Educational Excellence
School Advisory Council

7541 North Miami Beach Senior High School

Verified EESAC Meeting Minutes for:    03/14/2023  02:45 PM

Please contact the school for a formatted hard copy of these minutes.

Recording Secretary:    Alexander Burger

Location of meeting:    Rm. 710

Was a quorum established?    Yes

Was the meeting advertised?    Yes,  03/03/2023


Members Present:

Alexander Burger (Teacher/Secretary)

Stephania Ortila

Ralph Gedeon (Chair/Teacher)

Jasmine Jospeh

Randy Milliken (Principal)

Ashlene Capers

Rashi Stovall (Teacher/UTD)

Emily Jimenez

Veronica Martin (Vice Chair)

Roxana Solis

Rickel Platon

Kellycha Pierre Louis

Jasmin Joseph

Members Absent (Excused):

Christel Leroy (Teacher)

D. Hepburn-Murray (Teacher)

Dr. James Davis (UTD)

Members Absent (Unexcused):

No one had an unexcused absence.

Others Present:

Arlene Phillip (Community)

Topics Covered:

EESAC Budget - Remaining Balance $7,483.04

I. Welcome – Mr. Gedeon EESAC Chair

· Quorum at 2:55

A. Introductions

II. Review and Approval of prior minutes

A. February 23, 2023

B. Ms. Martin motions to accept the minutes from February and Andre Sawyer seconds the motion

III. Late/Evening EESAC Meeting

A. Mr. Gedeon explains that we need host an EESAC meeting in the late afternoon or evening so that parents can attend the EESAC meeting at a more convenient time.

B. Mr. Gedeon proposes to set a date on a night when parents will already be in the building for another school related event.

IV. Mid-Year SIP Review – Ms. Fray-AP

A. History and Biology topic assessments

B. PM 2 data received accolades during the data conference

V. Title One - Ms. Fray -AP

A. No new updates

VI. Alternate supplement model, block schedule, and SSRI (Result from Votes) – Mr. Milliken

A. All three items passed with an overwhelming majority

VII. Review Budget and Approval of Funding Requests Balance from $7,143.04

A. No Funding Request

B. Keyboards have been purchased but the funds were not removed from the account.

VIII. Report & Updates

A. Students

1. The class of 2024 junior brunch was hugely successful on March 10th. 80 students attended.

1. The class of 2024 is trying to get ahead of the fundraising they are going to need to do for senior year.

2. Mr. Milliken compliments Andre on his performance as MC at the brunch.

2. Band

1. The first concert band evaluations in a long time were last month. The band received.


1. Had a guest speaker

2. Pinning Ceremony

4. Upward Bound.

1. March 24

2. Trio Day had a

B. PTSA & parents

C. Community

1. Upward bound at palm beach college

2. Financial literacy for 9-10 grade

3. 6-week summer program dates have been set for June to July 28

4. MDC started recruiting for Upcoming freshman.

5. Mr. Gedeon asks the MDC representatives to elaborate on the different sports involved in MDC

D. Faculty & Staff

1. Ms. Martin shares how she was impressed with the performances from the open mic, which was hosted during lunch on March 14.

2. Ms. Leroy-Peralta shares details about a meeting the freshman class is hosting in room 104.

3. Dr. Davis shares information on the college tour and asks students to share their experiences .

1. One student shared that the highlight of the trip was meeting different sports coaches from different schools.

2. Another student, Julissa, shares that FAMU was the highlight of her trip. At first, she didn’t even consider FAMU but now she is considering majoring in Criminal Justice there.

3. Chantal shares that she wasn’t motivated to go to college because she didn’t have exposure in her home but after the tour. Now she wants to be the first generation, from her family, to attend college.

4. Andre shares he had a lot of fun moments and was happy to choose their roommates during the tour. This helped him get a better understanding of his peers. Andre discusses his interests when it comes to PWIs (Predominantly White Institutions) and HBCUs (Historically Black Colleges and Universities). Andre Shares what he learned about things to avoid in college.

4. Dr. Davis shares he was surprised because of so many students who wanted to attend the college tour.

E. Administration

1. Dr. Lawrence, visited NMB as a guest speaker today, March 14.

1. Mr. MIlliken elaborates on the accomplishments of Dr. Lawrence.

1. “He's been a publisher of seven different newspapers the late he retired from the Miami Herald and 1999.”

2. “Just to give you some perspective of what this guy has done and seen. He's had dinner or conversation with every president since Nixon. Wow. And that's including Biden.”

3. “ I think it was a great opportunity for our kids to hear somebody who had a great deal of experience.”

2. Dr. Davis shares his experience with the conversation with Dr. Lawrence and his thoughts on contemporary civil rights issues.

1. “ I had a chance to see this man as someone who is still relevant in terms of his thinking in terms of what's going on.”

2. “ He's still concerned with the injustice and things that plague us, as a minority community.”

2. Dr. Gallon and NMB are hosting a Student of the Month celebration on March 14 in the Auditorium.

3. Interventions for upcoming assessments are being offered at the school.

1. Pushing for graduation readiness scores across all grades.

4. Spring break academy next week, March 20-24 from 9 AM to 12 PM.


1. No updates from UTD

IX. Next Meeting Date

1. April 27 at 2023 pending the late meeting

2. Ms. Martin motions to end the meeting. Ms. Stovall Seconds the motion.