Educational Excellence
School Advisory Council

7541 North Miami Beach Senior High School

Verified EESAC Meeting Minutes for:    11/18/2021  02:45 PM

Please contact the school for a formatted hard copy of these minutes.

Recording Secretary:    Vanessa Celestin

Location of meeting:    North Miami Beach Senior High Room 710

Was a quorum established?    Yes

Was the meeting advertised?    Yes,  11/10/2021


Members Present:

Milliken, Randy (Principal)
Ridore, Billy C (Alternate Principal)
Davis, James (Union Steward)
Alcin, Stevenson (Teacher)
Gedeon, Ralph (Teacher)
Longley-Proctor, Aldene B (Teacher)
Martin, Veronica (Teacher)
Stovall, Rashi (Teacher)
Bernstein, Adam (Alternate Teacher/Paraprofessional)
Van Hoven, Christina (Educational Support Employee)
Magny, Arielle (Alternate Educational Support)
Bernabe, Walter (Parent)
Evans, Gia (Alternate Parent)
Ash, Brianna (Student)
Diaz, Allizie (Student)
Joly, Chiristelle (Student)
Macombe, Marlouse (Student)
Samedi, Louvia (Student)
Seide, Widlyne (Student)
Verna, Keiamber (Student)
Williams, Aayana (Student)
Currie-Williams, Michelle (Business/Community Representative)

Members Absent (Excused):

Michelle Currie Williams (MDC)
Rashi Stovall (Teacher/UTD)

Members Absent (Unexcused):

Stevenson Alcin (Teacher)

Others Present:

Billy Ridore (Administrator)
Keisha Smith ( Teacher)
Beulah Gay ( Administrator)

Topics Covered:

Meeting was motioned to begin by Brian Davis and seconded by Devine St. Louis. Meeting was called to order at 3:02pm by the chair Mr. Gedeon. He welcomed everyone to the meeting, and those in attendance to introduce themselves.

Motion to Approval of the minutes from October 27 ,2021 by Brian Davis and seconded by Billy Ridore.

EESAC Budget - Remaining Balance $9,003.60

Budget has increased for the school year $7000. Grand total of $12,002.60 including pending funding request ($2,999) which results in the actual balance being 9,003.60

Review/Approval of School Improvement Plan (SIP) Phase I & II-Mr. Billy Ridore, AP
We did very good overall sticking to the things we said we would do. Added 2 new implementations for the new SIP after the feedback from the Instructional Review.

Dr Davis asked about the timeline for the teacher feedback to ensure the steps are truly implemented. Ridore will take it back to administration to have a set timeframe.

How are surveys determined? Department based or leadership only? Ridore- Surveys haven’t been done as frequently as they would like, however it is on the list to complete the next one.

Motioned to approve by Dr. Davis, and seconded by Devine St. Louis

Ms. Fray- Funding resource for tutoring, afterschool programs and parents related activities. PTSA in the works and hoping for the first meeting to take place after break. Looking for teachers and parents to be involved. Ridore gave more details to students on Title I (ACT/SAT Waivers, tutoring, teacher payments)

Parent and Family Engagement needs approval. Documents everything the school is doing to make sure parents are included in the decision-making process. He reviewed how parents have been involved throughout the year thus far. He continued to highlight the different services provided by Title 1 (Assisting ELL students, Homeless students, providing resources )

-Walter- “What is the percentage of the Title 1 students that benefit from it”. Based off last year it was 82%. Dr. Davis made note that the teachers also benefit from Title I

-Mr. Davis asked about flexible parent meetings – “How can we incorporate a systematic process that we can reach those parents of students who are not reaching academic marks.” Ridore -We offer conferencing in the teacher lounge after school and during the day administration handles situations during school hours.

Motioned By B. Davis and seconded by W. Bernabe

Funding Request-

 SGA- Project Title: Student/Staff Activities Art Room Supplies
 Requesting $772.11 to update supply room.
 Need art supplies for school projects lead by activities. Such as decorating for holidays, spirit weeks, pep rally and other events, activities throughout the year.
 Stocking the room usually comes from fundraising and personal funds from the sponsor. There is no budget for activities and supplies included in the school budgets.
 Dr. Davis motioned to double the proposal amount resulting in the total of 1544.22 to be used at Mrs. Bertani’s discretion. Seconded by Devine St. Louis
 Proposal was approved for 1544.22. Any remaining money, the Activities Director could use at their discretion.

 SGA- Project Title : Can you feel the beat?
 Requesting $689.00 for a portable speaker
 Will be used for different activities that take place at the school. For example, Alumni, visitors, presentations, spirit events
 Proposal motioned by Ms. Celestin and 2nd by Devine St. Louis. Proposal was approved for $689

 WNMB Today/ Drama- Project Title: WNMB Today Presents (TV)
 Requesting $785.36 for 2 new cameras and memory cards.
 Used for recap videos of school events, daily news (announcements) and other kick off events taking place at the school.
 Current equipment is unreliable, and students have often had to use alternatives to complete projects which is why they need more resources.
 Ms. Veronica Martin amended proposal and motioned to add an additional camera to the request with the remaining funds to be used at sponsors discretion. Seconded by Brian Davis.
 Proposal was approved for 1134.36. Any remaining money, drama club sponsor could use at their discretion.
 Drama Troupe 3206- Project Title: Can you hear me now
 Requesting $391.19 for 4 headset microphones
 Will be used for stage productions put on for students during the year as well as help with sound quality for film projects. .
 The total of $500 was motioned b MR. Gedeon and seconded by Brian Davis to include 4 new headset microphones and insurance with other needed accessories.
 Proposal was approved for $500. Any remaining money, drama club sponsor could use at their discretion.

Total approved for funding today: $ 3,867.58.Leaves the remaining balance in the budget at $5,136.02

Reports and Updates

Anne Pierre-GEMS
 Hosted a tea Party that was successful
 Will host a Thanksgiving Dinner for a time of fellowship
Jeniah Paul (Drama)
 Think Pink Week Drama club sold bracelets and snow cones; it was a success.
 Will have a Holiday Show December 8th
Faculty and Staff
 Teacher of the Year :Neufeld
 Rookie Teacher of the Year: Stein Jean

Going into testing season
Staff Holiday party in the works
We have a new Test Chair: Mrs. Lafrance

UTD – Dr. Davis
 N/A
Next meeting will take place December 9, 2021 @ 2:45pm in room 710.

Motion to adjourn by and seconded by Ms. Celestin, seconded by everyone Meeting adjourned at 3:08 pm.