for an 8:30 AM- 3:30PM school day rather than the current 7:20AM – 2:20PM school day.

Council shared their support/concerns with the proposal.

• Students get an extra hour of sleep. Studies show students are not getting enough sleep.
• Can help Parents who need to drop kids off in the morning/ run errands.
• Scientific Evidence indicates that even an extra hour of sleep could result in an increase in academic achievement.

• Extracurricular Activities (Club meetings, Practice, etc.) would start an hour later thus ending later.
• Since most of the other schools would still be on the 7:20-2:20pm time schedule students would have to miss two periods instead of one or risk arriving late.
• There are teachers that have a second job. A later end time would make it difficult for them to arrive to their second job.
• There are students that need to take care of their younger siblings after school.
• There are teachers that need to pick up their kids after school and a time change would disrupt this procedure.
• Personal experiences, students who are habitually late will continue to be habitually late.
• Less Students would be able to participate in Extracurricular activities.
• Might make it more difficult to find teachers who would be willing to Sponsor/Coach.
• Traffic is mediated with the early start.

Mr. Montalvan explained that for this proposal to pass with a 2/3rds majority it would require 13 of the voting members to vote “yes” to the proposed time change.

Mr. Montalvan motioned to close the floor for discussion. Mrs. Longley-Proctor second the motion.

Mr. Montalvan motioned to open the floor for voting. Mr. Milliken second the motion.

Mrs. Martin motioned to close the floor for voting. Mr. Montalvan second the motion. The proposal did not pass (2 Yes 13-No).

Reports and Updates

 The Band will be participating in the 4th of July Parade
 Student Government is closing off Teacher Appreciation Week

PTSA and Parents –
 Faculty/Staff always very kind and professional when I attend the school. (Mr. Bernabe)

Community- Ms. Mylinda Auguste (MDC)
 Upward Bound
o College-Prep Program
 Help with Financial Aid and College Applications
o Still Enrolling 9th and 10th graders for Upward Bound.
o Summer Program will be virtual again this year due to Covid-19.
 Starts June 21st

Faculty and Staff-
 Mr. Montalvan encouraged administration/Teachers to spread the word about the Districts CTE initiative to get Teacher’s certified in software’s such as Adobe and Excel to help create a more authentic STEAM environment for our students.
 Big Thank you to Chef Stephen for the Taco bar and all that the Culinary Arts department does.

Mr. Milliken:
 Welcome Ms. Menendez in attendance and Mrs. Martinez our new assistant principle.
 Testing has begun!
o This week we tested in American History and FSA 9thand 10th
 Thank you to the team that put together all the Teacher Appreciation Activities this week they did a fantastic job.
 We won districts in Basketball, had a successful volleyball season, Baseball will be playing in regionals. Spring Football game is coming up against Columbus.

UTD – Ms. Stovall
 Florida legislature did not pass the two bills that would potentially hurt our profession.

Next meeting date – May 17, 2021 at 3pm.

Meeting adjourned at 4:15 pm. Motion to adjourn by Mrs. Martin, seconded by Ms. Stovall