Educational Excellence
School Advisory Council

7541 North Miami Beach Senior High School

Verified EESAC Meeting Minutes for:    05/17/2021  03:00 PM

Please contact the school for a formatted hard copy of these minutes.

Recording Secretary:    Mr.Montalvan

Location of meeting:    Zoom/Iprep

Was a quorum established?    Yes

Was the meeting advertised?    Yes,  05/07/2021


Members Present:

Milliken, Randy (Principal)
Ridore, Billy C (Alternate Principal)
Davis, James (Union Steward)
Alcin, Stevenson (Teacher)
Martin, Veronica (Teacher)
Montalvan, Joshua P (Teacher)
Stovall, Rashi (Teacher)
Magny, Arielle (Alternate Educational Support)
Bernabe, Walter (Parent)
Currie-Williams, Michelle (Business/Community Representative)
William Paulemon (Student)
Allizon Diaz (Student)
Emmanuel Germain (Student)
Ashley Figueroa (Student)
Tyriek Sterile (Student)
William Paulemon (Student)
Edgardo SanMartin (Student)
Widlyne Seide (Student)
Keiamber Verna (Student)

Members Absent (Excused):

No one had an excused absence.

Members Absent (Unexcused):

Arielle Magny (Educational Support)
Aldene Longley-Proctor (Teacher/Secretary)

Others Present:

Maria Celeste Balsano (Administrator)
Billy Ridore (Administrator)
Diana Washington (Coach)
Davonna Innerarity (Counselor)
Kendra Husband (Teacher)
Evelyn Castillo (Student)
Natasha Senexant (Student)

Topics Covered:


Meeting was called to order at 3:16 pm by the Chair. Mr. Montalvan welcomed everyone to the last meeting for the 2020-2021 school year. Thanked all voting members for the support that was shown to him as Chair.

Approval of the minutes

May 6, 2021
• Change “Coach I” to name spelled out
• Under UTD change “no” to “not”
Mrs. Martin motioned to accept the minutes with the correction suggested by Ms. Stovall; seconded by Ms. Stovall. Minutes have been approved.

Administration- Mr. Milliken

EESAC Budget - Remaining Balance $14,357.45

As was mentioned in last meeting, this value should be lower due to approved funding requests needed to be deducted from the remaining balance.

Once Mr. Torres ($1700) and Ms. Innerarity’s ($500) are subtracted the balance should hover around $12,157.45.

Title I – Ms. Balsano
 Expenditures are done only money left is hourly.

Review/Approval of SIP
 Ms. Washington presented Phase V End of Year Reflection.
 Mr. Milliken motioned approve the SIP Phase V End of Year Reflection. Mr. Montalvan second the motion. The SIP Phase V has been approved.

Reports and Updates

 Auxiliary will be having a performance for Haitian Flag day (5/18)

PTSA and Parents –
 No update

Community- Dr. Currie-Williams (MDC)
 Summer Enrollment is currently occurring MDC
 Testing is required for Dual Enrollment
o Was waived last year due to Covid
 Upward Bound
o Last Enrichment meeting for this Academic School Year is May 22nd
o Summer Program will be virtual again this year due to Covid-19.
 June 21st -July 30th
o Summer stipend for college students has increased
o 3 students have been recommended for Comcast Video Spotlight

Faculty and Staff-
 Ms. Innerarity- Summer school registration is open.
o Summer 305
o Parents must initiate registration.
 Dr. Davis is looking forward to the Haitian Flag Day performances.

Mr. Milliken:
 Testing
 Mid 80% of students have tested
 At 92% Graduation Rate for Seniors
 Encouraging teachers try out new engagement tools (Nearpod, Zoom, etc.)
 Plan for live Instruction next year
 Graduation is approaching.
o Virtual Rehearsals.

UTD – Dr. Davis
 UTD is back at the collective bargaining table for our contract.
 Encouraged Teachers to complete survey that was sent out.
o 48% have answered.
o Mr. Ridore doubled down on the request to complete teacher Survey and its importance as it pertains to the SIP.

Meeting adjourned at 3:53 pm. Motion to adjourn by Mr. Milliken, seconded by William Paulemon.