Educational Excellence
School Advisory Council

7541 North Miami Beach Senior High School

Verified EESAC Meeting Minutes for:    12/14/2022  02:45 PM

Please contact the school for a formatted hard copy of these minutes.

Recording Secretary:    Alexander Burger (Teacher/Secretary)

Location of meeting:    North Miami Beach SHS 1247 NE 167th Street, NMB, FL 33167 Room 710

Was a quorum established?    Yes

Was the meeting advertised?    Yes,  12/04/2022


Members Present:

Milliken, Randy (Principal)
Fray, Beulah R (Alternate Principal)

Davis, James (Union Steward)
Burger, Alexander M (Teacher)
Gedeon, Ralph R (Teacher)
Leroy, Christel K (Teacher)
Martin, Veronica (Teacher)
Stovall, Rashi (Teacher)
Hepburn-Murray, Darien R (Alternate Teacher/Paraprofessional)

Capers, Ashlene-Em (Student)
Pierre-Louis, Kellycha (Student)
Currie-Williams, Michelle (Business/Community Representative)

Members Absent (Excused):

No one had an excused absence.

Members Absent (Unexcused):

Clerizier, Edma (Educational Support Employee)
Magny, Arielle (Alternate Educational Support)
Bernabe, Walter (Parent)
Moscova, Geanne (Parent)
Correa, Veronica (Alternate Parent)

Delinois, Jeany G (Student)
Francois, Briandith (Student)
Jonas, Shermaelle T (Student)
Raudales, Gively (Student)
Sadrac, Midrac M (Student)
Sawyer, Andre (Student)
Ermulda, Fortune (Alternate Student)

Others Present:

Ortila Stephania (Student)
Sermoit, Erika (Student)
Piemico, Theressa (Student)
Handwerger, Yocheud G. (Student)
Jean Baotiste, Jackson (Student)
Joseph, Jasmin (Student)

Topics Covered:

EESAC Budget - Remaining Balance $10,863.13

The quorum started at 3:10

1. Welcome/Introductions
2. Review and approval of the prior minutes
a. Ms. Hepburn-Murray motions to approve and Mr. Gedeon seconds as well as Ms. Leroy.
3. Review and update of bylaws
a. No updates
4. SIP review
a. No new updates but after the new year comes the instructional review at which point there will be updates to the sip
5. Title one
a. No updates
6. Review budget
a. Old budget was 6,733.88.
b. New budget is $1732.04
c. Dr. Davis sees a discrepancy in the funding report
d. “There’s a $1000 difference so was there a change?”
i. The board will continue the conversation later to review and verify the figures in the funding report.
7. Reports and updates
a. Students
i. Andre Sawyer, SGA liaison for the class of 2024, reported that the class is working on a GED fundraiser and planning a junior branch similar to the seniors' SEO breakfast. The goal is to raise $3000 by the end of the year, and the class board meeting tomorrow will finalize the details. The marching band will also be performing at the Greenhouse Park Elementary holiday show today.
ii. Annabel Nelson, treasurer for HOSA, has recently submitted their product projects to a competition in order to fundraise for selling snacks. They are waiting on the results to see if they can level up to a higher competition. Additionally, they have started EKG and CMA classes, and are working on their respective curriculum
iii. The Student Government Association (SGA) has been busy this December, decorating bulletin boards, planning a spirit week with proceeds donated to Toys for Tots, selling holiday candy grams, and collaborating with Key Club to do a toy drive for Joe DiMaggio Children's Hospital.
iv. FBLA has attended a leadership breakfast and registered members for competition. The Woman of Tomorrow organization recently held a meeting to discuss forgiveness and will have a follow-up meeting on December 19 to discuss career interests.
v. GEMS are planning to attend a musical on January 5th, after completing classes and activities related to the holiday season. They will also be receiving checks on December 21st.
vi. “Hello everyone I'm representing Flagettes. yes we are currently working on Greynold’s Park with elementary parks Shortly after school “
vii. Kaya is representing track and field which is preparing for the upcoming season by training and deciding which events they will compete in, with Kaya running and doing javelin.
viii. “Hello, my name is Jackson and I'm representing 5000 models as of right now. We don't have anything planned to do right now. We're just we're still getting members. “
b. PTSA/parents
i. Chipotle night on January 25 from 4-8 pm.
c. Community
i. Mr. Milliken: MDC hosted a boot camp for test prep.
ii. Mr. Milliken- looking into incorporating coursework in the school programs.
iii. MDC will offer help to apply for FAFSA.
d. faculty/staff
i. Dr. Davis- The college tour has 86 students currently attending and will meet the goal of taking two buses for the first year.
1. 6 colleges throughout the tour.
2. Andre and Annabel are attending the college tour.
3. Mr. Milliken- is giving advice to the students about their college. opportunities but will not be attending the tour.
a. “The kids are going to get to see a variety of schools that will fit them.
b. Ms. Balsano and Sgt. Challenger will attend the tour as well.
Admin- Mr. Milliken
ii. Geometry, PM2 in progress.
iii. Math Benchmark testing.
iv. Biology benchmark testing.
1. Mr. Milliken: What was our proficiency? 82 was our percent correct?
v. Saturday academy this weekend and winter academy during the 2nd week of the holiday break.
vi. Holiday cookout event for staff appreciation.
vii. Mr. Milliken encourages students to complete the income survey to receive waivers for the ACT/SAT.
1. MDC will offer dates to assist in completing the applications.
a. anybody who wants to sign in and see those can just go into the MDC website and type in financial aid at North Campus.
e. UTD- Dr. Davis
i. Congrats to Milliken for nomination for the principal of the year.
ii. Union monthly meeting is Dec. 15 (virtually held).
iii. Mr. Ramirez was voted Teacher of the Year.
iv. Ms. Jonas was voted Rookie Teacher of the Year
v. Ms. Mac was voted Paraprofessional of the Year.
8. Next meeting date
a. Thursday, January 26 at 2:45.
9. Motion to adjourn by Ms. Martin and second by Ms. Leroy at 3:45.