Educational Excellence
School Advisory Council

7541 North Miami Beach Senior High School

Verified EESAC Meeting Minutes for:    04/26/2005  05:10 PM

Please contact the school for a formatted hard copy of these minutes.

Recording Secretary:    Veronica Martin

Location of meeting:    North Miami Beach Senior HIgh School- Media Center

Was a quorum established?    Yes

Was the meeting advertised?    Yes,  04/19/2005


Members Present:

WERTHER, WENDI (Union Steward)
ROSS, MARLA (Teacher)
WEINBERG, JUDITH (Alternate Teacher/Paraprofessional)
SINGH, ADELL (Educational Support Employee)
WEINBERG, CAROLYN (Alternate Educational Support)
PERRIN, CAROL (Alternate Parent)
YEE, SANDRA (Student)
PIERRE, FARADIA (Alternate Student)
STAUFFER, PATTI (Business/Community Representative)

Members Absent (Excused):

Harris, Trevor
Singh, Adell
Weinberg, Carolyn

Members Absent (Unexcused):

No one had an unexcused absence.

Others Present:

Williams, Adrena ( Assistant Principal)

Topics Covered:

North Miami Beach Senior High School
September 29, 2005
Media Center
This meeting was called to order at 2:55 PM.
1. The April 26 and May 11 minutes were approved, with corrections.
2. Mrs. Williams explained that our SIP (School Improvement Plan) will be discussed with department heads on October 5 and presented to the Access Center at 8:00 AM, October 7. Wendy Werther suggested that our seventh period parent teacher meetings be highlighted as well as NMB’s channel # 77 being broadcast in English, Spanish and Creole.
3. Mr. Sardinas introduced two of our student representatives, Sandra Ye and Christopher Oliveira. He and Mr. Fontana also noted a strongly attended Open House.
4. The school’s website is being updated section by section by Mr. Luzardo.

Old Business

5. Mr. Fontana gave an update on our request to make Adult Education an independent NMB entity and said we have Mr. Ridore as the new Adult Ed principal.
6. Mr. Fontana received the status of our free and reduced lunch initiative: A new law says that one lunch form per family ensures that all siblings, even at different schools get credit. We hope to know by the third week of October, if we will be classified as a Title 1 School.
7.We are still asking Walmart to sponsor a new elective marquis said Mr. Fontana.
8. Ms. Stauffer asked how are security guard issues been resolved. Mr. Fontana explained that as of Monday, October 3rd, he will be hiring four more guards, increasing our team of eight to a total of twelve; also the school board will be starting a formal security monitor training program, due to be appointed at the next board meeting. Ms. Werther and Mr. Sardinas asked that the guards have direct input to EESAC and they will receive a formal invitation to attend the next meeting. Sharon and Troy, as senior guards, will specifically be asked to participate.

7. Wendy Werther asked how we are fulfilling Dr. Crew’s request for school
communication with parents and the community. Open House’s Resource Fair and the Bilingual Outreach Program are being done. Suggestions for improvement:
o The newspaper’s “School Scene” (Mrs. Nelson-Goedert)
o Phone System (“Telesoft”) calls (Faradia Pierre)
o Cable Channel #77 “Nmb News” can advertise events like Back to School and our clinic. Programing should be in English, Spanish, and Creole.
o Promote channel #77 on the in school news, on the outside marquis and NMB’s website (Mr. K Achille)
o tap into parent-support groups. Perhas an integrated board should be formed with representation from each group, such as BEAM and Band (Ashlanda Marti)
8. Mr. Kennedy Achille reported on the bands’ increased membership and requested funds for repair and purchase of new instruments. Mr. Fontana said his request cannot be addressed until an updated instrument inventory is turned in and Mr. Sardinas said his new request must include exact needs and dollar amounts.
9. Ms. Martin requested that Ms. Williams turn in EESAC member request forms for Master Plan Points.
10. Mr. Fontana will supply the school’s painter with the names of the “teachers of the year” so their “apples” can be added to the permanent mural.
11. Ms. Nelson-Goedert and Ms. Williams asked for asked for verification of the EESAC roster, due September 30, 2005:

Chair Carlos Sardinas, Vice Chair Wendi Werther and Secretary, Marla Ross were nominated and approved.

12. Ms. Nelson-Goedert requested that EESAC meetings include a rotation of day and night meetings to accommodate working parents. The motion and dates were approved unanimously. The meetings (the fourth Thursday of each month) are as follows:

2:45 October 27
6:00 November 17 (3rd Thursday)
2:45 December 15
6:00 January 26 (’06)
2:45 February 23
6:00 March 23
2:45 April 27
6:00 May 18

13. Ms. Werther’s request for a school “discipline” committees cannot be addressed as the details are available to the schools yet, said Mr. Fontana.

Meeting adjoined at 4:10 p.m.