Educational Excellence
School Advisory Council

7541 North Miami Beach Senior High School

Verified EESAC Meeting Minutes for:    02/28/2022  03:00 PM

Please contact the school for a formatted hard copy of these minutes.

Recording Secretary:    Vanessa Celestin

Location of meeting:    North Miami Beach Senior High School Room 710

Was a quorum established?    Yes

Was the meeting advertised?    Yes,  02/10/2022


Members Present:

Ralph Gedeon (Chair/Teacher)
Dr. James Davis (UTD)
Brian Davis (Teacher)
Vanessa Celestin (Teacher/Secretary)
Rashi Stovall (Teacher/UTD)
Veronica Martin (Vice Chair

Devine Saint-Louis (Student)
Briana Maresccot (Student)
Tamaya Gray (Student)
Abigail Tenneus (Student)
Andre Sawyer (Student)
Midrac Sadrac (Student)
Laila Oates (Student)
Carlie St. Fleur (Student)
Ashlene Capers (Student)
Mike Vacher (Student)
Jovoney Leo (Student)
Matthew Jeanitor (Student)

Members Absent (Excused):

No one had an excused absence.

Members Absent (Unexcused):

Walter Barnebe (Parent)

Others Present:

Randy Milliken (Principal)
Billy Ridore (Administrator)
Michelle Currie Williams (MDC)
Gabriela Marin (Teacher)
Kenyasha McDaniel Knight (MDC)

Topics Covered:


Meeting was called to order by Mr. Gedeon 3:05pm. He welcomed everyone to the meeting, and those in attendance to introduce themselves.

Motion to Approval of the minutes from Ms. Martin. Dr. Davis had concerns about the budget. Want to make sure balance it is accurate and detailed balance, seconded by Brian Davis.

EESAC Budget - Remaining Balance $5,136.02

Budget still reflects the previous balance because some items have not been deducted from account. Total reflected in account as of today is $16,360.50

Review/Approval of School Improvement Plan (SIP) Phase I & II-Mr. Billy Ridore, AP
No SIP Updates

Title I
PTSA is up and running. Need more teachers and parents to be apart.

Funding Request
Project Shine
Ms. Marin, teaches vocational skills to Sped students. They service the community and school with cleaning up school, serving coffee to staff and visitors, and students in program organize a free uniform store for students to prepare for the real world. It has been in operation about 5 years. There is no budget specifically for this program. Sanitary supplies needed to continue.
Concerns: We have a large supply of some the request on the list. Are you willing to get them from the school supply rather than order another large set?

Response: There have been attempts to ask and the amount given is not enough to cover the year. If the administration can guarantee that items will be given in a sufficient quantity then she has no problem with this.

Motioned to accept proposal by Ms. Celestin, Seconded by Ashlene.
1 vote for NO APPROVED

Project: Dance Your Worries Away
Ms. Martin- Targeting mental health issue to focus on the needs to have more programs for students be able to relieve stress, anxiety etc. Let’s Dance Miami is willing to come out to school and host a dance therapy session. They come with their own staff to service big groups. Cost is $100 a session. This will give students that are not active in school programs an opportunity to be apart and uplift spirits in the midst of testing season.

Concerns- There may not be a need for service and would hate to use $800 if students don’t show. We can offer sign up sheet or offer different classes at the end of the day to come and participate to ensure student participation.

Ms. Martin- There is no obligation to use all sessions. If we are only interested in one session that is fine. Open to do the sign up sheet to make sure money is not going to waste. This will be ran through the Ms. Innerarity.

Suggestions: Allocate half of the request, $400 to avoid issues with having to put money back in account. Create a schedule for service to be purposeful in school.

Motioned to accept proposal by Dr. Davis with above suggestion to take place , Seconded by Devine . Unanimous vote: APPROVED

Reports and Updates

Carlie St. Fleur-GEMS
 The board has stepped down. They are looking to find replacements
 Will be hosting a pinning ceremony in March
 Valentine Secret Admire event went well
Devin Saint- Louis GSA
• Live In Color event was pushed back
o Students/and staff dress in one solid color of the rainbow and take a picture

Andre Sawyer ( Band)

• A few students went to Solo and Ensembles and received Superior and Excellent ratings
• Students did well overall
• Recruiting is still taking place. They are working on new ways to get people
• Spring Concert is on the line if we don’t have enough members
• Please encourage your students and peers to try band

Midrac Sidrac(Flag Football)
• First game March 7th
• They are practicing now. They have about 20 girls

Mike Vacher (Track)
• Practice is going on
• Many new people are new so it’s moving slow but chemistry amongst the team is growing.

Faculty and Staff
 Drama

 Become a member
 Invite parents to join
o Gedeon invites Members to come to meeting to see how we can help.

Michelle Currie Williams ( Community)
 Mini term registration has began.
 2 Scholarships are open that offer full admission, encourage students
 Upward bound here at NMB Tuesday and Thursday
o Had a recent event Trio event this past Saturday. Went well
o Week prior a leadership coemption took place with % particpants
o Financial aid expert will be coming to speak to juniors and seniors
o March 12th students will be going to see the Anastasia Play
o March 22 College tour to FAU
 Introduce new Interim Director, Mrs. McDaniel for Talent Search program. Looking to recruit students. More information will be forth coming

Ms. Martin- Second hand store has a variety of items they can come and get. Let students know about it.

• PTSA active. Very excited to have this working to continue to help the students benefit form their services

• We will have a zoom for Senior parents to discuss the different test taking place for the remainder of the year

• Also senior-it is will be mentioned to keep students encouraged to go to class to be able meet graduation requirements.

• School Climate Survey is important because they use it to work on school improvement in July. Info is needed to come up with implementation steps to improve school. Be honest with surveys.

o Mr. Davis needed clarity in reference to a statement made by MR. Bertani: “We have an adult problem” Is this how admin feels about the staff?
 Response: Mr. Bertani is not apart of admin and we as admin do not feel that we have that issue.
o Mr. Davis: Will we have a plan in place to pick up the slack in an official capacity for Activities director. Students are feeling as if the year is lost.
 Ms. Balsano is head for activities and we have a few more people that assist with activities. Students year is not lost, we are still moving on with activities with temporary staff.
o Ms. Martin commented that if there are concerns the climate survey will be the best opportunity to address so admin are aware.
o Dr. Davis opened any concerns to feel free to meet with him so he can address issues as UTD Steward.

UTD – Dr. Davis
 N/A

Next meeting will take place March 30, 2022 @ 2:45pm in room 710. 5 weekley

Motion to adjourn by Brian Davis and seconded by Devine Meeting adjourned at 4:06 pm.