Educational Excellence
School Advisory Council

7541 North Miami Beach Senior High School

Verified EESAC Meeting Minutes for:    04/21/2022  03:00 PM

Please contact the school for a formatted hard copy of these minutes.

Recording Secretary:    Vanessa Celestin

Location of meeting:    North Miami Beach Senior High School Room 710

Was a quorum established?    Yes

Was the meeting advertised?    Yes,  04/05/2022


Members Present:

Ralph Gedeon (Chair/Teacher)
Brian Davis (Teacher)
Vanessa Celestin (Teacher/Secretary)
Rashi Stovall (Teacher/UTD)
Veronica Martin (Vice Chair)

Ashlene Capers (Student)
Jeany Dellinois (Student)
Carlie St. Fleur (Student)
Jeniah Paul (Student)
Devine Saint-Louis (Student)
Brianna Marescot (Student)
Veannie Harris (Student)
Kamarah Layne (Student)
Annabel Nelson (Student)
Abbigail Tenneus (Student)

Members Absent (Excused):

Dr. James Davis (UTD)

Members Absent (Unexcused):

Walter Barnebe (Parent)

Others Present:

Billy Ridore (Administrator)
Rachel Lafrance ( Test Chair)
Keisha Smith (Teacher)
Sebastian Singh (Teacher
Davonna Innerarity (Teacher)
Michelle Currie Williams ( Community)

Topics Covered:

Meeting was called to order by Mr. Gedeon 3:00pm. He welcomed everyone to the meeting, and those in attendance to introduce themselves.

Motion to Approve minutes by B. Davis, Seconded by V Martin.

EESAC Budget - Remaining Balance $5,136.02

Budget still reflects the previous balance because some items have not been deducted from account. Total reflected in account as of today is $15,422. Mr. Gedeon and Ms. Martin will follow up on previous proposals to be completed as soon as possible.

We would need to update bylaws to include timelines for using the money the requested for the future. (Ms. Stovall).

Chairperson will follow up with the district to determine protocols for this issue. Can they cancel their request? If requestor is no longer working here, what happens etc.

Review/Approval of School Improvement Plan (SIP) Phase I & II-Mr. Billy Ridore, AP
No SIP Updates
Next month they should be presented with updates for the End of Year SIP

Funding Request
Ms. Stovall, “Per bylaws, proposals should be submitted to all members as well to review 3 days prior to the meeting.”

Ms. Martin – Informed that during this school year, request is submitted to chair and vice chair 5 days prior to meeting. If members would like to have them as well, we will send them out to you going forward.

Staging our Future (WNMB/NMB Drama Club)- Requesting $3051.81 In need of a projector that is compatible with the size of the auditorium and various cables to improve sound.

They have been working trying to make do with what they have to put on shows, host meetings and other activities that take place in auditorium. It has been extremely difficult and current equipment is on its last string.

Ms. Stovall is very concerned how this is a big issue for the school. The auditorium is significant for the school and administration need to address this issue.

Smith- There is a bond referendum however it continues to be pushed back by the district which is why the auditorium has not been updated. She is drained with the workload of trying to make equipment work and students in the club are also drained.

D. Davis- Shares the same concerns. Feels it is a school issue but feel it will be beneficial for EESAC to step in to remedy a little bit of the problem and continue to apply pressure to get the auditorium updated. He applauds Ms. Smith with her efforts throughout the years in making things happen.

Drape It Down! (Athletics)- Requesting $1590.Athletics is looking to get 100ft pipes and drapes for the school for events that take place. This is an opportunity to enhance the school’s appearance for students during special events. The aesthetic in the school is not enhancing school spirit specifically in. With award ceremonies, activities. This is an opportunity to elevate our student’s experience in school in an effort to build school spirit. The athletics department will be hosting an award ceremony that is open to all students. This will be an opportunity to introduce the new experience.

Ms. Smith- How can the drapes be used in the club fair? There are only 10 sets.
Celestin- Not everyone will need it, but it is an opportunity for clubs to get created without needing to use boarding paper if they wanted too.

Martin- recently had an event and purchased fabric for event that took place in the media center, and it transformed the room. “I can only imagine with a little more funding, what we can do to transform the room” Having drapes inhouse can help replicate those banquets styled events that students can’t afford and gives the experience.

Innerarity- Build memories, builds culture in the school.

Currie-Williams- You said it will be white drapes, are there any consideration of cleaning cost? Do they require dry cleaning? They can be housed in the bins to stay clean. Celestin- we have a washroom here at the school so we wouldn’t need to go through dry cleaning.
Ms. Martin- You are representing athletics will these items be housed under activities or athletics?

Celestin- Being that it is for the whole school, it will have to be housed in activities room. We can create a check out system for them.

B. Davis- Where do most of the events take place in the school?
Celestin- Most clubs will use the library or cafeteria. However, if there is a big event, it usually takes place in the gym.

Stovall-How does drapery effect instruction?

Celestin /Innerarity -It doesn’t affected instruction, but it will help build culture, pride and have them motivated. It will be a domino effect; they will perform better in class because their motivated. If you look good, you will feel good and then you’ll perform better. That’s the goal is to build the pride.

Improving Testing Environment (Testing Department)-
Requesting $$3,315 Looking to get calculators, headphones, and dry erase boards in testing center to support students testing experience. 200 calculators will be enough for 1 administration. About 200 students are tested a day. Current calculators are not functioning, they are old and are not compatible with FSA testing. New calculators will be great because students use these same calculators in their class so they are familiar with it. The calculators

-3 students stated that the calculator provided on the test platform is not helpful and they are unable to work it. Having familiar calculators

Headphones are needed for reading test. They don’t have enough after following covid protocols the previous year. Students were allowed to keep headphones, so more is needed.

Dry erase boards are needed because the test center has been sectioned into 4 areas and each require a board for clock monitoring, session codes etc.

Davis- Does testing apart of budget?
Lafrance- I’ve asked and have been told Funding is an issue. Since she has been working here in 2009, the calculators are the same. The

Davis- Very disheartening. Testing is state mandated, there should be no negotiating with materials needed for testing.

Lafrance- I don’t have access to any budget, all I can do is ask for materials. When I talk to other test coordinators, they require students to bring their own items to testing. They are mimicking the Pearson center for testing

Stovall- Have you taken this request to admin like you did EESAC

I haven’t presented but I have requested and I was told there is no funding
Martin- have a question for administration, are you asking for white boards like this?

Lafrance- Not as big but yes.

since our grades are so important, and it looks like the test center took an eternity to have built. We are still struggling to get it up to part. We have a variety of classrooms that are empty, couldn’t they remove some boards to assist and give you what you are asking for?

I have asked and they have given me a few items from other classrooms. It was a start, but I still need more

The light bulbs in the room, couldn’t we supply you with better lighting to help you? I cannot see EESAC providing you with everything you need to bring that room up to date. This is a band aid, but, if you don’t get these things, have they looked at changing light bulbs to make it feasible?

Lafrance- Lights are fine, and they work when it is all on but the Calculators are the FCAT calculators and not compatible with the test questions. (Mr. Gedeon as a math teacher chimed in to inform the differences)

Smith- Question to admin, who was the architect/designer that took an art studio and turn it into a test room. What was the big picture for the room? Because it doesn’t make sense. She expressed that there are too many band aids that we are putting on to fix problems.

Ridore- The bond money is taking so long to take effect. 2015-2016 was when we were supposed to get things updated, however it is taking longer than expected. We hope that these plans are being pushed this year because the delay has brought bigger problems. He expressed the same sentiments. “How can we get the people to move faster? They have a process and steps that we can’t skip.”

Stovall- The charger alumni, PTSA and other programs should be reached out to help get the ball rolling with progress for our school.

Lafrance – I asked for 500 on the paper but can we get a smaller amount for now to help with testing?

Request Approvals
Stovall- Please keep in mind that EESAC is not the only way to get funding, everyone’s request is not guaranteed. It is all about benefiting the students.

Gedeon- We can not approve everyone because our current balance is not sufficient as of today. But we can come up with suggestions to assist everyone in some way

Mrs. Currie-Williams- What happens if we fund a project that is included in the bond money, can EESAC get it back to use for something else?

Ridore- The bond money is not given to the schools. It is a roundtable discussion and once decisions are made they begin working.

Final solution- We will cut down some of the funding request for items and prioritize the need of the requests. Gedeon and Ms. Martin will follow up with previous requestors and the district to see how to go about the floating money if the requestor no longer is interested. Per Ms. Stovall make sure every thing is in writing.

Improving Testing Environment (Testing Department)–
Approved for 200 calculators and $200 worth of headsets to have them available for testing May 1st. 2200

Motion to approve calculators for testing by Ms. Martin and seconded by Ms. Celestin

Headphones, fund 100 headsets to help alleviate the issue for testing. We can do $200 for the headphones. If the $200 is not enough, the school will have to make arrangements.

Total Approved : $2400

Staging our Future (WNMB/NMB Drama Club)-

Request is a full package. There is no available funds to complete the full request.

Mr. Gedeon proposed to have Drama club to table the request until the next meeting. You will not need to resubmit the proposal, we have it and we will just vote on the request again.
Vote: Agreed


Drape It Down! (Athletics)-
Due to the project timeline and available funds, we have enough to fund your project.
Brian Davis- Does Athletics have funding in their budget to fund some of the charges?
Ms. Innerarity- We are allocated funding for specific things such as uniforms, awards, transportation, location rentals

Voting with majority yes. 1 no
Total Approval :1590.43

Remaining balance in the account should reflect $1,145.59.

Reports and Updates


Jeniah Paul- Drama Club WNMB
• Working on weekly announcements the best the can with limited equipment
• Next week they will participate in Pride Walk
• And they created an earth day

Ashlene Capers-
o Pinning ceremony was yesterday.
o Working on applications for new members

o April 26 is the next meeting
o have a new president
• Key Club
• Project Fit
• Upward Bound-
• Saturday Virtual session
o They have dual enrollment
o And Summer upward bound that student scan get $900(corrected by Mrs, Currie Williams)

Faculty and Staff
 Martin
o Secondhand store is open on Fridays and free
o Plenty of items from shoes and clothes
o Located in room 105 by the vending machine
 Mr. Davis
o April 8th is our major retake pictures for yearbook
o Club, students and teachers are open
Community Mrs. Currie Williams
• Currently recruiting for summer program. Last year they had a good turn out
• Opportunity for student stop be on campus for 6 weeks
• Transportation and lunch will be provided
• Fields trips and various courses available
o Waterpark
o Frost Museum
Contact Currie Williams or Ambassador Ashlene for info

Martin- Is the transportation from NMB to Miami Dade?
Gedeon- Do you have any flyers for our social media and the school?
Yes, I will email them. Who can I send it to?
Send to Ms. Balsano (info provided)

Carlie St. Fleur
• Officers are stepping down
• Has a successor and plans to train her for the position.

Ms. Celestin- Wrapping up our spring season with sports.
We will have the

• Upcoming steward elections possibly on April 27th

• Milliken is out of the state he is at the Magnet school of America on behalf of NMB with a teacher
• Very proud of Gems recent event in the media center. Ms. Martin made it look really nice and it was a great experience
• We had the Baseball Classics at the Marlins Stadium, We lost but the students represented us well

Next meeting will take place May 12th or 17th @ 2:45pm in room 710.

Motion to adjourn by Brian Davis and seconded by Carlie St. Fleur Meeting adjourned at 4:56.