Educational Excellence
School Advisory Council

7541 North Miami Beach Senior High School

Verified EESAC Meeting Minutes for:    11/10/2023  02:45 PM

Please contact the school for a formatted hard copy of these minutes.

Recording Secretary:    Alexander Burger

Location of meeting:    Rm. 710

Was a quorum established?    Yes

Was the meeting advertised?    Yes,  11/01/2023


Members Present:

Milliken, Randy (Principal)
Fray, Beulah R (Alternate Principal)
Davis, James (Union Steward)
Burger, Alexander M (Teacher)
Gedeon, Ralph R (Teacher)
Leroy, Christel K (Teacher)
Martin, Veronica (Teacher)
Stovall, Rashi (Teacher)
Hepburn-Murray, Darien R (Alternate Teacher/Paraprofessional)
Clerizier, Edma (Educational Support Employee)
Magny, Arielle (Alternate Educational Support)
Bernabe, Walter (Parent)
Moscova, Geanne (Parent)
Correa, Veronica (Alternate Parent)
Capers, Ashlene-Em (Student)
Delinois, Jeany G (Student)
Francois, Briandith (Student)
Jonas, Shermaelle T (Student)
Pierre-Louis, Kellycha (Student)
Raudales, Gively (Student)
Sadrac, Midrac M (Student)
Sawyer, Andre (Student)
Ermulda, Fortune (Alternate Student)
Currie-Williams, Michelle (Business/Community Representative)

Members Absent (Excused):

D. Hepburn-Murray (Teacher)

Members Absent (Unexcused):

No one had an unexcused absence.

Others Present:

John Roe

Livan Diaz Martell

Jeb Handwerber

Topics Covered:

I. Welcome

Chairperson: Mr. Gedeon, EESAC Chair.

Introductions: Meeting commenced at 2:54 p.m., with a quorum confirmed. Attendees introduced themselves.

II. Review and Approval of Prior Minutes (October 12, 2023)

Motion: Approved, moved by Ms. Stoval, seconded by Ms. Leroy Peralta.

III. Review of EESAC Roster and Bylaws

Discussion: Proposal to amend Item L was considered, but it was decided to leave the bylaws unchanged. Motion to accept current bylaws was made and approved.

IV. SIP Review

Presenter: Ms. Fray, Assistant Principal.

Focus: The focus is on planning, communication, and engagement with language learners. Emphasis was placed on collaborative planning and the use of exit tickets to target standard-aligned instruction. The review also highlighted the importance of investing in supports for ELL (English Language Learner) students.

V. Title One

Presenter: Ms. Fray.

Content: Discussion on the Family Engagement Plan and insights into the parent meeting for Title One. The plan aims to ensure continued engagement of parents in their children's education and inform them about Title One provisions.

VI. PFEP Implementation

Motion: Mr. Burger moved to accept the PFEP implementation, and Ms. Stovall seconded the motion. The focus was on engaging parents and families effectively in the school community.

VII. Review Budget and Approval of Funding Requests

Budget Correction: Corrected to $10,689.13.

Library Project Proposal: Mr. Roe proposed funding for a color printer/copier for library use, intended for both student and faculty use. The discussion covered maintenance, ink, and paper costs. The proposal expanded to include a total of $2,000, covering the printer, ink, and paper. The formation of a committee to oversee the printer's usage was stipulated as a requirement for the motion's approval.

Special Requests by Mr. Milliken: Ms. Martin proposed allocating $2,999 for incentives for both students and staff, to be used for various purposes including food and awards. The motion was accepted, moved by Ms. Stoval, and seconded by Ms. Leroy Peralta.

VIII. Reports & Updates


Key Club: Successful food and can drive; plans for a statewide convention and collaborative efforts with other clubs.

NHS: Thanksgiving clothes drive and upcoming school and park cleanups.

Class of 2025: Junior brunch with a potential masquerade theme; fundraising and community service activities.

Women of Tomorrow (WOT): Focus on college readiness, etiquette, and medical field interests.

GEMS: Activities during Breast Cancer month; fundraising achievement for a field trip.

Project Fit: Thanksgiving celebration event.

Boys Soccer: First win of the year; plans for fundraising for team gear.

Faculty & Staff

Ms. Leroy Peralta (Flagettes Sponsor): Auxiliaries preparing for tryouts and parade season; Class of 2026 event planning.

Mr. Diaz: Collaborative event with the police department.

Ms. Martin: Food drive with Feeding South Florida; planning a physical pantry at school and culinary arts program integration.


Mr. Milliken discussed career day, student behavior at lunch, construction updates, academic assessments, and outreach to feeder schools. He also emphasized the importance of teacher and staff recognitions.

IX. Next Meeting Date

Scheduled for: Wednesday, December 13, 2023, at 2:45 p.m. in room 710. Motion to adjourn was made and seconded.